Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 725 One wears three

The fire-breathing dragon flying high into the sky suddenly charged towards the flower rock monster below. If he is hit by this blow, even if he does not lose his combat effectiveness completely, he will still be seriously injured.

Flower Rock Monster uses deception. Melissa could confirm that the strength of this Charizard was almost as strong as her team of Pokémon. Coupled with the keen command of the trainer on the opposite side, delaying it would only be detrimental to her.

A deceptive move that uses the opponent's strength to attack. The higher the attack, the greater the damage caused. It sounds like using the other person's way to return the other person's body, but in actual use, it is Tai Chi Yun Shou. Unload the enemy's force to another direction, and the rebound force of the force collision will cause damage to the enemy.

So in the skill list this is a physical attack skill, not a special attack skill. Generally, Pokémon use their hands to perform this move, while Huayan uses its own body.

Most of the Charizard's swooping force hit the ground, causing some damage to itself. However, the Huayan Monster who used deceptive moves also had a hard time. Just as you need to have four ounces before you can move a thousand pounds, the flower rock monster still needs to bear part of the damage.

Lin Jiu saw Melissa's intention and wanted to use Huayan, a Pokémon that served as a double shield, in exchange for the injury of the main Charizard. In exchange for this, Melissa made a huge profit. Now that the fire-breathing dragon and the flower rock monster are so close, it is not difficult to guess the opponent's choice.

Charizard, sleep.

Huayan Monster, hypnosis. Melissa wanted the Huayan Monster to hypnotize a sleeping opponent, which was undoubtedly impossible. Moreover, the injury that Charizard suffered just now is still recovering rapidly.

Come back, Flower Rock Monster. Melissa decisively took back the Flower Rock Monster and wanted to replace the opponent's Charizard, unless the Flower Rock Monster used the same life when the opponent used a powerful move.

Otherwise, the fire-breathing dragon can ignore the Huayan Monster's own attack power and go to sleep even without using hypnosis and using attack moves. Unless another provocation succeeds, the probability is too low.

Gengar, Go! Melissa released Gengar again. As the best special attacker in her team, she is best suited to seize the opportunity to attack when Charizard is sleeping.

Trick, and then Dream Eater. Gengar used trickery to greatly increase his special attack, and then used Dream Eater against the sleeping Charizard.

Talking in sleep. The skill pool is large enough to feel comfortable, and Lin Jiu can immediately find the right skill to deal with it.

It can be seen from Charizard's tightened brows that he was affected by Dream Eater, but he still used sleep talk, roared, and used Dragon Wave to attack Gengar.

Gengar, the wave of evil. The wave skill is difficult to dodge. Melissa now uses wave to deal with the wave. Gengar raised his short hands, and the wave full of malice hit the dragon wave of the fire-breathing dragon.

Lin Jiu squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky. The fire attribute energy was dissipating, and the effect of sunny weather was about to disappear.

Magic flame. Lin Jiu did not waste the last bit of the effect of the sunny day and asked Charizard to use magic flame that could reduce Gengar's special attack. Sometimes weakening your opponent is equivalent to strengthening yourself.

The red and gold flames rushed towards Gengar from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, and the flames spread out at the end, making it more difficult for Gengar to dodge. But Melissa's expression remained unchanged and she gave the order.

Exchange venues.

Gengar's position was swapped with Charizard, and the target of the magic flame became Charizard. And Gengar appeared where Charizard was just now, with tiredness in his eyes. Swapping venues is generally used to swap teammates' positions, and can also swap opponents. But teammates will not resist, and the consumption is relatively small. To move the opponent, the consumption will be relatively large.

Dance of the Dragon! Lin Jiu was often hammered. How could he not notice the fluctuations in space? He commanded the fire-breathing dragon to hit the magical flames and directly perform the Dance of the Dragon.

Oh, My God! This world is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Melissa couldn't help but sigh when she saw the fire-breathing dragon that was hit by magic flames and performed the Dragon Dance indifferently. Melissa withdrew Gengar and replaced it with the Wind Ball.

Lin Jiu didn't expect this move. Melissa saw Lin Jiu's undisguised expression and knew she had guessed correctly. The opponent has been playing from the back, but Charizard is not the Pokémon assigned by the team, so this battle is like a tutorial battle.

I like to use hypnosis and strange light tactics so much that I can handle ordinary challengers. But there is no chance at all in such a battle, other tactics must be used.

Lin Jiu also immediately judged that the opponent was going to change tactics. He smiled lightly and commanded Charizard to stop strengthening and launch an attack directly: High temperature and heavy pressure.

The fire-breathing dragon's whole body burned with flames, like a fireball, hitting the wind ball that had just been summoned. Charizard's weight is five or six times that of the Wind Ball, and the damage it causes will be much greater.

Get smaller and charge up. Sui Fengqiu used the shrinking tactic to increase his dodge rate and at the same time charge up to strengthen his double defense. Even so, Charizard, whose strength was already superior to Suifeng Ball, took the lead and still attacked Suifeng Ball.

The ball was knocked away by the wind and hit the ground, gradually raising dust. But it did not lose its combat effectiveness.

Fair wind, getting smaller.

Bite it into pieces. Lin Jiu asked the fire-breathing dragon to use evil skills that restrained the ghost attribute to attack the wind ball.

Sui Feng Ball, meditate. Melissa still didn't let Sui Feng Ball fight back, but used the meditation skill.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu also knew Melissa's next tactics. He saw the fire-breathing dragon's attack being dodged by the second smaller wind ball, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Roar. The fire-breathing dragon that was about to attack heard Lin Jiu's command, stopped its attack, and roared at Sui Fengqiu.

Melissa smiled helplessly. As the main Pokémon of the second team, Sui Fengqiu was already very strong, but the number of moves they mastered was far less than that of their opponent. With the fighting qualities shown by the opponent, it is not surprising that his own baton tactics were seen through. She just took a gamble. Lin Jiu didn't have the skills to force her Pokémon out of the field.

Greedy. Lin Jiu said softly. Melissa wanted to use a few more enhanced moves before passing the baton to Gengar, but failed to use the baton and was forced to leave by the roar of Charizard.

In fact, it cannot be said that Melissa is greedy. It is precisely because Melissa has a sharp vision as a gym leader that she can see that Charizard's strength is as strong as her main team. Without stacking so many buffs, Gengar has no chance to win. So Melissa can only take a gamble, otherwise she will just lose.

The one who replaced Sui Fengqiu was the special attacker Gengar, who was attacked by Charizard as soon as he came on the field. This Gengar is not a dirty play for Shou Du, so it is a bit difficult to resist.

Gengar, who has the floating characteristic, is very fast and is also a special attacker. If the meditation, charging, and shrinking buffs of Sui Fengqiu are applied to Gengar, he will definitely be able to fight against Charizard. But now we can only rely on the tailwind from the wind ball to increase the speed and fight the fire-breathing dragon.

Gengar suffered a huge explosion from Charizard and fell down. Under Melissa's command, she also used the same fate on Charizard. It's a pity that reality is not a game, and Gengar's fate could not directly take away Charizard.

Facing a support and a human shield, Charizard used sleep to quickly recover some of his status, and took away the remaining two Pokémon in succession.

Dai Zheng did not expect to see such a wonderful battle today. The owner of Melissa Hall had taken it seriously, but was taken away by the opponent's fire-breathing dragon. It's hard to imagine that a Pokémon trainer of this level would participate in the Suzuran Tournament. It's really not easy for those new trainers.

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