Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 453: Stand still

Full text, no ads, Chapter 453

The sound of iron cannons from the Tokugawa Oda Allied Forces attacking the Kite Nest cottage, alarmed the frontline confrontation with the Oda Army and Takeda Army. All text without ads

The roar of iron cannons in the early morning made the 20,000 soldiers of the Takeda Army feel that they had been attacked in the back, and they felt faintly uncomfortable.

At this moment, on the top of Kekrakuji Mountain, in the main formation of the papaya pattern curtain of the Oda family.

The generals of Oda Army Nobunaga, Oda Nobunaga, Kawajiri Hidetaka, Shibata Katsuya, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Honda Tadachi, and others, all look into the distance, waiting for news from the Tone Nest Cottage Rangers.

When the sound of iron cannons came, the general of the Oda clan, and even Oda Nobunaga himself couldn't help showing great joy.

Oda Nobunaga suddenly stood up from the horse, clasped his hands together, and said to Tokugawa Ieyasu beside him, "It seems that Sakai's attack has been successful!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu nodded, and said: "Heiji and the Higashi Mikawa people under his command are all powerful members of the family. If Takeda is not prepared for a sneak attack, there should be no loss."

Oda Nobunaga nodded heavily, waved his whip, and said: "So the Takeda army has no retreat, and it will inevitably counterattack our army. Our army waits for it, and has the advantage of big barrels and iron cannons. This battle is bound to Win!"

Nobunaga spoke confidently.

Ieyasu Tokugawa lowered his head and said: "Youfu, don't be careless, Takeda Katsuyoshi is nothing but Li Xiao, the famous Takeda clan who is chasing Takeda Shingen, must be treated with caution!"

Oda Nobunaga looked at the left wing of the Takeda Army, hiding in the morning mist in the position where Li Xiao was sitting, and said, "Brother Mikawa, don't worry, I will never underestimate my opponent."

Moriran Maru next to Nobunaga said: "Master, this Li Xiao doesn't understand the general trend, and he has the heart to persuade and does not listen. He has to lead his army to this Nagasasa and go to death. Such a person should be given color. . All text without ads"

Nobunaga laughed, caressed Moriran Maru, and said: "It's Ranmaru, I know what's on my mind!"

"Master, don't be careless!"

On the side of Oda Nobunaga, Shibata Katsumi said solemnly: "Li Xiao is not an ordinary general, and his subordinates are more powerful. If he is slightly underestimated, he will be taken advantage of!"

When Oda Nobunaga heard what Shibata said, his eyebrows trembled, and the eagle eyes glanced at Shibata, and shouted, "Asshole, do you still have to teach me to do things?"

When Shibata Shengjia heard this, he took a step back and said: "The ministers dare not, just remind the lord to be careful."


Just now Shibata had spoken, a sneer suddenly came from his side.

Shibata Katsuya turned his head angrily, and saw that the sneer was Kawajiri Hidetaka.

Shibata Katsumi was furious at the moment, but Hidetaka Kawajiri, but nobunaga's black mother-in-law, was born in the Mino clan, and even dared to laugh at himself.

However, when Shibata Katsuya looked at Oda Nobuya who was beside Hidetaka Kajiri, he suppressed his anger at the bottom of his heart.

Today, Hidetaka Kawajiri is different from the past. He is now the lord of Mino Tsuru Castle, and is responsible for the suppression of the Li Xiao Army and the Akiyama Nobel Army by the Oda Nakayama Road.

That's all, the more important thing is that Kawajiri Hidetaka is the assistant of Oda Nobuya, the young master of the Oda family, and the celebrity in front of him.

In the two battles of the Oda family against Hokuriku and Nagashima Hassan, Kawajiri Hidetaka ranked first among the generals of the Oda family.

Facing such a cruel person by Kawajiri Hidetaka, Katsura Shibata snorted and said, "What do you have to say with Bingbei-sama?"

