Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 611 Forest of the Strong

The fourth game is a survival competition?

The boss of the national football team had a serious expression and looked at the second and third brothers of the national football team. After looking at each other for a few seconds, the three brothers smiled at the same time, and there was a hint of obscenity in the smile.

Finally, we have reached the area where our brothers are good at, and we are very good at survival games.

Brother, it's time to use your ultimate move.

let's go.

The three idiots of the national football team strutted towards the fourth floor. The decryption game on the third floor made them extremely depressed. Because the boss of the national football team is the lucky one, and Lin Jiu didn't let him wait until he provided clues, so he had no sense of participation at all.

How about... let's form a team?

The little detective loli suggested, and the man with gold-rimmed glasses flashed his eyes, but for some reason, he always had the feeling that the little detective was not as weak as he looked.

It's exactly what I want, but our combat capabilities are not strong. If you are playing a survival game, you need to be cautious.

Well, then it's up to you, Brother Wash.

I want to be domineering and say it's all my fault, but I don't have that ability.

The two began to discuss the details of the temporary team. Listening to their opinions, they also wanted to bring Pi Pang into the team. In fact, what they wanted to attract more was Lin Jiu and Su Xiao. But Su Xiao's temperament stopped them from the beginning.

If there was no third round, they would try to invite Lin Jiu. After all, Lin Jiu still seemed to be easy to talk to at that time.

Lin Jiu: RNM, don’t I look hard to talk to now?

Su Xiao and Lin Jiu both agreed tacitly not to form a team, which gave others a little hope. But if they meet inside, don't blame them for joining forces to bully others.

Stepping onto the fourth floor and penetrating the membrane, the surrounding senses are different. A kind of earthy fragrance appears after the rain, and the air becomes noticeably fresher. A breeze blows in my face, and a few leaves are blown into the doorway in front, and finally fall on the stone stairs.

Lin Jiu continued to move forward and walked out of the doorway, and the dazzling sunlight came into view. Ahead was a large forest with sparse trees, the breeze blowing, and the leaves rustling. The grass on the ground is tall and neat, as if it has been carefully groomed.

Looking up at the sky, the dazzling sunlight was not from natural weather, but from a golden fireball in the sky. There was an artificial sun above the fourth floor.

Hmm... Lin Jiu was excited. If he could pack up this artificial sun and bring it back to Samsara Paradise, he would study it carefully. His research project on Apollo Fireball Technique can be concluded as soon as possible.

You three, welcome to the fourth floor of the castle, the Forest of the Strong. Butler Wolf stood in front of a towering ancient tree. Pi Pang and the three brothers from the National Football Team were near Butler Wolf. Alice's clone had disappeared.

Not far from the Wolf Butler, there was a small wooden house. There was a wooden pillar in front of the wooden house. The demon slave was sitting on the wooden pillar, holding a wooden sculpture in his hand.

Galu, garu... the demon servant muttered Galu, his dull eyes seemed to be looking at the wood carving in his hand. This wood carving was only half completed, and it could vaguely look like a castle.

Have those guests been released, Garu? Butler Wolf's tone was cold, and he seemed to be somewhat hostile to the demon slave.

Gah! The demon slave nodded without raising his head to look at the wolf butler.

That's good. If those guests don't behave, you're responsible for cleaning them up.


After receiving the reply from the demon slave, Butler Wolf turned to look at everyone: Everyone, the game content on the fourth level is very simple. It is to survive in the Forest of the Strong for 5 days. There are supplies for you in that wooden house, including food, fresh water, Medications are in limited quantities.”

Butler Wolf led everyone towards the wooden house. Su Xiao walked to the wooden house and found that there were nine black leather backpacks in the wooden house. Butler Wolf walked into the wooden house and threw his leather backpack to everyone in turn.

There is a wooden barrel in the backpack. The barrel contains about 1.2 liters of water, which is about the capacity of a large bottle of Coke. In addition to the bucket of water, there are several large pieces of dried meat and a small iron box in the backpack.

Opening the small iron box, there is a milky white ointment inside. Judging from the smell and ingredients, this should be an alchemical trauma medicine. It is effective for cuts, burns, etc. It should not be able to restore health, but only has a therapeutic effect. There is no recovery effect.

This familiar routine gave Su Xiao a bad feeling. She tried to open the savings space, but there was no problem. You'll know the problem once you enter the forest.

Everyone, this is the only material you can get without taking risks in the next five days. Of course, if you just survive, the fourth game will be too boring, and Queen Alice will not be satisfied.

A total of nine players participated in the fourth game, but only seven players could pass the fourth game. There are not only the nine of you in this forest, but also many other creatures. These creatures are strong and weak. After killing these creatures, you can get game points.

Once the five-day time limit is up, if the number of survivors exceeds seven, the player with the lowest game points will be eliminated until there are seven people. There are three ways to obtain points.

1. Kill creatures from various planets in the forest, which can earn 1 to 2 game points.

Second, kill the [guests] in the forest. These [guests] are prisoners that Queen Alice has just captured. If they kill you, they will regain their freedom, so even if you don’t go looking for them, they will take the initiative. If you come to your door and kill these [guests], you can get 2 to 3 points.

Third, kill Queen Alice's clone, which will earn you 1,000 game points.

Of course, in addition to the above three methods, you can also choose to exclude dissidents. If any one of you dies, seven clearance slots are enough, but...

The person with the highest game points can choose any treasure in the castle's treasure house. Any treasure is fine, as long as it is in the treasure house. By the way, Queen Alice's collection has 1,582,043 pieces.

The rules described in Wolf Butler are very simple. The fourth game adopts a survival competition system. A total of nine players enter the Forest of the Strong and need to survive in the Forest of the Strong for five days. Once the five days are up, the game ends.

However, just surviving for five days is not enough. Players in the fourth game only have seven clearance places. In other words, two of the nine people will definitely be eliminated. Elimination in the Devil's Castle game is equal to death.

There was an inexplicable look in Lin Jiu's eyes. Originally, there were supposed to be six places to clear the customs, but now it became seven because of his appearance. Is this because he didn't originally belong here, or does Samsara Paradise have restrictions on Alice in this proportion?

Among them, Lin Jiu prefers the latter. Samsara Paradise sends contractors here for long-term assessments. There are no restrictions on the gameplay, but there are definitely many restrictions in other aspects.

Otherwise, Alice, who has been annoyed by Lin Jiu, can completely limit the number of places even lower, which will inevitably lead to fighting among their participants.

Lin Jiu did not intend to think deeply about these, and his interests were not touched for the time being. Now Lin Jiu was thinking about whether there was any way to pack up the artificial sun in the sky.

Even Alice's treasure trove Lin Jiu wasn't very interested in. Even if you can't take away the whole big bag, you still have to find a way to let the sun bird mark swallow some of it away.

Lin Jiu had his goals in the Forest of the Strong. The first was to complete the unfinished business in the third round of the game, which was to kill the Alice clone. The second was to find a way to attack the sun in the sky.

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