Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 136 Shimen Lu Family

Old Ma, you don't look right! As he was about to set off, Lin Jiu noticed a hint of worry in Ma Xianhong.

It's nothing... I just hope it's not a bad result! Ma Xianhong thought that the form in which Lu Liang used the Bright Soul Technique looked familiar. I hope it won't be the worst outcome he imagined, otherwise he won't know how to deal with it!

Ma Xianhong explained to the people in the village, and then set off with Lin Jiu. He left in the distance as a crowd of villagers watched, including the contractors of Biyou Village.

Is there still such an operation?

I'm sorry! This guy just kidnapped the village chief. What should we do?

Is this the operation of high-end contractors! You can't learn it, you can't learn it!

What should we do now? Try our luck at the Luotian Dajiao?

Go on your own! That place is much more dangerous than Biyou Village!

It can be seen that many villagers are reluctant to leave you, Old Ma! Lin Jiu looked back at the contractors with different expressions and smiled at Ma Xianhong.

Then it seems that I, the village chief, am not too bad! Ma Xianhong also smiled.

Lu Liang: Aren’t you two nervous at all? The three of us are going to challenge a ten-man force!

Lin Jiu: Three people?

Ma Xianhong: Excluding combat power, there is nothing wrong with it!

What kind of energy is this? It feels completely different from Qi! Ma Xianhong, who was sitting next to Lin Jiu, noticed the spiritual energy attached to his palms while leaning against the window.

Lin Jiuzai is trying to make it more precise, just like a rubber glove, turning it from a dishwashing glove into a surgical glove.

The essence of Qi is an abstract life energy, which is divided into innate Qi and acquired Qi. The innate Qi is the same as heaven, and the acquired Qi is the same as human beings!

Innate Qi has the power of rebirth and represents the quality of life. The acquired Qi, which is capable of strengthening the body, gathers in the lower Dantian and flows into the meridians, nourishing the internal organs and limbs, singing the moving march of life.

Therefore, innate Qi represents aptitude, and through acquired practice, one can also prolong life! However, acquired Qi cannot completely replenish and prevent the loss of innate Qi, and life will eventually come to an end.

The third level of reverse birth of the Trinity Sect pursues the reversal of one's Qi into the innate Qi, so that one can reach the realm of immortal.

And Ma Xianhong saw in Lin Jiu's hands energy that was completely different from the two types of Qi, innate and acquired. The existence of Qi is the criterion for judging whether he is a stranger, but the current situation makes Ma Xianhong a little confused.

Lin Jiu frowned and looked at the spiritual energy dissipating in his hand. First of all, the amount was not enough for him to operate for a long time, and secondly, his mastery was not enough. I hope his gains in the Lu family will not disappoint him!

Lujia Village, Shimen City, Hebei Province.

Lujia is a village that is neither poor nor backward, but extremely closed. Status is determined by superpowers, and those who are not suitable for Qi refining can manage the family's property, but they have no say in the family at all. Even if a few non-foreigners leave the village, they cannot cut off their ties with the family.

All behaviors are subject to village control, especially marriage. Most of the people in the village have the surname Lu, and the few with foreign surnames are all male, including those families who have left the village. The Lu family only recruits sons-in-law. The village treats these son-in-laws very favorably materially, but their status should be the lowest in the village.

With Lu Liang leading the way, they soon found the location of Lujia Village. Located deep in the Taihang Mountains, the village layout is centered on the ancient buildings, and the houses expand to the surroundings in order of time!

In the outermost circle, the houses similar to modern buildings are usually the residences of villagers who have no talent for refining energy. And most of the time there is no one living there because these people are out running their family business.

Tsk tsk, the environment in your Lujia Village is not bad! But it's a little worse than my Biyou Village! Ma Xianhong, Lin Jiu, and Lu Liang stood on a distant peak, looking at the situation in Lujia Village.

The landscape of Lujia Village shows a strong sense of hierarchy. The internal spatial order of the village is not homogenized, but is displayed in a hierarchical manner, manifested in multiple levels such as the surrounding areas outside the village, the edges of the village, and the residential courtyards in the village. Obviously, the tower-like buildings set up near the village were used for warning.

Being able to use multiple magic weapons to condense into a barrier, only Ma Xianhong's Biyou Village, who is proficient in magical techniques, can do this.

Don't worry, wait until dark, it will be easier to move after all! Lin Jiu found a big stone to sit down on and said to the two of them.

Lu Liang looked at the other party's extremely natural look. He knew how many times he had acted at night! Ma Xianhong looked thoughtful and found a place to sit down.

It's getting dark!

Ma Xianhong stood up, took out three pairs of red monoculars from his pouch, put on one himself, and handed the other two to Lin Jiu and Lu Liang.

Let's use this to find out what's going on inside first! Ma Xianhong said, releasing a fly-like trap to fly towards Lujia Village.

This flying insect can transmit the monitored images and sounds through the red monocular worn by the user! It is also possible to have two-way conversations with the person being monitored, and it is possible to dispatch multiple animals at one time to form multiple images on the monocular for surveillance!

It's so interesting! I'm starting to like following you, Master Chi! Even in Quanxing, it's hard to experience these magical things! After Lu Liang was no longer worried about his life, he gradually felt that the Rebirth Cult seemed pretty good. He is interested in these new and interesting things!

This one with stone walls, horizontal wooden beams and gray tile roof, which looks like a courtyard, is the Lu family ancestral hall...and there is the Sun and Moon Tower! The peak at the back is called Sun Viewing Peak, where the head of the Lu family is used to standing. Overlooking the entire Lujia Village from there... Lu Liang introduced these locations to them from the perspective of flying insects.


Whoa, a stone flew over and smashed the flying insect into pieces. Lin Jiu and the others lost their sight. But finally I saw the face of the person who threw the stone.

That's my second uncle Lu Xiao. Although he failed to awaken the Ming Soul Technique, his Ruyi Jin is the true legacy of Lu Ci! Lu Liang, being a rebel, did not forget to introduce it to Lin Jiu and the others.

Let's go to Sun View Peak! Lin Jiu and the others quickly approached the high mountain peak behind the Lu family ancestral hall.

Lu Xiao immediately informed Lu Ci of the invasion, and Lujia Village was immediately put on alert. Whenever Lu Ci thinks someone is trying to do something detrimental to his family, he will act crazy! Lin Jiu and the others' intrusive behavior was already obvious and he didn't need to think about it!

Find this thief who is spying on our Lu family as quickly as possible! Under Lu Ci's instructions, the Lu family village was suddenly brightly lit, and all the strangers turned on their lights, looking for the unknown intruder.

It won't take long for them to find Lin Jiu's trio who have no hidden secrets on Guanri Peak.

At this moment, Lin Jiu's trio had actually met someone on Guanri Peak. When this person saw Lin Jiushi, he was surprised and curious at first. Then when he saw Lu Liang and Ma Xianhong next to him, his expression turned into shock!

Moreover, the change when seeing Ma Xianhong was greater than when seeing Lu Liang! Not many people in the outside world know Ma Xianhong now. Even Lu Ci didn't understand it, let alone a stranger from the Lu family! Then the result is obvious, this is a contractor!

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