Kawajiri Hidetaka smiled and said: "Li Xiao only used his troops in a swindle, pretending to be a force of tens of thousands with a mere 8,000 people. Such a trick, even if he sees through it."

At this time, Oda Nobuya also echoed, his own Fu Ya said: "I heard that a year ago, the two adults, Hashiba and Wise, had defeated Li Xiao’s Hida Yuezhong Army in the first battle in Kaga. It can be seen that it is nothing remarkable."

Facing Oda Nobuya's words, Shibata Katsushika slowly shook his head. Hideyoshi Hashiba, Mitsuhide Wise-hide's battle report, knows a lot of water at a glance.

Oda Nobuyoshi has only served for three years and lacks war experience. It is understandable to make such a judgment, but it is ridiculous to be blindly arrogant if he is such a battle-tested person like Kawajiri Hidetaka.

Kawajiri Hidetaka, Shibata Katsura can offend Faithful, the next governor of the Oda family, so he said nothing at the moment.

Anyway, let them suffer from Li Xiao's bitterness. Anyway, in this battle, the Oda Tokugawa Allied Forces have such a huge advantage, no matter how Li Xiao performs, he can't fight back.

So Shibata Shengjia thought.

The mist in the early morning has now cleared.

The morning light on the horizon has shone on Sheleyuan.

From the front of the Oda Army, the Takeda Army camp outside the Twenty Towns has faintly moved.

On Kekrakuji Mountain, overlooking all the Oda Nobunaga, watching the two armies like soldiers wandering by ants, at this moment ambitiously said: "Takeda clan perishes in this battle, all armies enter the battlefield!"


The Oda family members present suddenly agreed.

Tianzheng three years, May 21st, close to the hour.

Inspired by Sakai Taduji's surprise attack on Long Shinojo behind the Takeda Army, 35,000 Oda Tokugawa Allied Forces dispatched together and entered the preset battlefield.

On the preset battlefield, the Oda Army is in charge of the northern section.

At the northernmost point are Nobumori Sakuma, Tsuneko Ikeda, Nagahide Niwa, and Kazuka Takikawa.

And the main force of the Oda army led by Mizuno Nobumoto, Ando Norsun, Kamishi Township, Mori Choka, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Mitsuji Mitsuhide, and Mitsuhide Achievement led the main force of the Oda Army in the east of Mount Kekrakuji.

Nobunaga's Honjin was set up on Kawakami Mountain behind the northern section, with Shibata Katsushika as the lieutenant.

For Midoyama, it is Nobuo Kitahata and Ichitsu Inaba.

In Tokugawa, the Oda Army connected to the Shintangyama position in the middle section, and Nobunaga's son Oda Nobunaga, and Kawajiri Hidetaka as lieutenants.

After the Oda family's army was deployed, the Tokugawa family was responsible for guarding the southern section.

The Tokugawa army deployed Tadyo Okubo and the brothers Tadashi Okubo as the bait.

As for the Tokugawa family general Tadamoto Yasuga, this time, Ishikawa Sakuru is now in Hachikenyama.

Matsudaira and Izumi, Guannuma, and Doi Bungo were deployed at Takehiroguchi.

Behind Hachiken Mountain and Takehiroguchi, there is Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Honjin Masayama. In front of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Honjin Masayama, the Tokugawa family’s general Naito Shirozaemon, Uemura Dewa Mamoru, and Honda Tadaka, Kamhara Kang Zheng deployed the formation on the left and right sides of Danzheng Mountain.

In addition, Ieyasu Tokugawa also ordered Rakusada to be used as a guard to patrol along the Toyokawa River to prevent the Takeda Army Crossing River from attacking.

In front of the Oda Tokugawa Army, three anti-horse fences were constructed, and the iron gunner hid in the anti-horse fence, waiting for the Takeda army in front.

In the morning hours.

The Takeda Army left, center, and right three attacking corps, totaling 20,000 troops, are all ready.

Naga Shino battle is on the verge!


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