Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 672: Cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade

Hurrying into the bamboo forest, there are clumps of bamboo trees.

His whereabouts could not be seen, only the tree swaying in the wind.

In the quiet bamboo forest, there was a bit of excitement due to the arrival of three people. The three of them advanced in a vertical column. The leader had silver-white hair, a mask on his face, and a short knife on his back.

The man in the middle is wearing goggles, and there is a pattern like a table tennis racket on the back of his clothes. Following at the end of the team was a girl, the medical ninja in the team.

The three of them were Kakashi's team. Since the Fire Country was besieged on all sides, Konoha ninjas were sent to various battlefields and there were not enough manpower. The team that was supposed to be led by Namikaze Minato was divided into two teams.

One team is Namikaze Minato himself, and the other team is the three people led by Kakashi. There is reason to suspect that Namikaze Minato made this arrangement because he was unable to take advantage of his high mobility with his team.

Perhaps in Namikaze Minato's view, he was caring for his three students. Because blowing up the Kannabi Bridge is really not a difficult task. You only need to sneak to this location and it can be almost completed.

What happened to Kakashi and the three of them on the way was entirely because their purpose and path were exposed. Only after the Iwa nin learned about it did they set up an ambush on this inevitable road. This small-scale battle cannot affect the overall war situation, and the top management of Ninja Village does not care at all. So you don't have to guess to know that some dark guy revealed the information to Iwa Ninja.

Wait. Kakashi, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and cautiously placed his hand on the handle of the short sword behind him. The next moment, a ninja wearing an Iwa Ninja forehead protector appeared in front of them, and Kakashi fought with him.

This rock ninja with a brown afro found that Kakashi was a little overwhelmed by his rich combat experience and superb physical skills. Just as the two were fighting, a bunch of bamboo spear traps were triggered and flew towards Obito and Lin.

Fire Release: High Fireball Technique. At this time, Obito was not the guy who could get stuck in his throat when he released Fire Release. A fireball destroyed these bamboo spears.

While Obito was distracted, an Iwa ninja using camouflage invisibility appeared behind Nohara Lin, knocked her unconscious and captured her in his hands. Seeing this, the Iwa ninja who was fighting Kakashi forced Kakashi back and stopped to distance himself.

Looks like we caught a useful brat, we can evacuate. The Iwa ninja who captured Lin was named Oishi, a Jonin of Iwagakure Village, and he was good at camouflage invisibility. The Iwa ninja who fought Kakashi just now is named Huoguang. He is also a jounin. He has comprehensive development of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and illusion. He is a ninja who is very confident in hand-to-hand combat.

The two of them didn't know why, but they didn't continue to attack Kakashi and Obito after kidnapping Lin, but disappeared with Lin in front of them.

It's because of the magic leech guy's strong reconnaissance ability that he found the movement path of a Konoha ninja so quickly. Lin, who came with Huo Guang and Dashi as prisoners, quickly moved out of the bamboo forest.

It can be known from the words in their mouths that Black Zetsu did not use direct and rough methods to let the Iwa Ninja side get the information. Controlling the situation through guidance is also something he often does. From Indra to Madara Uchiha, everything was arranged in this way.

Hey, look what we found? Two lone rock ninjas. What appeared faster than the voice was a golden fire spear, piercing straight towards Dashi's head. Dashi had a strong feeling that he could not avoid this fire spear. When he had this thought, his head was already missing from his neck.

[You have killed Iwagakure Village Oishi. Oishi is a Jonin of Iwagakure Village and a plot character. He received 3% of the Source of the World and currently has 73% of the Source of the World. 】

[The Soul Condensation talent triggers...]

[A purple quality treasure chest has been obtained. 】

A sneak attack with the effect of Piercing the Lord, a strong jounin died suddenly like this. The health bar is still a little thin. If it were someone like Metkai, he would probably only suffer some serious injuries after being hit.

Lin Jiu picked up Lin on the ground and said to Hidan: I'll leave the rest to you.

These two Iwa ninjas were not the only ones involved in this operation, and it was not known where the other guys were staying. It seemed that these two Iwa Ninja had just kidnapped Nohara Lin and ran out of the bamboo forest. Lin Jiu noticed it from all the way, so this happened.

Hidan sharpened his knife, took out the scythe and rushed towards the fire that was sweating on his forehead. A comrade who met him died in the hands of this unknown enemy. If he continued to attack him, he would definitely be in trouble.

We have to find a way. Huo Guang knew that he would not be Lin Jiu's opponent. If he wanted to leave safely, he had to be smart. The fire focused on the silver-haired boy rushing towards him.

This guy looks to be about the same age as the three members of the Konoha ninja team they attacked just now, yet he actually doesn't take him seriously and uses himself as this young man's whetstone. In this case, as long as he successfully turns the silver-haired boy into a prisoner, he will be sure to leave safely.

Lin Jiu let Gungun stare at the battle between Hidan and Iwa Ninja, while he picked up Nohara Lin in his hand. He looked at his right hand and wondered if he would wake up after this slap. If Obito sees it, can you open a three-magatama.

How could a man who was so caring and caring like him do such a violent thing?

Naturally, Lin Jiu gave up the idea of ​​making a big mouthful. He stretched out his index finger and a small ball of golden flame appeared on it, and burned it on Yuan Yelin's hand.

Hi~ah! Nohara Lin woke up from the pain and found herself being held in the hands of a stranger. She was a little panicked, and her eyes were a little bit absolute.

Are you a Konoha ninja? How did you fall into the hands of the Iwa ninja? Lin Jiu sensed Nohara Lin's thoughts and made it clear that he was not the same as the person who kidnapped her.

Nohara Lin was also calmer and noticed that the person in front of her was wearing clothes she had never seen before, and he did not have a forehead protector. There was a corpse lying next to it, it was the Iwa nin who had just attacked her. Next to them, there was a boy about the same age as them who was fighting another Iwa Ninja. It seemed that the fighting was not going well.

Well, don't you go and help your teammates? Nohara Lin saw that the silver-haired boy was injured and covered in blood. Lin Jiu stood here indifferently and gave a weak reminder.

Nohara Lin also took a look at Gungun next to Lin Jiu, who was round, furry and very cute. He must not be a bad person for having such a cute pet.

Boy, you... hiss~ Huo Guang tried to capture Hidan without any killing intent, but Hidan was fighting him tooth and nail. Even though there was a strength gap between the two sides, Huo Guang was still injured by Hidan's scythe.

The battle is over. Lin Jiu said lightly.

Nohara Lin: ??? Does it mean that your teammates are dying? Then don't take action yet.

Hidan was seen laughing wildly, drawing a circle with his own blood under his feet, and a triangle inside. A skeleton appeared on his face.

Lin Jiu: The drawing is quite round. I guess it was a compass in my previous life.

There was an ominous premonition in the fire, and Hidan took out a few long thorns and stabbed them hard into his heart. This frightened Nohara Rin, and she chose to commit suicide if she couldn't beat him. What kind of terrorist organization is this?

Ah! Huo Guang was also shocked by Hidan's behavior, but the next moment, severe pain came from his heart. Hidan was still inserting more thorns into his vitals. Soon Huo Guang died in Hidan's death ritual.

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