Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 43: Spears vs. Iaido

Facing the snow powder smashed in the face, Shioka Kazuha's appearance remained constant, but the amazement in his heart was hard to add. Seeing Li Xiao's fierce shot, he knew that he had far underestimated the opponent in front of him. With the power of this gun, Shioka Kazuha knew that this Ming national was definitely an opponent that could rival him.

   Xuefen still interfered with Shioka's sight. By the time he saw Li Xiao's gun path, the opponent's gun was already close to less than half a meter from his chest.

   Shioka Kazuha decisively raised the scabbard and blocked the path of Li Xiao's shot.

   "Good arm strength."

   Even though he parried the opponent's attack, Shioka Kazuma felt that under the impulse of the shot, his arms were shaken sorely, and the mouth of the tiger holding the knife began to numb.

   And Li Xiao's offensive with this shot is not over yet. Seeing that Shigang Yiyu had sealed his shot, Li Xiao immediately swung his right arm with his left hand as the axis.

   I saw Li Xiao's spear head suddenly change direction, as if a giant python missed a pounce, turning over and taking a bite. The body of the big gun with the whole bar was suddenly bent and arched, and there was a whistling sound from the gun head, and a vicious wind was thrown, like a huge whip drew heavily towards Shigang Yiyu.


   Although Shioka Kazuha strained quickly, he sealed it again with a scabbard, but he did not have the surplus strength to resist the gun, and his body's center of gravity was unstable. Under the lash of the gun, Shigang Yiyu's whole body was thrown off the ground and flew out, and one side of his shoulder slammed into the big tree behind him, and fell to the ground.


   The snow on the tree was knocked down by Shioka Kazuha, and all of it shuddered off, and it piled up on his body, burying Shioka Kazuyu's body half in the snow.

   Li Xiao was delighted when he saw a successful move. Of course, he would never let go of this opportunity and slammed Shigang Yiyu with a fierce shot. But when the tip of the spear was about to touch Shioka's body, the opponent suddenly broke through the snow, and at the moment of the moment, it almost missed Li Xiao's spear.

   Seeing that Li Xiao was beaten into embarrassment, Shioka Yiyu seemed to be irritated, his eyes flashed with different lights, revealing a fierce color.

   Li Xiao's heart is not good, so he hurriedly drew back and took back the big gun to protect himself. However, Shioka Kazuha's body is faster. He rides on the clogs under his hakama, and takes very fast small steps in the snow. At the same time, his left hand is holding the scabbard at his waist, while his right hand is grasping the scabbard. On the handle.

   Li Xiao's pupils contracted, Shioka Kazuha's movements at this moment were exactly the same as when Yamamoto Kansuke used the sword drawing technique.

   Li Xiao did not hesitate, and immediately strode out and turned and sprinted, abandoning the gun with his left hand, leaving only his right hand to grab the tail of the gun, and then dragging the big gun through the snow.

   In the scene right now, two figures of Li Xiao and Shigang Yiyu chased and ran in the snow, leaving a deep snow mark when Li Xiao's gun pierced the ground while running.

The snow suddenly fell and heavier, and the strong wind followed, which made his face hurt. Shima Semang was watching the battle. He could hardly see the movements of both sides. Only the vague shadows were shaking, but he knew that Li Xiao’s was at the moment. The situation is quite unfavorable.

The two chased for more than ten meters. Li Xiao saw that there was a big tree blocking him, and he was already unable to retreat. Shigang Yiyu snorted when he saw this, and he blinked faster between steps. One step closer in time.

   At this time, Shioka Kazuha's feet kept walking, but his upper body remained motionless, unaffected by his steps. I saw him gently lift the left thumb, the right thumb and index finger to pinch the hilt, and the other three fingers spread out, lifting it up steadily but not quickly, and suddenly the cold and cold blade slid out of the scabbard at this moment!

   There is only one trick in Juhedao. The moment you see the blade, either you die or I die, the time has come to divide the victory and defeat!

   Li Xiao knew this, but he was still running. He didn't slow down at all. He rushed straight towards the big tree in front of him. At his rushing speed, he would definitely hit the tree with his head.

At this moment, Shigang Yiyu had already approached Li Xiao, shouted, and drew the knife out of the sheath. I saw that the blade was getting out of the sheath faster and faster, and high-speed friction was formed at the carp’s mouth, shooting A yellow spark came out.

   And Li Xiao rushed to the tree at this time, kicked his legs against the tree trunk in front of him, and turned back with strength. At this moment, Li Xiao jumped into the air, and the big spear had been returned to both hands.

   Li Xiao faced Shigang Yiyu's out-of-the-sheathed sword light, but there was peace in his mind. His breathing and heartbeat seemed to be still at this moment, and Shigang Yiyu was the only one in his eyes. The opportunity was fleeting, and when Shioka Kazuha used the strongest Iaido Kendo, his shoulders shook slightly.

   Li Xiao did not hesitate, and in this moment, like a dragon turning over, he and Shioka Kazuha formed a face-to-face situation. Turning around, twisting and shaking the gun, Li Xiao struggled to send the gun in his hand towards the opponent, and the entire gun head and the gun body were horizontally together and collapsed into a straight line.

   This is Li Xiao's last move, the ancient Chinese general, who used it to kill the enemy-return the carbine!

   At the same time, Shioka Kazuha's right-handed blade drew a bright light in the snow. When the thunder drew the sword, it was the life of Ihe.

   "Horizontal text." Shioka Kazuha yelled, drew his sword again and chopped horizontally, and waved an arc.

bump! A crisp sound of wood breaking followed by blood splattering.

   The winner has been divided, I don’t know who won? This thought flashed through Shima Katsumeng's mind, and then rushed forward. This Shioka Kazuha is definitely the strongest master Shima Seiyu has seen since he has traveled all over the world for many years. The swiftness of the opponent's body and swordsmanship far exceeds that of any famous swordsman he has ever seen.

Of course, Li Xiao’s marksmanship is also the strongest person he has ever seen, but against Shioka Kazuha, one of Tsukahara Buden’s proud disciples, he doesn’t have much of Li Xiao’s chances of winning. expect. However, Li Xiao is currently the person he plays for, and he naturally hopes that Li Xiao can defeat the opponent.

   In fact, after deducting the worry about the outcome, Shima Katsuhoshi understood that this was definitely a duel between two first-class spear masters and first-class swordsmanship masters, and the process could definitely be passed down to future generations.

   In the snow, the heavy snow also kept falling.

   Li Xiao and Shigang Yiyu were facing each other far away, each covered with a layer of snow powder. Right now, both of them were spraying long white air between their mouths and noses, and their bodies were constantly rising and falling. It was obvious that the blow that had just been a fusion of each other's peak skills.

  Although the two played against each other only between the electric light flint, but the two sides had already tried their best, so the physical strength was extremely exhausted.

   Who won? After Shima Shengmeng stood still, when he saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked. Li Xiao's hand was cut off the big gun. He held the remnant tail of the gun in his right hand, and the whole big gun was cut off by three points. of two. The toughness of the big spear in Li Xiao's hand was known to Shimatsu, but Shioka Kazuha's sword-drawing technique cut him off with a single knife.

On the other hand, Shigang Yiyu's current situation in the past, the other two-thirds of Li Xiao's spear tip was cut off, which is now poking Shigang Yiyu's right shoulder, and the blood immediately dyed his half of his shirt. sleeve.

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