Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 962 New Year’s Extra: Death and Rebirth in the Fog Main Chapter

Chapter 962 New Year’s Extra: Fog Lord Chapter·Death and Rebirth

The smog is a bit heavy today. The middle-aged man held the steering wheel of the car and looked at the visibility of only a few meters in front of him. He carefully stepped on the accelerator and pressed the horn from time to time.

It's too dangerous to drive like this. Let's find a place to stop for a while and wait until the fog subsides before setting off. The woman next to me said in a very gentle voice.

Xiaoqi, what are you looking at? A woman's gentle voice sounded, and she looked back at a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old in the back seat of the car. The young man stared blankly at the haze outside the window.

The stunned young man's pupils suddenly dilated, and a feeling he couldn't describe came to his heart. The only thing he could describe in words was that they would die!

Mom, let's...! The young man was about to ask his parents to drive away, but the mother in front of him had a surprised expression on his face, and instantly turned into a mummy, as did his father in the driver's seat.

Before the young man could feel sad, he noticed that the blood in his body was rapidly draining, and fear was born in his heart. Before his death, this fear turned into anger and hatred, and finally sank into darkness.

In the mountains, a gray mist is hidden in the early morning fog.

I'm still, I'm dead.

who I am?

A will is awakening, and a little memory fills this consciousness, allowing him to recall the past: I am Yan Jin!

Yan Jin regained consciousness, but found that he was no longer a human being, but a gray-white mist, covering a ten-meter radius.

This made him realize that the haze his family encountered on the road was actually a result of breaking into the fog, and then having his blood extracted and died. The sadness of his parents' death surged into his heart, followed by a burst of murderous intent. However, thinking that the things that killed his family had already taken over his body, the murderous intent dissipated.

New doubts flooded into my mind, why did I occupy this unknown fog? What is this fog?

Yanjin felt that there were many strange things scattered in his body, and these things attracted him to explore. Since he was already dead anyway, Yan Jin followed this feeling and allowed these things to attract his consciousness.

The perception is fed back to my mind, and there are pieces of invisible fragments in my body. When his consciousness touches one of the fragments, a memory floods into his mind.

He saw a fog, and a kind of cold energy kept invading the fog. He didn't know how long it took, but this energy became more and more intense, and the fog derived wisdom.

The scene ended abruptly here, and Yan Jin realized that these invisible fragments were the memories of the mist that killed them.

If I collect these fragments and touch them together... I will turn into another one. Yan Jin instinctively felt that this would be the consequence of doing so.

Yanjin continued to select a fragment to understand its memory. Why did he occupy the body of the mist? There should be answers in these memories.

Being this kind of alien, Yan Jin doesn't feel hungry and doesn't need sleep. It's just that digesting memories takes a lot of energy and he needs to rest every once in a while.

Cunning? I didn't expect that this world would hide such a thing. After slowly digesting these memory fragments, Yan Jin had a new understanding of the world.

I don’t know since when, strange things have appeared in various places in this world. Looking back on my memories as a human being, I often saw on the news that a certain place was blocked due to some accident. I didn't care much about it at the time, but now it seems that it was because of something strange.

Speaking of which, the death of their family might be reported as an accident. Yanjin learned from Mist's memory that over the course of decades, the cold energy became more intense, and there were more and more tricks in the world.

According to some of the memories that Mist Tricksters had when they were born, we can know that there are three types of Tricksters known to us.

Intelligent tricks. This is a trick that has a thinking ability similar to that of humans. It has many types, varying strengths and weaknesses, a wide span, is good at hiding, has IQ, and has the ability to grow.

Rule-based tricks. Contrary to the previous one, it has no intelligence and cannot communicate. It acts completely on instinct and according to various rules. After the rules are triggered, both humans and monsters will be attacked. The initial strength is very strong, almost immortal.

Items are weird. In fact, they are objects with strange abilities. Some of them derive wisdom, and some of them act based on instinct. It is between the wisdom type and the rules type. It is not strong but has weird abilities.

