Karta was still covering his head. After being struck by Lin Jiu's sword, he instantly put away his gradually expanding heart. It felt like its soul had been hurt a lot and it would take quite some time to recover.

After just a few fights, it realized that it doesn't mean it is stronger in terms of strength, but its combat effectiveness must be stronger. If he keeps fighting like this, he will very likely die here.

Won’t the words that scared the other party just now become reality? Although according to what it said, even if it dies, these shadow army monsters will still not disappear, but how could it really want to die!

Lin Jiu didn't know Karta's rich inner thoughts, otherwise he would have complained about his overthinking. Higher attributes such as strength, agility, and physical strength do not mean stronger combat effectiveness, but as long as the attributes are higher enough, no skills are required at all, and it can be solved with a simple punch.

Karta's attributes were already much higher than Lin Jiu's, otherwise Lin Jiu wouldn't have used the Infinite Star to draw the opponent's strength. Isn't this because you can't confront the opponent's power head-on?

This is still the situation after the power is weakened in the hunting mode. If Karta had chosen the heavy-armed form, Lin Jiu would never have taken its attack. Even so, Lin's palm, which held the sword for a long time to draw the opponent's strength, was still a little numb.

However, Karta didn't have much experience in frontal fighting, and he didn't discover Lin Jiu's weaknesses at all. Otherwise, there would be no need to command his men, and there would be a high probability of killing Lin Jiu alone.

This didn't stop Lin Jiu. With a flash of starlight, Lin Jiu teleported directly to Karta and waved his sword towards the opponent. Kalta didn't react for a moment, and was penetrated by the Infinity Star.

Karta covered his head with one hand while expanding his body and transforming into a heavy armor form. The heavy layer of pitch black armor on the outside means that it really doesn't want to experience this kind of pain anymore.

The spiritual energy covered the blade of the Infinite Star. Lin Jiu's muscles gradually tightened, and shallow pits were created on the ground under his feet. When Lin Jiu gets close to him again, it will not be so easy for Karta to escape like last time.

The Infinity Star sank into Kalka's thick neck. Because it switched to the heavy armor form, only a quarter of Kalka's entire neck was cut open.

Lin Jiu wanted to use more force and cut in, but he was keenly aware that the tentacles on the blurry face on Karta's chest were approaching his body.

He didn't need perception to detect danger. Lin Jiu seemed to know that he shouldn't let it touch this thing. Lin Jiu could only retract the Infinite Star, but he could not get too far away from Kartala, so he took a step back and used his sword to cut off these tentacles.

Taking advantage of Lin Jiu's retreat to slash the tentacles, Karta moved his body and tried to get out of Lin Jiu's attack range. Black liquid flowed out from the wound on his neck, just like blood.

The black liquid flowed onto the blurry face on the chest, which looked like it was on stimulants. More tentacles were wrapping around Lin Jiu, obviously trying to force him to retreat.

Lin Jiu cut off these tentacles while dodging them. Karta took the opportunity to direct the shadow monster next to him to come closer.

However, Karta did not direct the shadow monsters to attack Lin Jiu immediately. Instead, he was pulled by the tentacles, and his face turned into a big mouth, swallowing several shadow monsters and regaining his lost health.

Lin Jiu glanced at the endless shadow monsters around him. If he didn't want to clear the opponent's health, he could only attack the soul.

Until now, Lin Jiu felt quite depressed. That is, many of the targets he encounters are non-human, or the kind of undead species with no obvious vital points. Although he has Soul-Slaying to restrain the immortality of these guys, he can't use his PVP ability as a hunter at all.

Like the previous derivative world, most of the opponents were strangers. Except for an old master who exceeded the first-level ceiling, no one could make Lin Jiu feel troublesome.

We are all human beings, and the vital points are all in those locations. If you cut off your head, you will die. Where is it like now, if you catch a few of your own men and devour them, your health will be restored.


The moonlight shines through the hazy fog of the city below, interspersing with the starlight on Lin Jiu's body.

In the sword strike just now, Lin Jiu marked another starlight on Karta. Seeing a group of shadow monsters rushing towards him, Lin Jiu had no intention of dealing with them this time and directly used starlight teleportation to make these guys miss.

Lin Jiu, who appeared next to Karta, did not attack immediately. Instead, he pulled the opponent to his side and landed his sword on the opponent's arm.

Kartana's fist on Lin Jiu's head had already landed on the spot where Lin Jiu originally stood, leaving a hole on the ground that covered most of his arm.

After Lin Jiu fired the sword again, he knew that Karta had some tolerance for soul pain, so he did not rush to attack and chose to change his position. So when the opponent's punch came down, Lin Jiu had already appeared behind Karta, leaving another sword wound on its back.

Karta is an undead creature, which means it has no obvious vital points on its body. For Lin Jiu, this means that he can attack the opponent wherever he wants, as long as it can cause soul-killing damage.

Karta roared angrily, turned around and attacked Lin Jiu wildly, using all four arms on his upper body. In just a few breaths, the ground in front of him was destroyed into a mess.

But sorry, Lin Jiu predicted Karta's turn. Taking advantage of the gap between Karta's attack, Lin Jiu once again went around behind Karta. The unknown tentacles and blurry face in front of Karta were very dangerous, but it was different when going behind him.

Karta immediately wanted to turn around, but in his reloaded form, his reaction speed was too slow. The Infinity Star has already stabbed forward and submerged into Kalta's body. With a pop, the sword blade penetrated Karta's body, piercing through the back of the neck. However, due to the rough skin and thick flesh of the opponent, it could not completely penetrate.

It was more dangerous for the sword to get stuck in the opponent's body, so Lin Jiu immediately drew the sword.

The next moment, Karta's back was undulating like liquid, and dozens of thin tentacles extended from his back, winding towards the wound.

Fortunately, Lin Jiu had some foresight and pulled away immediately, otherwise Infinite Star would be in trouble if it got entangled in these things.

You're not feeling well yet? You can't stand this anymore! A figure walking nimbly among the army of shadow monsters approached Lin Jiu's side of the battlefield.

Lin Jiu did not change his gaze and stared at Karta cautiously, but he could tell from the voice that it was Camille. Only Camille, whose skill level has reached the professional level, can easily deal with these ordinary shadow monsters, but they are difficult to kill.

Since the raid on Lin Jiu's side, Karta has been letting the army concentrate here, but Camille and others used the terrain of the bottom city and used the lives of weakened versions of the shimmering alien species to hold back the army of shadow monsters.

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