It's them. Lin Jiu used mechanical insects to find traces of the Apocalypse Contractors team passing by in the mountains and forests. After getting close, he locked their location through perception. It was judged that it was a ten-man team, which was slightly smaller than the team he had just solved. This meant that the overall average quality of the contractors in this team was higher, but to Lin Jiu, there was no difference.

Lin Jiu put on the illusion created by Dashus and changed his appearance. He also took off his sun armor and changed into ordinary clothes. The Dawn Bird in his hand switched to the form of a spear, and he walked towards the entrance of the mine with the spear in hand.

This is a complete team. If Lin Jiu wants to get rid of the redundant contractors without revealing his identity, it is perfect for him to appear as a spear master. When the surviving contractors join his team, everyone in the team will have their own strengths, so they will naturally not arouse suspicion.

The group of people who found and determined the source of the mine walked out of the mine talking and laughing. The contractor who was protected by everyone suddenly received a notification from the equipment on his body.

There seems to be a high-energy reaction ahead... Hiss~ Everyone, be careful, the enemy is...


Before the contractor had finished speaking, a spear zoomed in their sights at a rapid speed. The surrounding contractors could not react at all. The spear had already penetrated the contractor's body. The explosion's soul damage caused the contractor to die instantly. .

Lin Jiu's figure slowly appeared in front of the remaining nine people. He couldn't let this guy tell him how dangerous he was. This would make these guys drill into the mine without confronting him. This would be very dangerous. Troublesome.

Enemy attack! The leader of the contractor had very good combat skills. He immediately organized the surrounding combat contractors together and intercepted the contractor who had just died, just to prevent Lin Jiu from retrieving the weapon. .

A guy with short hair, holding a shield the size of two people in both hands, stood in the front. You can see that there is a black energy shield on the surface of the metal shield. It is estimated that some skill has been activated, and it has two layer of protection.

But it was of no use. Lin Jiu rushed forward and kicked the metal shield suddenly. The shield would not be shattered directly, but the energy shield on the surface was shattered instantly. The huge force made the contractor unable to hold the shield tightly in his hand, and he suddenly lost his center of gravity and leaned back.

Lin Jiu ignored the human shield contractor and continued to rush in the direction of his spear. It's not that when dealing with these contractors, whether they have a spear is particularly important, but it is to make the other party's contractors think that whether they have a spear is very important to him.

Only when there are flaws in his body can these five combat contractors stay and continue fighting with him, and only then can the three auxiliary girls at the back dare to stay and not scare them away. Of course, if you kill these contractors fast enough, you can prevent them from running away.

But in this way, when Guren and the others come to the rescue later, it will seem a little abrupt, even a little rushed. There is something wrong with you being able to kill five stronger combat contractors in minutes, but letting another group of people rescue the helper who has little combat ability in your hands.

Although this is just a small flaw, Lin Jiu's plan is either simple and crude, or perfect, just play with these contractors. At least they still feel that as long as Lin Jiu is not allowed to get his weapon back, they still have hope of defeating this powerful enemy.

Lin Jiu had no weapons in his hands, but relied on his fists and kicks to fight back and forth with these five combat contractors. This was without using equipment skills. After all, Lin Jiu's four-dimensional attributes had already suppressed them a lot.

It has to be said that the Apocalypse Contractors are very wealthy, and the equipment of the five combat-type contractors is of great value. The shield used by the Inch-head Contractor is a metal that Lin has seen for a long time. He even collected it and used it as food for Gungun. .

When I bought it, the quantity was very rare, about two kilograms, so it cost him 100,000 paradise coins, plus a high-quality restoration product. The shield in the hands of this contractor probably weighs tens or hundreds of kilograms. Of course, not the entire shield is made of this metal, 80% is, and the 20% of the special metal incorporated is also valuable.

Except for the front row, the contractor who was leading the command was a melee fighter, but he still relied on powerful equipment and skills to fight in close combat. The other few people were actually about the same. Contractors like this are almost eliminated by the time they reach the third level of Samsara Paradise. If you don't have anything of your own, you won't be able to survive to the fifth level in Samsara Paradise.

Therefore, Lin Jiu was very easy to deal with the attacks of these guys. With his neural reaction speed and dynamic vision superimposed by the master of the three techniques, he was able to seize the flaw and interrupt them when they started to release their skills.

Of course, it was not always successful. Lin Jiu noticed that they could fight back and forth with him when he was not exerting his strength. This was also due to the help of an auxiliary girl behind him who exerted some kind of auxiliary ability. . Lin Jiu didn't think about bypassing the combat contractor and killing the auxiliary girl first. After all, this auxiliary girl would be a member of his team.

This ten-person team now has nine people left, five combat systems and three auxiliary systems. The auxiliary systems here refer to the ones that can provide bonuses to teammates in battle. There is also a perception system, which does not play any role now. Shivering in the corner.

Who are you, this guy?

We've almost had enough fun. Let's send you on your way. Lin Jiu raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and the Dawn Bird spear appeared in his hand. He turned around and shot a contractor close to him through the heart.

Lin Jiu has already sensed the approach of Guren and Isabella, so there is no need to hold back now. He can deal with these guys one by one, leaving only the people his team needs.

The assistant was very happy just now, so I'll kill you first. Although he didn't intend to kill the girl's assistant, he still wanted to do it, and Lin Jiu immediately rushed to the rear.

Stop him quickly. The three combat-type contractors tore up a scroll in unison, and their figures flashed in front of the assistant girl, trying to stop Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu couldn't help but take a breath, is this the contractor of the Apocalypse? This is how the teleportation scroll is used. But it didn't matter, anyway, his real target was not to assist the contractor. Seeing someone blocking him, he turned around and stabbed to death the trembling perception contractor in the corner.

When this perception contractor died, the original fear in his eyes turned into relief and relief. Obviously, this perception contractor also sensed Lin Jiu's hidden power and put himself in fear. Death at this time was for him. On the contrary, it is a relief.


Huh? Is anyone approaching? He's not weak, so let's fight quickly. Lin Jiu pretended to himself, and then he moved faster, killing the combat-type contractors one by one.

What's going on?! Guren and Isabella appeared on the scene, showing off their acting skills wantonly. Isabella doesn't need to act. As an undead, it's enough to look at her with an indifferent expression.

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