Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 928 Why don’t you grab it?

The biggest change in the skill of Original Sin Field is the clone of Guren. The One Origin passive mentions that when the main body and Red Lotus are in the original sin field, the attack power will be increased; otherwise, the defense power will be enhanced.

Lin Jiu also grasped the key, not in these two increases, but in the distance limit. The original three corpse incarnations could only move within the scope of the original sin domain centered on Lin Jiu. Although the movement speed is extremely fast, it is still limited after all.

The current original sin field is centered on Honglian. Honglian's actions are not restricted by distance at all. That is to say, in the mission world, Lin Jiu and Honglian's clones can move on two lines. This is the biggest gain.

Do you have any legendary honors that you acquired? Lin Jiu contacted Dashius and asked him.

How much do you want? Dashius asked. The Samsara Chamber of Commerce naturally has various materials hoarded. Legendary Honors are among the rarer materials. They can only be obtained when opening legendary treasure chests. Contractors who are not strong enough will not be able to access them in a short period of time.

The reason why Dashius can still purchase these materials in the Samsara Chamber of Commerce is because the Legendary Honors are used to create legendary equipment. But one or two legendary medals are completely useless, and at least fifteen legendary medals are needed as a basis. Add more rare and expensive materials to create legendary equipment.

In addition to these, you also need to have a network of blacksmith masters who can create legendary equipment. Therefore, the price of building a piece of legendary equipment is about 1.5 times the price of purchasing finished legendary equipment.

However, self-made equipment can specify the type, specifications, etc., and can meet most of the user's requirements. Finished products that are not bought by luck can be comparable. Although the attributes of the two are similar, the degree of suitability is incomparable.

The inventory of Legendary Honors in the Samsara Chamber of Commerce is all purchased from the stronger Lone Ranger. As long as the price is right, the Mavericks, who are in urgent need of resources to improve their strength in all aspects, will not refuse to sell.

Just give me 9. Lin Jiu had already accumulated 6 legendary medals in his hand, and he was still nine short of the 15 needed to create legendary equipment.

That's enough! I asked for nine, why don't you go and grab them! Dashius's roar came from the other end of the communicator.

Lin Jiu took the remote communicator, stretched out his fingers to dig his ears, and said naturally: You can't rob it in Samsara Paradise.

Damn it, come here and get it. Dashius was so angry that he didn't care that he was facing his own body. I just got some resources from some bastard with grass on his head, but I didn't expect that there was a bigger one behind him. Is it easy to work hard to cut the leeks of those contractors?

The Legendary Honor is of great value to those who need it. Su Xiao had previously used two Legendary Medals and one Soul Crystal (large) in exchange for the [Duke Nukem +13] sniper cannon that was currently being used with a rating of 400++.

Okay, the income from the last loan has not been paid to me yet. Has Xiao's share been distributed? Lin Jiu responded calmly. After the ranking bet in the arena in front of the last mission world, Dashius made a bunch of loans. As long as more than 50% is recovered, he can make a lot of money.

Lin Jiu didn't care about his share. Anyway, whatever he had, he would withdraw money from Dashius. So I am more concerned about whether the share is given to Lidya Su.

Damn it, who do you think I am? If you question me, you are questioning yourself. Dashius complained. Even if it weren't for the close relationship, Dashius wouldn't delay on such a matter. The Samsara Chamber of Commerce cannot gain a foothold in Samsara Paradise by just relying on deception and a name. Not to mention joining the ranks of the five major chambers of commerce and becoming the sixth largest chamber of commerce.

At the Samsara Chamber of Commerce, Dashius took a stick and knocked Lin Jiu out of the door. Lin Jiu not only received 9 legendary medals, but also took away several rare gold-quality materials. It is true that locusts have passed through the border and no grass can grow.

In a remote neighborhood, the style of this neighborhood is relatively old. There are various styles of neighborhoods in Samsara Paradise, such as modern neighborhoods, bio-modified neighborhoods, mechanical streets, etc.

The streets are paved with neat stone slabs, and most of the shops on the streets have their doors closed. There are only a handful of contractors on the streets. Entering this block is like entering a small town in ancient Europe.

There was still only the clanging sound of forging in Reed's shop. Reed, who had established connections with various chambers of commerce through Su Xiao, naturally lived a very happy life. Reed, who used such superb forging skills, was undoubtedly the one who received compliments and praise during the exchange.

Reed also enjoyed this kind of treatment. Except for the compliments from the president of the Samsara Chamber of Commerce, Reed felt a little panicked instinctively and stopped Dashius's behavior early in the morning. Reed turned around and found out that Dashius was known as Da Gou with great power outside.

Reed is very aware that some of the five major chambers of commerce also started by cheating contractors to accumulate capital, but no matter how these chambers of commerce started, when it comes to crazy contractors like members of the brigade, members of the Mingmen Adventure Group, etc., They are all cowards.

Don't look at their extreme enthusiasm when dealing with Su Xiao. In the mission world, they can see that Su Xiao will definitely run as far as he can. They are still somewhat treacherous and normal people at heart. But Dashius, the president of the Samsara Chamber of Commerce, is essentially the same type of person as those lunatics.

Lin Jiu: No cue, thank you.

Reed could see clearly that if the other party paid attention and respect to him, he would not take it seriously. Maybe a big hole would be dug for him at some point, and he would be buried after he fell in.

Hello. Chiyou. Lin Jiu walked into Reed's blacksmith shop and introduced himself. Looking around the store, this was the first time he came to Reid's store in person. The only person he knew who could forge legendary quality equipment was Reed, and the other blacksmiths didn't know him at all.

Reed looked up and saw Lin Jiu whom he didn't recognize at first glance, a stranger. When I saw the sun armor the other party was wearing, I recognized him. There was also the name the other party introduced himself to, which Reed had heard from both Dashius and Su Xiao.

Repair what? Reed put down the hammer in his hand and looked at Lin Jiu to confirm that he was not repairing the sun armor on his body.

Lin Jiu shook his head, took out fifteen legendary medals, and said, If I don't want to repair anything, I'm going to ask you to help me build something of legendary quality.

Oh, here comes the big job. Reed's eyes lit up. It was a good thing that someone provided him with rare resources to build legendary quality equipment. You can make money, improve your forging level, and satisfy your psychological needs for building good equipment.

Seeing the 15 legendary medals that Lin Jiu took out, Reed nodded and said, Are the materials ready? There are also forging fees...

Of course the materials are OK. But you don't need to tell me the forging fee, just ask Dashius. Lin Jiu put a smile on his lips and asked you to pay for your labor. If you don't blackmail you, you can't even justify the forging fee.

Uh... Reed sighed in his mind that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together. Anyone who can hang out with Da Gou is an expert in deceiving people.

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