Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 412: Shingen Ryomei

Ministry of Justice, Dayuan Temple

In the temple hall

Takeda Shingen's eyes drooped, his knees crossed on the stack of seats, and a long coat draped over his shoulders.

Takeda Shingen's expression is very peaceful, his hands clasped together, and a string of rosary beads wrapped around his wrist.

In front of Takeda Shingen, there are a group of people like Takeda Katsuyori, Takeda Nobuya, Katsuyama Shinsada, Nishina Morinobu, a Shinryu, Takeda Shinshi, and Anyama plum and snow.

In addition, for example, the important ministers such as Masakage of Yamagata, Nobaba Nobubo, Masatyo Naito, Nobuhiro Oyamada, Nobuhiro Hara, Masaji Tsuchiya, Nobutsu Sanada, Nobuyoshi Takeda, Nobata Nobata and more than twenty important ministers of the Takeda family, knelt down. In front of Shingen

Now the faces of generals such as Shanxian County and Racecourse are all showing a gloomy look.

After all, Shingen Takeda slowly opened his eyes, and said to the vassals: "I'm afraid I will never see again. It's one day I erected my banner in Kyoto."

Hearing Xinxuan's words, the faces of all the retainers showed sorrow, and some of the retainers wiped their eyes secretly.

Takeda Katsuyoshi sobbing and said: "Father, please take care. After returning to Kofu, you will be able to take care of your body and make a comeback in the future."

Takeda Shingen said calmly: "Don't say any words of comfort. My life's ambition for Shingen is Shangluo, but after I die, you don't have to stick to my ambitions. You must forget this. Keep it secret for at least three years. Don't say anything. , Take the defense of the territory first, don’t act rashly. If anyone violates my order and sends troops without authorization, the Takeda family will surely perish.”

Having said this, Shingen Takeda glanced at the faces of the retainers, and said in a heavy voice: "You must remember this, and treat it as my last life."

Hearing this, all the retainers bowed down, expressing their obedience to Shingen's death.

On the other hand, Katsuyori Takeda moved his lips, fingers pressed tightly on his knees, and he seemed to hesitate to speak.

Takeda Shingen looked at Takeda Katsuyori’s expression under his eyes, then pointed to a box and said: “Here are 800 sheets of white paper. I have drawn the monograms on them. From now on, I will use these belts to send the status of all countries. A paper reply with monograms"

"These are enough for you to use for three years. Today, three years later, you will put my body in armor again..."

"My father, I know some things are extremely rude, but if I don't say it today, I will regret it in the future," Takeda Katsurai suddenly raised his head and said sincerely, "Please hand over Shangluo Daye to me. Finish"

"His Royal Highness, this is the meaning of the lord's..., you must not go against it." Just as Takeda Katsuyoshi finished speaking, Naito Masahyo reminded him.

Takeda Katsuyori put his hands on his knees, and said loudly: "I know, but I know my personality. If I were to succumb to Nobunaga and Ieyasu, and see them fighting the world without doing anything, then I might as well die. Well, it will never be possible"

"Rather than going against my father's wishes in the future, it's better to speak out now, if my father doesn't allow..."

Takeda Katsuyori did not say, but took a look at his brothers Kazan Shinzhen and Nishina Shengxin.

Like Katsuyori Takeda, Shinsada Katsuyama, Mori Shinko Nishina have the inheritance rights of the Takeda family governor.

When Takeda Shingen heard this, Takeda Katsuyoshi's face was severe, and he stood up regardless of the sick body, and walked to the support that supported his armor.

After that, Shingen Takeda took Suwa Dharma's pocket in his hand and slammed Takeda Katsuyori's face.

Takeda Katsuyori suffered a heavy blow from Shingen. Instead, he bowed down and slammed his head on the floor. He said loudly, "Father, please forgive me for my unfilial piety."

All the retainers present were stunned. They had never seen Takeda Katsurai so strong that he dared to fight in front of Shingen, it was the death of the other party.

Shingen Takeda pointed at the Suwa Dharma helmet on the ground, and said to Katsura Takeda, "Put it on for me."

Although Shingen Takeda is seriously ill and strong self-supporting, but the lion is old and the remaining prestige is still there. This tiger of Jiafei is not called for nothing.

"Put it on" Takeda Shingen repeated again

Takeda Katsuyori glanced hesitantly at Takeda Shingen, still wearing the Suwa helmet with lion head and ghost face and white bear fur on his head.

The generals looked at Takeda Shingen, Takeda Katsurai and his son, and thought in their hearts that they shouldn’t be at the last moment, and they should be in trouble.

After that, Shingen Takeda gave orders to the little surname beside him, and Yiyan walked into the house with an object from the side room.

These things are stacked neatly in the hands of the little surname, and it is Shingen's Fenglin Volcano flag.

Takeda Shingen slowly said: "I won't contradict my father's son. I have no promise. I don't have a dog in the Takeda family."

Speaking of this, Takeda Shingen pointed his hand at Takeda Katsuyoshi and said, "I have used this flag and armor for more than 20 years. From now on, I will entrust you with the flag of Fenglin volcano and the Suwa Dharma helmet. NS"

"Father" Masaru Takeda shocked and looked at Takeda Shingen

Takeda Shingen slowly said: "It's ridiculous, I think Shingen is an exhaustive plan to arrange things behind me, but I was wrong."

"Never mind, Katsurai, I don't know how you will be in the future, whether you can compete with Nobunaga, Kenshin, Ieyasu and others. These three are the heroes of the world, no less than me, so I don't want you to take risks, but the world is changing. , I can get it for a while, but can't get it forever, so I can't limit my vision to you."

"Thank you, Father" Takeda Katsuyato leaves his face in tears

Takeda Shingen then pointed to the flag of Fenglinshan Mountain and said: "If in the future you act recklessly and destroy the Takeda family in your hands, I will be ashamed to meet each other even under the yellow springs, but if one day succeeds, I will Putting on the helmet and personally planting the Fenglin Volcano flag on Kyoto, it is considered that I have fulfilled my lifelong wish on my behalf."

Takeda Katsuyori knows the significance of the flag and Suwa helmet of Shingen Takeda

If it is said that the flag is imperial, and the shield is unarmored, this is the first-class meaning of the Takeda family’s inheritance of Yoshimitsu's origin.

Then the meaning of Fenglin Volcano and Suwa’s Dharma Helmet is the incarnation of Xin Xuan. For more than 20 years, Xin Xuan has held a banner and wore armor, conquering the world without any disadvantage, and the heroes are afraid to be convinced.

The Takeda Family Retainers are all gathered under this banner

Have the right to use Shingen’s banner and armor, which is the continuation of Shingen’s own wishes

Shingen Takeda also said in front of a heavy general like Yamaba, that in the future Katsuyori is me, and what Katsuyori does is to inherit Shingen's ambitions.

Takeda Katsuyori put his head on the back of his hand, and bowed heavily to Shingen, indicating that he had received the Furin volcano and the Suwa Dharma helmet

Takeda Katsuyori got up again, and all the retainers looked at Takeda Katsuyori, and they all turned half-side and bowed deeply to him.

Seeing this, Takeda Shingen nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very well, the rest is done, I will ask you all to burn all my anthropomorphisms. After my death, I will be the governor of the Takeda family. Of course, the news of my death. You don’t need to guard it anymore and announce the world."

"If anyone dares to take advantage of my death, provoke my family, immediately send troops to annihilate, and will never be merciless."


All the servants of Takeda bowed to Shingen

The 412th chapter Xinxuan's death

The 412th chapter Xinxuan's death

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