Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 545 Organization Analysis

[Tip: A new derivative world is about to open, and the hunters will return to the reincarnation paradise. Please make sure there are no witnesses around you. 】

[Transmitting...Transmission completed. 】

Lin Jiu returned home and saw Gungun chewing on a bamboo pole in the yard. When he got home, he had nothing to do. He usually just fished and watched. After performing a mission that exceeded his physical limits this time, Lin Jiu still needed to take a rest.

After breaking through the physical attribute limitations, I no longer feel tired. However, with the physical fitness of an ordinary person, trekking through mountains and rivers, climbing over mountains and ridges, and fighting wits and courage with various wild beasts is quite tiring mentally. While he was resting, he was recalled by the paradise. When he opened his eyes, he had appeared in the exclusive room.

[Tip: The hunter has successfully exceeded the physical limit, and you will get clues related to Proof of the Strong. 】

[Warning: The hunter is not allowed to disclose any information related to Proof of the Strong to others. If the hunter discloses this information, he will receive two warnings within a very short period of time. If he continues to disclose relevant information, the hunter will be All attributes will be punished by -30%, and such relevant information in the hunter's mind will be forced to be separated. 】

[The Proof of Strength is a medal-type consumable, and there are three ways to obtain it. 】

1. To challenge a powerful plot creature that is one level higher than itself, the challenge fee is Soul Crystal (large) x 5.

2. Participate in the Black Abyss Experience. Judging from the hunter's current strength, the survival rate is 5% to 6%.

3. To participate in the Alice's Devil's Castle Game, an invitation letter is required and the number of participants must reach 7. The invitation letter can be redeemed by consuming 200,000 Paradise Coins + Soul Crystal (Medium) x 15.

There are three options. The first one is the challenge type. This should be the simplest and most expensive way. It requires paying Soul Crystal (large) × 5.

As for the second option, black abyss experience, this is obviously a survival experience, and there is one factor that is more important in survival experience, and that is luck. If Lin Jiu's luck was as good as the surface data, he would choose this option without hesitation.

As for the third option, this is a compromise option. The cost is not as high as the first option, and the risk level is lower than the second option. It has restrictions and needs to wait for the participation of the other 6 contractors before it can start.

Lin Jiu had an invitation in his hand. A few derivative worlds ago, he had asked Dashius to use resources to purchase an invitation to the Alice Demon Castle game. This means that he has already decided to choose this method. After all, his prophetic ability cannot be wasted.

【Alice's Invitation】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise

Quality: None

Type: invitation letter

Effect: After using this invitation, you will wait for 2 to 3 natural days (need to be in Samsara Paradise or the real world). When the game starts, you will receive a prompt.

Rating: 0

Introduction: An invitation letter invites you to enter Alice's Demon Game, which is a place that is both interesting and desperate. Come on, complete this game, and you will be the strong one, no one can question it.

Price: 1 point of Paradise Coin.

The decision had already been made, so there was nothing to hesitate about. Lin Jiu chose to use the invitation letter. I don’t know if there is one more person. Will they be able to gather the number of people and start the castle game directly?

[The hunter has used Alice's Invitation. You will wait for 2 to 3 natural days. If you enter the derived world during this period, you will receive a game invitation during your stay after returning to Samsara Paradise. 】

It seems that we still need to create a derivative world. Lin Jiu received the notice and still had to wait. The next derivative world will open in an hour. From a time perspective, you will not receive the invitation message until you exit the derivative world.

One of his intelligence attributes reached 80 points, and his other attributes also reached the limit of 79 points. For him, the role of one more world process in improving attributes is completely wasted.

However, one of the conditions for breaking through the 80 attribute mark and transforming into real attributes is to become a third-level contractor. In this derivative world, Lin Jiu will also begin the third-level trial assessment. If he passes the assessment, he will be promoted to a third-level hunter.

If you successfully advance to the third level, you will be three-quarters of the way through the 80-point barrier, and only the proof of strength will remain. Proof of Strength happens to be obtained by participating in the castle game after returning to the derivative world.

Lin Jiu originally had 220,000 paradise coins on hand, but spent 50,000 paradise coins in the trial field. After that, 30,000 of the 170,000 Paradise coins were used by him to make props such as Tianbeng bombs and Tianxuan birds, and were entrusted and sold.

Tianshu Agency, which was originally engaged in manufacturing and selling, after unlocking the Tianbeng bomb, Lin Jiu has rarely engaged in manufacturing and selling of Tianshu Agency, which is a time-consuming and troublesome agency.

After Lin Jiu completed the Breaking the Physical Limits mission and returned to Samsara Paradise, the sales of these mechanisms were almost the same, bringing the paradise coins in Lin Jiu's hand back to 200,000.

Lin Jiuhuai came to the skill upgrade hall with the 200,000 paradise coins in his arms. Lin Jiu didn't pay too much attention to machine learning and let it develop naturally. Therefore, skills that assist this ability can be upgraded. He had forgotten about it when he just came back from the battle for the world.

[Welcome to the skill upgrade warehouse, please select the skills to be upgraded. 】

Organ Analysis.

[Upgrading Organ Analysis Lv. 1 (Passive) requires payment of 2000 Paradise Coins, yes/no payment. 】

Continuously upgrade the skill to 9 levels. Lin Jiu directly raised this skill to 10 levels.

[Mechanism Analysis (Passive) has been upgraded to Lv.2. 】

[Mechanism Analysis (Passive) has been upgraded to Lv.10. 】

[Mechanism analysis (passive) has reached Lv.10, please choose the direction of strengthening. 】

A. The power of the manufacturing mechanism is slightly increased.

B. The speed of manufacturing mechanisms is slightly increased.

C. The quality of manufacturing machinery has been slightly improved.

Lin Jiu looked at the three options, none of which were very outstanding. The mechanisms in his hands are mainly functional, and increasing their power is of little use. Even if the quality can be improved a little, it can't be upgraded by one grade, so it's not very useful.

As for the speed of manufacturing mechanisms, Lin Jiu has a Manufacturing Mastery skill that also increases the manufacturing speed. It is more powerful to superimpose a single effect. I chose the second option.

[Upgrading Organ Analysis Lv. 10 (Passive) requires payment of 5,000 Paradise Coins, yes/no payment. 】

Continuously improve 10 levels.

[Mechanism Analysis (Passive) has been upgraded to Lv.11. 】

[Mechanism Analysis (Passive) has been upgraded to Lv.20. 】

[Mechanism analysis (passive) has reached Level 20, please choose the direction of strengthening. 】

A. The power of the manufacturing mechanism has been improved.

B. The speed of manufacturing mechanisms has been increased.

C. The quality of manufacturing institutions has been improved.

The strengthening direction has been chosen, and Lin Jiu does not intend to change it to another one. He will continue to choose the direction of mechanism production speed for strengthening.

Mechanism Analysis Lv.20

Category: Passive skills

Effect: For every 10 points of intelligence, the effect of the created mechanism is increased by 20%.

Additional effect: The speed of building mechanisms is increased.

Lin Jiu's intelligence is now 80 points, and the effect has been increased by 160%, which is more than doubled. Try raising this skill level again.

[Upgrading Organ Analysis Lv. 20 (Passive) requires payment of 10,000 Paradise Coins, yes/no payment. 】

Lin Jiu still has 140,000 paradise coins in his hand and has no plans to continue to improve this skill. There are other auxiliary skills that can be improved.

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