Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 405: Stretched

The 405th chapter is stretched

After Li Xiao told Tsuchiya Masahiro again (please remember our L

Tsuchiya Masahiro immediately set off, and rode swiftly all night and rushed to Nursery Town. Now the Oda army has been mobilized near Gifu and will soon be under Kajida Castle. So the time to fight for reinforcements is almost one day. This is for Li Xiao And for his legion, there is no time to delay

In the "color" of the night, the lights of Jiajitian Castle were bright, and Li Xiao sent a general petition to the nearby villagers through Oshima Koyoshi, and asked them to come to Jiajitian Castle overnight to repair the city.

Because it was a cold winter, and because the Takeda Army’s rule in Mino was still weak and the people’s support was not attached, there were no more than three or four hundred followers. The progress of repairing the city wall is really not optimistic.

Fortunately, Li Xiao gave the people who repaired the city a three-point support for each person, so even if they rushed to work overnight, they didn’t complain too much.

However, this hastily repaired Kajita Castle has a defensive power under the Oda Army’s siege, and Li Xiao also doesn’t know.

After Li Xiao watched Tsuchiya Masahiro from the castle tower overnight with a dozen rides out of the city, he turned and walked into the house.

In fact, for Li Xiao, the aid of Akiyama's faithful to Kaji Tiancheng is not Li Xiao’s only follow-up.

According to the analysis of Li Xiao’s intelligence, it is speculated that the Allied Forces of Takeda and Tokugawa Oda will soon hold a battle in Mikatahara.

If Shingen Takeda will break the Toku-ori coalition force as it did in history, then Nobunaga’s foundation in Owari will undoubtedly be shaken, and even if he sends troops to besiege Kajita Castle, he will have to retreat and return to the army. In Owari, to fight against Shingen’s invasion of the roots of the Oda family

But history is not static. If Li Xiao’s butterfly effect did not cause the tripartite to break out, and even Tokugawa Ieyasu did not fail miserably in the tripartite battle, then it would be a very stupid behavior for Li Xiao to stay alone in Kajita City.

In order to appease the generals, Li Xiao could not say that the Shingen Society defeated the German and Weaving Allied Forces in the Sanfangyuan, and the situation will be very good.

It is an unwise act to place hope on others at any time

Therefore, under the premise of deducting the original joint battle of the three parties, Li Xiao must act on his own.

The Akiyama Shinyou Minami Shinano Army Corps, which is now close at hand, is Li Xiao’s only choice now, to ask for help from Akiyama, and at the same time, Li Xiao asks for directions from the generals of the Kai family headed by Akiyama.

See how they feel to me, Li Xiao

However, judging from the current conclusion, Qiushan and the others do not have a good impression of Li Xiao himself.

From the perspective of his birth, Li Xiao is not from Takeda, nor from Kai, and it is an extraordinary category in the Takeda family at best.

This situation has improved since Li Zheng married the "daughter" of Shingen, but in the eyes of the Takeda family, this is still a political marriage, and it is not enough to regard Li Xiao as his own person.

Speaking from the heart, whether it is the four ministers of Takeda such as Yama Prefecture, Baba, or Akiyama faithful, Li Xiao does not regard the other party as a villain, on the contrary, they all have the qualities of a samurai in this era.

The loyalty to the lord, the dedication to the family, and his own "ethics" are all models of samurai.

But the position determines the thinking, and the **** determines the head. No matter how hard Li Xiao works, they will not really identify Li Xiao as their side.

Unless after waiting for several generations, Li Xiao’s children and grandchildren will become close relatives of each other through continuous marriage with Genji Takeda. This gap can be eliminated.

But now, they really cannot agree with Li Xiao

Even Takeda Shingen, who appeared to trust Li Xiao a lot, but in fact Li Xiao knew that the other party was defensive against him.

Even if the Takeda family’s skills are added to the current raid of Toge, it will be only 1.2 million shi. For an outsider, Li Xiao’s 400,000 shi Zhixing has reached the take-up point of the Takeda family’s influence. Caught the eyes of the retainers

If this goes on, there are only three ways for Li Xiao

One is to start keeping a low profile now, stop making merits, and live on this one-third of the acre to alleviate the owner’s suspicion of himself.

This is impossible for Li Xiao, his ambitions are not allowed, and the hearts of his retainers will be dissipated.

Second, the master’s family went to Luo successfully, and the Japanese ruled. According to the big cakes drawn by Takeda Shingen to the vassals before taking Luo, the forty kingdoms were divided among other great names, the six kingdoms were collected as the Takeda family, and the other 20 countries gave the spectrum. Acting retainer

Li Xiao Wrench pointed out that if there is a cake as big as 20 countries for the ministers, he currently has Hida, and Vietnam and China are almost saturated.

At most, Shingen Takeda sees Li Xiao’s hard work, and then assigns Noto to Li Xiao, plus Noto’s 200,000 shi, even at the stage of Li Xiao’s one million shi, there is a gap between the boss.

