Thank you, Miss Law Enforcement Officer, I'll take my leave now! Lin Jiu smiled at the two of them and said goodbye. Walking into the distance in the dark night.

What a strange guy. Caitlin always felt that this guy was weird, but she couldn't put it in words.

Wei, who grew up in Zaun, has long been used to seeing all kinds of weird people.

You fucking brat, get out of here!

Is this Zu An? I love you. Lin Jiu kicked the man who yelled at him against the wall. Looking at the messy environment in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

His first investigation target was the bottom city of Zu'an, where fish and dragons were mixed together and where evil and evil were most likely to hide. Even if nothing can be found in the investigation here, he can still use the gangs here to find clues for him.

Ever since he learned that the task had no time limit, Lin Jiu had a sense of urgency. The longer the task was delayed, the more difficult and dangerous it might be.

Smoke and dust of various colors leak out from the staggered, corroded and aged smoke exhaust pipe network, filtering the light coming from above into strange colors and cross-reflecting between the tinted glass in the workshop.

The light was reflected in Lin Jiu's eyes. He looked at everything about Zu An and thought about where to start.

Zaun has always been shrouded in the twilight of smog, but the bustling and bustling place has not given up. The residents here are all-encompassing and the culture is colorful. Of course, it’s just that the culture here is a bit strange, and it’s hard to go out on the street without a few genealogies.

However, there are also people like Lin Jiu who don't have a family tree, which is a symbol of strength.

Zaun was originally a port city of the ancient Shurima Kingdom. Later, after the collapse of the ancient Shurima Kingdom, Zaun became an independent city. Some powerful families came here either for money or to avoid war. The city, and the parliament they formed became the actual controller of the city.

The city's technology and trade were developing very rapidly, and the council decided to place alchemical explosives to widen the canals that Zaun relied on to form the Gate of the Sun, bringing greater prosperity to the city.

Unexpectedly, an engineering error occurred and the alchemical explosives exploded, splitting the city of Zaun in two. One part became the upper city, namely Piltover, while the other part became the lower city, still retaining the original appearance of Zaun.

The upper city of Piltover is glamorous and known as the city of technology and evolution. It relies on the Hex Gate to gain a lot of wealth through trade.

At the same time, Piltover's wealth also led to the development of Zaun, making it a dark mirror to the city above. Many goods shipped to Piltover end up on Zaun's black market.

Some inventors and alchemists may feel that the restrictions imposed on them by the above-ground city are too strict, and many of them will find that their dangerous research is popular in Zaun and divert their goals.

The unstable technology and reckless industrial development brought by these people have caused large areas of Zaun to be polluted, and living conditions have become increasingly dangerous. Highly toxic wastewater accumulates in the city's downstream areas.

Sir, would you like to see a wonderful circus show? A thin man in ragged clothes sent Lin Jiu a yellowed flyer.

No. Lin Jiu was not interested in watching the horse hunting performance of the Zaun horse hunters.

Lin Jiu looked up at the dim sky. The air was even filled with light green unknown gas. There was the sound of mechanical gears turning around him. He couldn't help but squint his eyes: This is really a paradise for alchemists and mechanics!

Shangcheng people? Suddenly a group of people dressed in different clothes surrounded Lin Jiu.

Why do you say that? Lin Jiu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked the person in front of him with a smile.

Temperament, attire... or in other words, there are many places that reflect something different from this place. The leading man showed a smile that he thought was cruel.

To be precise, from other areas. Lin Jiu felt that he no longer had to look for the gangs here.

Very good. The man was ready to attack.

Boss, can you tell me who has the final say in this area?

Uh... The man's hand patted Lin Jiu's hand that was holding his throat, which prevented him from speaking normally.

Sorry. Lin Jiu let go of his hand, indicating that the other party could answer his question.

From the corner of his eye, the man glanced at his men who were lying around him, not knowing whether to live or die, and there was panic in his eyes. Apparently this was a fishing trip and they were the stupid fish that got caught.

The boss in this area is Spinelloy, who mainly makes his living by running a killer organization. Rumor has it that he is just an assistant in front of him. He murdered his own boss to get to the top. His favorite thing is to beat people with the electric shock cane that he never leaves his hand... The man quickly told all the information he knew about the managers of this area.

In the bottom city, it seems that Hilko can dominate the world with one hand, but in fact... it is indeed the case. It's just that all areas of the bottom city are in chaos, and he needs the Alchemy Baron and their men to control these areas.

And Hilko only needs to control these alchemy barons with profits to control the bottom city.

Ahem...this is Spinelrod's territory.

Oh, yes. But that's not the reason why you don't pay back the money you owe, green-haired boy!

In an alleyway with few people, a tall man with a leather bag carrying some kind of weapon on his back grabbed a thin man who looked like a piece of paper with one hand and lifted him up easily. Strong men generally belong to gangsters, and skinny people are always the group of people who are exploited in the bottom city.

This kind of thing is already commonplace in Dicheng, and it just makes people passing by the alley walk faster without even taking a look. As if just one look would make him a target for strong men.

It's only natural to pay back debts. That handsome boy over there, don't you think so? The strong man noticed someone watching here and turned around with a hearty smile.

That's the truth. Lin Jiu ignored the look from the thin man and nodded.

Hahaha, Meng En likes your personality! The strong man received a satisfactory answer and smiled happily.

Fortunately, it was personality. Without these two words, Lin Jiu couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't use the Infinity Star to kill this guy who seemed to have a brain problem.

Listening to the debtor's words, the thug named Meng En seemed to come from other areas and was a subordinate of other alchemy barons. Coming here alone to collect debts seems to be seen as a provocation to the boss here, Spinelloyd.

Lin Jiu didn't leave in a hurry, he just wanted to see if this would attract the people from Spinelloyd.

To say that Spencer didn't know about this would be such a waste. He has no control over the territory he manages. The main thing is to see whether this guy will ignore such little things.

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