Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 618 The Master of Weight Loss

Lin Jiu is close to the notary area and needs to get a number. I saw many strange shops on the road. Magic, technology, mechanical style, there are countless styles.

There is a stone road in front of these shops. The pedestrians are dressed in different clothes. Some of them are wearing full-body armor, and some are wearing convenient kinetic energy mechas. They are races from different planets.

The level of technology on each planet is different. Not every planet is suitable for technology. Some planets are very backward in technology due to resource reasons. However, the indigenous residents will use other technologies to replace technology, such as magic, biology, supernatural powers, etc. Each planet is different. It has its own unique power system.

Not only that, each planet is managed by various forces, and these forces order to prohibit cultural invasion.

For example, on a planet with backward technology but where magic is prevalent, if merchants in the void want to sell mechas here, they can only sell them in small quantities. Moreover, the only purpose of these mechas is for collection, which requires cumbersome approvals and is prohibited from being sold on the planet. Mechas are used in combat and work on that planet, and most of them are collected by nobles.

Because although technology has many benefits, it is not without its disadvantages. For example, on some planets where biology is prevalent, technological products are strictly prohibited, because technology will, to some extent, affect the evolution of the biological spirit to a stronger level.

This is like those contractors in the Reincarnation Paradise who develop mechanical abilities. To improve their strength, they have to invest resources in machinery. It is inevitable that their own improvement will not be so rapid. Without mechanical equipment, they are bound to be weaker than contractors of the same level.

A mechanic like Old Man Han who attaches great importance to his physical fitness is simply a miracle in this profession. His situation is a model that cannot be copied, and Lin Jiu cannot learn it.

Each planet has its own style. Maybe the previous planet was still tribal, but the next planet is full of airships. This is the wonder of the void. It is this wonder that maintains the prosperity and vastness of the void. .

After seeing this, Lin Jiu couldn't help but think about the vastness of the real void, and then thought about what Lin Jing Canhun said about the chaotic world.

In the window of the notary office, a scantily clad woman with snake-haired hair was handing out number plates. There was a long queue in front of the window.

No. 88.

Thank you. Lin Jiu received the number plate, thanked him politely and left the window.

There are 260 contestants in this arena. As long as they get the top 20 rankings, they will pass the fifth game. After passing the fifth round of the game, Su Xiao can choose to return to Samsara Paradise or continue to participate in fighting skills. The top three There are very high rewards, which are treasures from the void.

The Void Arena adopts an elimination system. After receiving the number plate, the first round of drawing will begin. Since the number of participants is an integer, there will be no byes in the first round.

There are not many rules in the Void Arena, or in other words, there are basically no rules. Even powerful explosives can be used in the arena if they can be obtained, and mechas and the like are commonplace.

Because there are too few rules, the mortality rate of contestants is extremely high. Some people have calculated the mortality rate in the Void Arena, which is about 40% to 50%.

In other words, if 10 people enter here, only one or two of them will be able to walk out intact. The remaining survivors may have missing arms and legs, and four to five will walk out sideways.

With such a terrifying chance of death and injury, there are still so many people participating in the Void Arena, which shows how tempting the rewards here are.

Not only that, this is also a good opportunity to get ahead. If they can get a high ranking, some contestants will give up the competition around the top twenty and then accept recruitment from big forces.

The existence here is not just about watching the game. Compared with the income from selling tickets, some general sponsorship fees are more substantial. After paying the sponsorship fees. Those forces have the qualifications to recruit talents in the Void Arena.

Yellow sand, blood, passionate battles, the honor of first place, opportunities everywhere, enviable rewards, and the reputation of running for hundreds of years are the main reasons for the prosperity of the Void Arena to this day.

In the waiting room, Lin Jiu saw that Su Xiao had also received a number plate and walked over. The two started chatting, and as for Gungun, Lin Jiu sent him to follow Bubu Wang. In a head-on battle, Bubo Wang would never be a match for Guang Guan. In terms of negotiation, Bubo Wang's ability was the same as its owner's, and it was a unique existence.

Wow hahaha, stay away from me.

A loud laugh came from the front of the auditorium. It was a rat man. The rat man was holding a bottle of strong wine in his hand and holding a cute girl from the La La Tower Star in his arms. The La La Tower Star Man They are basically the same as humans, with only a few animal characteristics. This planet is most famous for the beauty of its women. For this exhibition, more than a dozen cute girls from the Lalata Star were invited.

Master Shu's movements soon made Lin Jiu and Su Xiao discover his presence. The other contractors participating in the game may not be familiar with each other, but they still know each other. The first time Lin Jiu and Su Xiao acted in the same scene was on Devouring Island under the supervision of Lord Rat.

The Reincarnation Paradise brought Su Xiao, Lin Jiu and others to the Void Arena. For them who had not yet advanced to the third level, it was too early to come into contact with the void. Even if they were promoted to the third level, they were still not qualified to wander in the void.

Therefore, Samsara Paradise has taken insurance measures, namely Lord Rat. If the contractors and hunters die in the fighting skills, Samsara Paradise will not pay attention to it, but if they encounter dangers from outside the fighting skills, Samsara Paradise will not sit back and watch. Samsara Paradise seems not to want to interfere too much with the rules of the void, so Lord Rat appears.

The exhibition match between the two cute creatures is over, which also means that the battle between them as contestants in the arena is about to begin.

Boom, boom, boom...

After the host made a brief speech that understood the audience well, the war drums above the Void Arena sounded. After seven war drums, the competition began.

The first battle was between Pi Pang, who also belonged to the Reincarnation Paradise, and a mechanical tribe. Su Xiao was analyzing Pi Pang's combat ability in the audience, while Lin Jiu was staring at the mechanical tribe with blazing eyes.

Su Xiao noticed Lin Jiu's look. He also showed this look to Butler Wolf not long ago. It was the same look in his eyes when he saw the strange alchemical creature.

My secondary profession has been changed to a mechanic. I'm sure that this mechanical clan is the work of a powerful mechanic. It's completely possible for a mechanic of that level to give life to a machine. Lin Jiu felt that Su Xiao's eyes explained.

In the battle in the arena, Pi Pang had the upper hand. Just as Su Xiao had judged, Pi Pang mastered the use of armed color haki in the pirate world. This is undoubtedly very powerful for contractors at this stage.

What's even more frightening is that the impact produced by Pi Pang's attack will have an impact on the water and fat in the body of the attacker. If Lin Jiu wanted to avoid this kind of damage, he could only enter a half-dimensional jump state.

As for what is the half-dimensional jump state? In fact, it is the prelude to dimensional jumping. When the Shine skill with the dimensional jumping ability was first obtained, it was in a sealed state and could not be used. It can't be used until Lin Jiu's body becomes a spirit later.

Every time Lin Jiu uses this ability, he enters the spirit child state and has the ability to flash. This process is basically synchronous, but Lin Jiu can control it, using only the prelude to the spirit transformation. In this way, there is no need to bear the risk of dimensional jumping, and the impact of shock on the water and fat in the body can be avoided.

Brother Pi Pang's ability seems to be very useful if it is used to lose weight. Lin Jiu couldn't help thinking when he saw the blood of Pi Pang's opponent being flushed out of the body.

When Su Xiao heard this, his eyes lit up, as if this was the truth. Of course, they are not the ones who need to lose weight. Su Xiao turned her attention to Bubuwang among a group of girls.

BuBoWang and GunGun were enjoying the girl's feeding when they suddenly felt a chill in their bodies, as if something bad was going to happen.

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