Now suppose that Takeda Shingen succeeds in Shangluo. Among the profit divisions of this cake, there is no doubt that the one who has the most profit will be the chief minister of Kai line headed by Yama Prefecture, Baba, and Akiyama.

For example, they have followed Shingen for the longest time, and they are both from the Kai Gen clan. As the mainstay of the Takeda family in the future, Shingen will definitely not be stingy with rewards. In the original knowledge and deeds, they will be allocated by one country and two countries. Li Xiao is here. In the carve-up battle, the income is too low, which is what he doesn’t want to see.

So in the future Takeda shogunate, the Takeda family, headed by Yama Prefecture, Baba, and Akiyama, will certainly be the dominant position, while Li Xiao will be marginalized and squeezed out.

This is what philosophically says, under the premise of the elimination of external struggles, the trend of struggle will shift from external to internal

Third, it’s the easiest one. Li Xiao turned to Shi Oda or Uesugi and chose one of the two.

Can the mutiny of Takeda succeed? Let’s not discuss

This number is not without opportunities for Li Xiao now, but the variables are too great and the future is extremely uncertain.

Li Xiao always feels that the two soldiers, the **** of war or the devil, are more likely to kill the donkey after using themselves. It is much higher than that of the tiger like Xin Xuan.

After thinking about his way forward, Li Xiao felt that in the battle of Shangluo, if Xin Xuanzhen conquered the world, he would not be able to do what he wanted. In the end, he would have hundreds of thousands of knowledge and actions and retire early.

But in the days to come, it will depend on the faces of others to act, but in terms of Qiushan's current attitude, they will definitely not have a good life in the future.

But if Xinxuan failed in Shangluo this time, according to history, he died halfway through the disease, then what about Li Xiao?

That would have lost a great opportunity to put Oda Nobunaga to death

Nobunaga went through two encirclements after he went to Luocheng to become a general trend. This was the most dangerous moment in Nobunaga’s life.

When they encircled the net for the first time, the Takeda family was busy fighting with Uesugi Hojo and missed the opportunity

In the second encirclement of the net, Takeda, Ishiyama, Nagashima Honganji, Miyoshi, Asai, Asakura, Matsunaga, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki behind the scenes, so many forces joined forces to besiege Nobunaga

This is simply the power of the world to attack its family

If Nobunaga has even supported this crisis, then it is like a phoenix nirvana, and there will hardly be anything to hinder Nobunaga afterwards.

There is no such opportunity to take advantage of

In other words, if you can’t take advantage of such an opportunity now, if you defeat Nobunaga, then you are taking its own evil.

At that time, the situation reversed, and the Takeda family might have to independently challenge Nobunaga's large army.

After weighing it up, Li Xiao feels that every path has its own disadvantages and advantages, and there is no absolutely safe choice.

But then Li Xiao realized that he was thinking too much. For the whole world, he can change now, but not much.

The current historical distance Li Xiao recognizes that although the details have changed, the major trend is also following the historical trajectory, and the main direction remains unchanged.

This is also something Li Xiao is fortunate for now. Although he cannot destroy Oda in a single blow, who knows what variables will arise after the destruction of Oda?

For him as a traverser, the biggest advantage is his knowledge of history

Li Xiao is developing so smoothly now, to a large extent, he relies on his knowledge of history to act, such as playing games and relying on game strategies to clear customs all the way.

If you want to change history, this is not impossible, but you have to wait until you are strong enough to be able to cope with the changes.

If Li Xiao's hard work over the past ten years has given him a leap, he will not be too far away from the day when he has the strength to choose his own way out of the general trend of the world.

Regarding the question of whether Shingen can be listed in Luo, regardless of whether he is willing to succeed or not, he has done his best for the Takeda family.

In Mino, Li Xiao first went down to Liucheng, and then annihilated Inaba and Ichitsu. He smashed the Shibata army under Kajida Castle and finally captured Kajida Castle. Along the way, Li Xiao defeated the Oda family with a total of nearly ten thousand troops.

Who would dare to say that Li Xiao didn’t work hard, so he restrained Nobunaga from leading the army to leave and support the Tokugawa family?

The success of Shangluo at the moment mainly depends on the main force of Shingen, whether it can break the Tokaido before Nobunaga "steps in" and defeat the Oda clan in the decisive battle after the invasion of Owari.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao closed his eyes. It all depends on the destiny's preference for Xinxuan.

Gifu Castle

"The lord is finally out"

With the beating of the Taiko drums, the Oda family all the way out from the mountain road, converging towards the main road

The whole Inaba Mountain is now covered by one side under Yongle Tongbao

Under the horse seal of the gold-coated Tang Umbrella, Oda Nobunaga rode his horse in a Nanban and full-length suit.

Oda Nobunaga's eyes were straight and firm, and he was under the siege of almost half of the world, but his aura was even more compelling in such adversity.

This rebellious man from Owari, who is known as a big fool, is often in desperate situations, but can use unrelenting confidence to burst out and strengthen perseverance to overcome difficulties.