The strength division of the guile is imprinted in the memory of the guile like the mist guile from birth, and is now known to Yan Jin. From weak to strong, they are divided into: Corruption, Evil, Disaster, Netherworld, and Chaos.

The Mist Trouble is a typical intelligent type of Terror. It has a high IQ and is hidden in the mountains, far away from human cities. It has seen other weird types, but has not contacted them rashly. The way it becomes stronger is to absorb the blood and spirit of living creatures.

Compared to this small area now, the foggy realm that Yanjin's family encountered at that time covered several mountains. It can be seen that many people killed people on this road. Yanjin saw the clip of the mist trick causing a car accident, and couldn't help but wonder if this was the smart trick.

Yan Jin, who is integrated with the mist, can roughly feel the ability of the mist without using memory. After combining the memory fragments, he knows more clearly. The first is the foggy and mysterious realm shrouded by the unfolding fog. Within the mysterious realm, the power to extract the blood and spirit of the target can be stronger.

The second thing is that Yan Jin's consciousness is integrated into every bit of mist, that is, every bit of energy that makes up the mist is part of his body. He can gather and disperse at will, and is considered immune to most physical attacks.

Another point is that he can occupy other people's bodies without harm. When the other party loses the ability to resist, the mist body shrinks into the body and can seize others. Mist has not used this ability to hide in human society. It seems that although it has intelligence, it is not too much.

After digesting Mist's memory, Yan Jin also understood why it evolved into the current situation. Their family was swallowed up by the mist. Just when Yanjin's spirit was absorbed into the mist, a rules-based creature broke into the mist. In Mist's memory, he saw that it was a monster that was completely black and had mouths all over its body.

The rules of murder are so weird that no one knows how he will be offended suddenly. When this regular trick wandered here, the fog trick provoked it out of nowhere, and a fight broke out between the two tricks.

The mist trick also knew that there was no reason to argue with the rules-based trick, so he fought with all his strength against this trick. If the intelligence type's strength lies in its IQ and growth ability, the rule type's strength lies in its unreasonable strength.

Through Mist's memory, Yan Jin immersed himself in the process of Mist's body being bitten and devoured by the creature with mouths all over its body. The Mist Cree had no power to fight back against this creature, temporarily called the Devouring Cree. After the fog covering several mountains was swallowed up, it has been gathering for a long time and is only within ten meters.

Mist Gui was also a ruthless character. He immediately chose to commit suicide and dispersed his consciousness. After Devouring Gui felt that his enemy was completely dead, he left on his own. The invisible mist remaining in the mist gradually gathers, and the scattered fragments of consciousness will slowly merge, finally achieving the effect of rebirth. From this point of view, the Mist Slayer is also a being that is difficult to kill.

But the only thing that Mist Quiet didn't expect was that it was absorbed into the body by it, and Yan Jin's undigested spiritual consciousness did not die in the battle with Devouring Quiet. In this way, Yan Jin's spiritual consciousness is much stronger than a single piece of mist that is broken into hundreds of fragments of consciousness. As the main consciousness, it replaces it and merges with the gathering mist.

After Yanjin digested these fragments of consciousness, the original Mist Wei completely died, and Yan Jin became the new Mist Wei. This also warns Yan Jin that after absorbing the target's spiritual power, he must digest it as soon as possible. The lessons from the past are still before us.

Death is new life.

Although the mist monsters are intelligent, they were born due to the invasion of some negative energy, and they are naturally on the opposite side of living creatures. Now it is Lin Qi's consciousness. He does not have weird thinking and still thinks with human thinking mode.

Yan Jin does not feel that he is on the opposite side of mankind. Aliens like him created by accident will become mankind's strength against aliens. Of course, it does not rule out that humans have other ways to fight against the evil spirits.

But he doesn't plan to be exposed now, because he is extremely weak now due to the appearance of Devouring Cree. It is precisely because of this that he has the opportunity to take advantage of the situation, otherwise he would be the one who died completely.

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