Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 100: Tanabe Ambush

Agatsuma County.

   On the side of Songshan City, a thousand troops came from Echigo Honzhuang City, and the whole way was unimpeded, and it has also reached the bottom of Songshan City smoothly. Songshan City is a mountain city. Ten days ago, the prominent Saito clan in Agatsuma Prefecture jumped off the cliff on the top of Mount Songshan and committed suicide.

   Another fierce general of Echigo, the city lord of Honjo, Honjo is prosperous, and he looks incredibly unbelievable when he hears the response.

   He slammed his horse whip a few times and drove his horse to the town under the castle. There were already empty buildings, and he raised his head to look at Songshan City, and saw the big hand door in Hukou open. Looking carefully at the village, no matter it is the Kushiro or the castle tower, there is no single figure of the Takeda army.

   "Stop moving forward!"

   Make Fan rode towards the back of the team towards the Echihou Army, passing them one by one. Each team's Zuqing team stopped their advance and stopped.

   Prepared for a bitter battle, the Echigo army members, together raised their heads and looked at the deserted Songshan City, as if they didn't understand why they didn't rush in directly. But when they saw the long and prosperous Patriarch Benzhuang, whom they had always respected, they looked at Songshan City as if they were facing an enemy.

   Therefore, a thousand soldiers of the Echihou Army gathered under the city, together with their leader, the prosperous village, put on a unified posture, and looked up at Songshan City with their heads motionless.

   If this is not Takeda's trick, then where are they going now? No, there must be a strategy.

   Honjo Shigeonagi thought so immediately.

   "Send someone in and search the whole city!" Honjo made the final decision.

   The exact same scene, but also appeared under Hao Castle.

   The last afterglow of the sunset is still on the horizon.

Now Murakami Yoshiki and Takemata Kiyozuna, as well as his 1,300 army, look at the messy castle town in front of them, lying there like rotten bones gnawed by wild dogs, and the same Hao Castle is empty. .

   Takemata Kiyozuna rode a horse to Yoshiki Murakami's side and said: "According to the report from Banto, there is indeed no Takeda army in the castle town, but Mr. Murakami..."

"Since the confirmation is correct, what else is there to be afraid of? We have wasted too much time now because of the fear of the Takeda Army's ambush. I want to go into the city to see what happened." Murakami Yoshiki snorted and rode his horse with him. The Mahui crowd of more than twenty people rushed into the castle town first.

   "Murakami-sama, it's broken." Takemata Kiyotatsu screamed, but it was too late, so he could only urge the team to follow closely.

   Suddenly, more than a thousand Echigo troops poured into Hao Castle from all directions.

   Then a quarter of an hour later, when Kiyozuna Takemata was worried about the sound of a cannon, he lay in ambush on all sides, but did not appear.

   Instead, the Echigo Army easily occupied the entire Hao Castle and his castle town. When Murakami Yoshiki and Takemata stood in the Honmaru, they couldn't help but feel puzzled. Most of the food and grass here have not been transported away, but the military funds and the like have really taken away nothing.

   It seems that the Takeda army has really withdrawn.

   When Kiyozuna Takemata was still suspicious, Yoshiki Murakami slapped his thigh and said this.

   "No, Takeda Army’s goal is not us."

   is just a few miles from Hao Castle.

   The Nagano family's flag holding group holding a cypress fan flag, just walked by the dirt road. The Nagano army has always kept a safe distance from the Murakami army who opened the road ahead, and not too far away, so that the Murakami army and the Yamamotoji army at the back of the temple can echo themselves.

  Because the Murakami army had just passed by, the Nagano army was somewhat relaxed and vigilant, and the speed of the march gradually slowed down, even in the mood to admire the scenery at sunset.

One side of the dirt road is densely covered with woods and grassy hillsides, while the other side is a large tract of irrigated paddy fields. The setting sun's sunlight casts traces of golden scales on the water, and the whole surrounding reveals a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

   And the Nagano army did not know that, among the half-dark woods and half-human tall grass beside them, iron cannons protruded from the black hole and aimed at them.

