Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 1592 Mutated Variants

After Lin Jiu returned from the soul world, he went to the research room of the institute to take over the ghosts and alien species sent by the empire officials. He knew almost all about ghosts. He only took a few glances and noticed that these ghosts were controlled by a certain device. The core principle of this device is to lock the soul energy so that the ghost cannot return to the soul world after being captured.

This device did not come from their Soul Research Society. It was a device that was born a long time ago, and it was also one of the first devices to use soul power. Moreover, it was developed by the official empire, which further proves that the higher-ups definitely possess some intelligence information related to the soul world.

According to Lin Jiu's perception, the soul power contained in these ghosts sent over was far less powerful than the ghost that attacked him before. Lin Jiu could judge that the higher the strength of the soul before it was transformed into a ghost, and the stronger the willpower, the stronger the soul ghost it finally became. The ghosts of that level who attacked him were most likely born after the death of extraordinary beings with the strength of the Soul Team members.

What deserves Lin Jiu's attention more is the alien species. This is the first time he has seen alien species, and they are even more bizarre. As Lin Jiu had guessed before, the alien species were all physical entities, roughly humanoid, but with the characteristics of monsters, such as feathers, scales, etc.

These non-human characteristics are not mutations in flesh and blood, Lin Jiu can sense them, they are the result of the distortion of soul power filled with negative energy.

The aliens sent by the empire were all sluggish and extremely weak. Lin Jiu could not judge the strength of these guys at their peak. Like ghosts, alien soul energy is so tightly integrated with negative energy that it is impossible to separate and peel it off, and is even more difficult to deal with than ghosts.

Ghosts are equivalent to soul energy building the body, negative energy filling the core, and then the two merge with each other. The alien species is the continuous distortion and fusion of the two energies, which is even more difficult. Whether they are ghosts or alien species, the source of their birth is the combination of soul + negative energy. Lin Jiu had seen the powerful ghost ghost that could attack from the soul world to the material world. He also wanted to see another mutant species that reminded Samsara Paradise of danger.

After studying these mutant species, Lin Jiu was mentally prepared for dangerous mutant species. He is not a research genius like his predecessor, but he has a more unique advantage. Just like he can travel to the soul world through soul imprints to directly study the soul world and ghosts, Lin Jiu is also an expert in negative energy.

After summoning Honglian, the two of them studied and discussed, and came to the conclusion that in addition to the strength of the soul before alienation, the strength of the alien species also has a lot to do with negative energy. It can be said that the core of monsters such as ghosts focuses more on the power of the soul, so in contrast to alien species, the influence of negative energy will be greater.

After they divide the strengths and weaknesses of several alien species, they will notice that the fewer types of negative energy in the body, the stronger the alien species. It's not that the less negative energy, the stronger the strength, but the fewer types. Of course, this naturally refers to the situation at the same energy level.

There are many kinds of negative energy, and the purer the negative energy that is fused with the twisted soul of the alien species, the more advanced the alien monster will be. After combining the characteristics of negative energy concentration in these mutants, Lin Jiu and Honglian analyzed what kind of existence the mutant mutants were.

Mutated mutants should be the kind of mutants whose twisted souls incorporate pure and single negative energy. According to the type, they can be called arrogant mutants, gluttonous mutants, etc., collectively referred to as original sin mutants.

As for why this type of variant is said to be a mutant variant. Mutation in biology refers to heritable changes in genetic material beyond gene isolation and recombination, that is, unexpected changes. The negative energy contained in the human soul has always been complex and diverse, intertwined and fused. When pure negative energy appears and merges into the twisted soul, it is naturally a change beyond development. It is called a mutant, and there is nothing wrong with it at all.

According to their research results, if a mutant species appears within the sensing range, Lin Jiu will discover it as soon as possible. Maybe Guren's discovery of mutants will catch up with him.

At this time, outside Yuling City, the soul team led by the cute girl encountered a different kind of alien species, which was the so-called mutant species.

This mutant has extremely hard scales on its body, a terrifying big mouth filled with sharp and terrifying teeth, and sharp thorns growing under its abdomen, making it intimidating. If Lin Jiu or Hong Lian were present, they would be able to sense the strong jealousy negative energy from this guy.

Mutant! Among the soul team, the one who reacted the most was Yi, the most restrained one. Because others had only heard of the existence of mutant mutants, but Yi had personally faced mutant mutants. It was also at that time that the distortion of his soul increased significantly. If he hadn't met Lin Jiu, it probably wouldn't have taken long. Either become a monster or die.

Others had also heard about the dangers of mutants and suddenly became serious. The cute girl's expression is very calm. This monster is indeed dangerous, but it is still within the scope of her abilities. With the support of the soul team around her, it will not be too difficult to solve it.

When they encountered the mutant species, a new reminder appeared in the cute girl's ears, and she received an additional side mission, which made her eyes light up. The appearance of the terrifying and ferocious mutant species in front of her looked quite pleasing to the eye. .

Mr. Amy, the latest research findings were handed over to the parliamentarians. How did they react? Lin Jiu compiled his research on the soul world, including speculation, into a document and submitted it to the Supreme Council through Amy. , now that Amy appeared in front of him, there was obviously feedback.

Ms. Chris Treat would like to meet with you. The meeting place will be at the manor in the East End. Amy conveyed Chris Treat's invitation to meet.

Is Ms. Chris only representing herself? Lin Jiu looked at Amy with a smile. This Chris Treat was one of the members of the Supreme Council. The appointment did not go beyond Lin Jiu's expectation. Even if it wasn't her, another member would come forward.

What Lin Jiu cares more about is the identity of the congressman meeting him. If it is private, it may be a side mission or a hidden mission. If it is a normal mission world, Lin Jiu does not care about the other party's position, even if it is a side mission, it will not be a loss.

But now we are on the awakening mission, and everything else has to stand aside. The result that the other party invited him to meet as a member of the parliament was what Lin Jiu wanted to see.

Facing Lin Jiu's gaze, Amy felt a lot of pressure, but she was a professional after all. She quickly adjusted her mentality and said to Lin Jiu with a smile: Ms. Chris's position depends on the meeting with Mr. Chiyou. …”

Amy's meaning was very clear. In order for Councilmember Chris to communicate with Lin Jiu on behalf of the Supreme Council, she must show sufficient value during the meeting. But it doesn't matter, if Lin Jiu is given a chance to meet, then life or death will be decided...well, it refers to the other party.

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