Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 291 Red Soil (Add 8)

Some contractors in the cabin already knew that this would happen and calmly paid 100 paradise coins.

Although Su Xiao didn't know about this situation, he would always have about a thousand paradise coins on hand, so he decisively paid 200 paradise coins. The extra 100 paradise coins were used for Bubu Wang's umbrella bag.

Lin Jiu paid the same amount of paradise coins for two people. Moreover, he who knew the plot in advance also knew that Brother Wu Xian was a good person and could be a friend. But Lin Jiu didn't mean to lend him the Paradise Coin. If he borrowed this name, the situation would be gone. Anyway, with this guy's ability to survive, he wouldn't die.

[Announcement: All contractors must return to their respective seats within ten seconds. 】

Friend, can you lend me 2 points of paradise coins? I will definitely thank you greatly after the trial.

The contractor began to ask for help from the nearby contractors. Everyone shook their heads. The savings space was locked, and they even traded for ridiculous paradise coins. This is where Lin Jiuya can't help.

Hey, wait, I don't have a parachute yet. Please give me a free parachute. Brother Wu Xian's face was pale and his eyes were extremely frightened.

Wait a minute, Paradise, listen to me, I have helped you complete so many tasks...

wait for me……

Reincarnation Paradise, I am RNMMP!!!!

Lin Jiu suddenly felt that Brother Wu Xian was really brave. Maybe he felt that he was dead and cursed him hard. Lin Jiu also knew that he was not dead after the incident, so he made a lot of money this time.

Most people have been put down. Lin Jiu and Gungun saw Bubu negotiating with a black hawk.


??? Lin Jiu was still smiling while watching the show, but there was a sudden howl next to him.

Gungun squealed in confusion, forgetting that pandas are also very capable of imitating calls. Gungun has a special curse, and its IQ is growing at a certain pace. It is obviously going to trick its owner just after it was born.

Fortunately, I didn't let this guy hold food in his mouth. Lin Jiu had the foresight to hang the supplies beside the umbrella bag.

BuBoWang turned his head and looked over with a scared look on his face, thinking that another black hawk was coming. Seeing it was Gungun, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Black Eagle looked confused. Why are these two similar people different? They look almost the same. Am I the one who is different?


A long scream came from nearby, it was the contractor without an umbrella.

The man without an umbrella was so frightened that it would be so hopeless to fall freely in the sky without a parachute. If he survived this disaster, he would definitely keep a few parachutes on hand.

Brother, save me. We can land even if we share a parachute bag.


The sharp eagle talons pierced Brother Wu Umbrella's body, and the bloody talons were exposed. The black eagle's beak pecked down, and the hooked beak pecked Brother Wu Umbrella's neck, and a strand of flesh was torn off.

Black Eagle originally rushed toward Lin Jiu, but was attracted by Brother Wu Xian's howl.

I hope there are no parachutes in heaven... Pfft~ Lin Jiu couldn't hold back and laughed.


Lin Jiu smiled and accidentally deviated from the flight path. The main reason is that there are supplies hanging on one side of the parachute bag, which was originally pressed with the other hand to maintain balance. Just now I was worried about Gungun, so I leaned over and held its umbrella strap with one hand.

It's dangerous to land like this, but it's better than getting separated. But just like that, the side with the supplies tilted and deviated from the original landing trajectory.

It didn't matter whether he was close to Su Xiao or not. He couldn't die anyway, and Lin Jiu didn't want to think that he would die so easily.

The problem was that Lin Jiu could vaguely see the long, dark forest in the distance. He pulled on the rolling umbrella straps and adjusted the gravity to land in another direction.

Fortunately, I knew there was such a thing and practiced it in advance. Yes, Lin Jiu was deeply impressed by the deeds of Brother Wu Umbrella, and he had already practiced skydiving. It was a mistake just now. Now try to adjust your position and stay away from the black forest, but you will definitely land in the red soil area.

Thanks to Brother Wu Xian for the valuable experience. If Lin Jiu didn't have this ability and fell into the black forest without any preparation, the probability of death would be hard to say.


Lin Jiu and Gungun were hit hard and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the terrain was not rocky and they did not suffer any injuries. Fortunately, Lin Jiu did not encounter the giant centipede Boss that burst out of the ground like Su Xiao did after landing. Except for the sound of the wind blowing the grass, there was no other movement around him.

A faint fishy smell came from under the feet, and the red soil seemed to have been soaked in blood. All the vegetation growing in the red soil area is extremely tall, with dense green grass, and several large trees in the distance are tens of meters high.

It's a blessing in disguise. Lin Jiu was unlucky to have landed deep in the red soil area, approaching the most dangerous area. But I also learned something very important here, orientation.

From changing direction to landing, Lin Jiu's eyes were locked in the direction of the black forest. After landing, and eliminating the danger, he drew on the ground with himself as the center, using a wooden stick.

The direction behind him is the most dangerous area, and the direction directly in front is towards the outer layer.

Oh, I forgot to tell Lidya Su some information about this place. Lin Jiu patted his forehead lightly. Mainly because I just met Lidya Su and made an appointment to go to the arena. Moreover, it was very difficult for this guy to die, so Lin Jiu subconsciously ignored the importance of information to that side.

Dong dong dong...

Lin didn't need to lean close to the ground for a long time before he could hear the sound of a creature running. He Gungun hurriedly hid behind a big tree and restrained his breath.

Half of his face was exposed from behind the tree, and he got a little bit of sight. He saw a giant beast with a single horn running wildly. After confirming that the giant beast was not running in his direction, Lin Jiucai took out his binoculars and looked at the giant beast.

Such a giant beast suddenly goes berserk, either when it encounters danger or discovers an enemy.

Hiss~ No wonder he was running so crazy. Lin Jiu saw many small unknown creatures crawling on the giant beast and gnawing its flesh. This is like a pack of hyenas attacking a lion.

Lin Jiu waited for a while, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after the giant beast, which had no idea whether it could survive in the end, ran away. I briefly checked the supplies on my body and prepared to approach the perimeter. Needless to say, the contractor who ventured into the forest area was doomed.

Except for some food and water left outside for show, the main food and water and recovery products are all stuffed into a capsule. The other capsule contains the creations of Tianshu and Xuanwu organs, as well as alchemy bombs.

With an alchemist like Su Xiao on his side, Lin Jiu certainly had no reason not to take advantage of it and purchased a lot of bombs with paradise coins that were lower than the market price.

Switch form. Lin Jiu let Gungun switch to his human body, mount the bear's back, and direct it to move in a direction that was super perpendicular to the running route of the giant beast.

Lin Jiu would not let Gungun run with all his strength until he encountered danger. He had to ensure that he was heading in the right direction without deviation. There was perception misdirection on the red soil area, and he could only identify the direction with his naked eyes.

Overtime is over!

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