"The sequence of the Nagano army marching is the flag holding group, the iron gun group, the long-handed foot light group, the horse riding group, the main bodyguard team, the bow-foot light group, and finally the small lotus group. We don’t care about the others, and The direct target of the iron cannon team was the Nagano’s petro general, and then after the iron cannon bombardment, they ordered all Zuqing to rush to the paddy field together."

   Li Xiao said this to Masatoshi Baoke and Masayuki Sanada. Hundreds of Takeda's feet beside him were lying in the dense forest.

   Baoke Masatoshi nodded and said, "That's it, but I don't understand why Li Xiao-sama wanted to let go of the previous Murakami Yoshiki Army and instead ambush the Nagano Army."

Li Xiao explained: "Because it is very simple, Yoshikiyo Murakami is a fierce general. His subordinates are all Shinano samurai who have fought with him for many years. They are very brave and good at fighting. As the vanguard, the enemy must be tightly guarded, and the effectiveness of the ambush is not good. Great. But the Nagano army was not sufficiently vigilant, and was defeated twice by our army in the Battle of Shirane Mountain. Now it has become a frightening bird. If you attack now, the effect will be the greatest."

"Then why not ambush, the Yamamotoji team in the third battle? You know, when attacking the second battle, our army is likely to be flanked by the Murakami army in the first battle and the Yamamoto temple army in the third battle." Sanada Masakura raised his own question.

"That's because if you wait for the Yamamotoji team, Murakami Yoshiki has already occupied Hao Castle. When he sees an empty castle, he will judge my army's strategy by 80% of his strategies. If he takes action At that time, it will be difficult for us to ambush the Yamamoto Temple team."

   After Li Xiao finished speaking, Bao Ke Masatoshi and Sanada Masao nodded together, expressing admiration.

Fortunately, Masao Sanada has been in contact with Li Xiao for a long time, and he naturally knows his strength, but Bao Ke Zhengjun looked at Li Xiao, but said: "Before I was just hearing rumors, I saw it Li Xiao Such an arrangement is really a wise and brave general."

   Listening to Bao Ke Zhengjun’s compliment, Li Xiao laughed, and said in a modest Chinese characteristic: "Jam, jam."

   After Li Xiao finished speaking, there was a trace of worry on his face. This time Takeda Yoshinobu sold the information of Azuma-gun to Uesugi Kenshin, making Takeda Katsuyori, Li Xiao and the others into an extremely unfavorable situation.

   Fortunately, Katsurai Takeda had arranged for someone to monitor this work, but it was still a step too late to prevent the intelligence from being sent out. Kenshin Uesugi obtained all the deployment and details of Agatsuma Prefecture. As for how Kenshin Uesugi attacked, Katsurai Takeda and Li Xiao didn't know at all.

   Takeda Katsurai immediately abandoned Songshan Castle and shrank his troops to the stronger Iwasaki Castle.

   So even though Takeda Katsurai, Li Xiao and the others made preparations, when Uesugi Kenshin mobilized troops and horses, it was surprisingly fast. The investigative intelligence of the ninjas was not delivered to Takeda Katsuyori until yesterday, when Kamahara Castle had fallen.

   Intelligence Uesugi Kenshin sent a total of three waves of men to attack Kamahara and Hao, with the intention of stopping the Takeda army from returning to Shinano.

   Takeda Katsuyoshi was shocked, and immediately let Li Xiao and Sanada Masyuki led three hundred people to assist Masatoshi Baoke in Hao Castle.

  Wait for Li Xiao, after Masakura Sanada arrived at Hao Castle, he immediately discussed how to defend the castle together with Masatoshi Hoke. The three discussed and finally unanimously decided that, given the strength of the enemy, instead of holding on to the city, it is better to conduct an ambush in the wild.

   So the three of them took six hundred troops and abandoned an empty castle in Yuwei Castle, and waited in an ambush a few miles away from the city.

   At this time, the Nagano family's samurai team had entered, and the Takeda family's iron cannon team was in range.


   The head of the Takeda’s iron gun team shouted.


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