Just like the phoenix nirvana after stabbing Nakama

Nobunaga's life trajectory represents a qualitative leap in strength every time he overcomes a difficult hurdle.

A rider was driving down the mountain against the horse path, and went up the mountain in retrograde, and came to Nobunaga.

"Reported to the lord, the Takeda army sent troops from the county, now there are more than three thousand troops, stationed in Yiliucheng"

After Oda Nobunaga heard the words, his expression remained unchanged and said: "Order Ando Hinata Mamoru, not to break the Hanoi Mamoru, no need to lead the army to Kajida Castle, go directly to Yiliu City, monitor the Takeda Army, and not allow him to approach Kaji. Tiancheng"

"Wait," Akihide Mitsuhide said later, "His Royal Highness, Hinata Mori's "son-in-law" Takenaka Shigeji, is now coming out of Takeda. If it is not necessary, it is not necessary to let Hinata Mori take this important task."

Oda Nobunaga's eyes flashed, and Akechi Mitsuhide was right. Among the three Mino, he trusted and admired the most. It was Inaba Kazutsu.

But at the moment the Inaba No. 1 Iron Team is almost completely wiped out by Li Xiao, and now he can only send Ando to guard.

But Mino has been rumored right now that Mamoru Ando is suspected of taking refuge in Takeda.

Nobunaga frowned. What Mitsuhide Achievement said was reasonable, but besides Ando Moriji, there were not many people he could trust at this time.

When did the Oda family come to such a dilemma, several veterans Niwa Nagahide, Kinoshita Hideyoshi in Kitaomi, and Takikawa Kazuka was in Gifu, but most of his headquarters remained in Ise, and the Kitahata family and other Ise Hao clan, defending the direction of Long Island Hongan Temple

Sakuma Nobuhiro, Lin Zhenxiu was sent to Mikawa to support the Tokugawa family

"Mao" Lee Chang-soo cooperates with Tsutsui Shunkei to carry out the siege of Tamon Mountain Castle and Song Yongxiu

Naomasa Naomasa, Murai Sadakatsu, Matsui Yukan, Shimada Hidemi cooperated with Ikeda Katsumasa, Hosokawa Fujitaka, Arakimura more than Kinki to monitor the obsessive Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and Miyoshi's counterattack

As for Shibata Katsushika, Saito Toriharu, Inaba Ichitsu, and the defeated players of Li Xiao, there is no need to talk about it.

Finally, there are Kawajiri Hidetaka, Nobhiro Oda, who have just lost to Akiyama Nobuhiro, and the Higashi Mino Toyama family whose family name has been severed.

The Oda family, which claims to have the land of ten countries, did not have a single force at this time to intercept Li Xiao’s district army.

"Just let Ikeda take a trip. As for Ando, ​​follow the main force and meet under Kajida Castle." Nobunaga made this decision after thinking slightly.

Hengxing Ikeda did not hesitate, and after bidding farewell to Nobunaga, he received the general order and headed his army to Yiliu City.

After Ikeda Hengxing left, Nobunaga felt a little relieved. At this time, another envoy rode a fast horse and galloped up the mountain.

The opponent looks like a servant, the armor and flag fingers are covered with dust

Nobunaga stepped forward, and immediately slammed his horse, and asked loudly, "Why is it so panicked?"

The opponent dismounted immediately and knelt down in front of Nobunaga and said: "Master, it is Toon Jiang's battle report."

When Oda Nobunaga heard this, his expression changed immediately, and he asked, "Did Mikawa-den and Shingen "fight"?"

"Yes, Lord, His Highness Mikawa is in a decisive battle with the Takeda Army in Mifanghara"

Mikatahara hanging down at sunset

The war has come to a foregone conclusion

The corpses spread all the way to the direction of Hamamatsu Castle

"Sanhe people are really brave"

Baba Xinfang was soaked in blood, and before he had time to rest, he accompanied Takeda Shingen to monitor the battlefield and said this.

"Believe in "Spring", didn't our army win it?"

Takeda Shingen stopped his horse and looked at Baba Shinbo

Baba Nobubo pointed to the body of the Tokugawa army under and said to Takeda Shingen: "Lord, look at the body of the Tokugawa army. Those who fall down to our army are all face down, their heads facing the shore. All the pine fell down face up, which shows that these soldiers were killed when they rushed forward, and none of them were beheaded because they wanted to escape."

Seeing this, Takeda Shingen, everything is exactly as Baba Nobuya said

Shingen Takeda also nodded and said, "It seems that the children of Mikawa are immortal, and they will be the enemy of my Takeda family in the future, but our army won this battle."

"Tokugawa is defeated, I am going to Los Angeles just around the corner"

Takeda Shingen said this sentence confidently

ps: There is also the third encirclement, but I personally feel that the Uesugi’s dispatch of troops was not enough to shake Oda. Even if Kenshin is the **** of war, the difference in power between the two sides is too great. The battle of Tottori does not explain the problem.

At that time, the power of the Oda clan was already overwhelming. A legion, unilaterally enough to destroy a big name, was far worse than it is now.

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