Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 457: suppress

Full text and no ads Chapter 457 Suppression

"This **** weather!"

Rui Costa, wearing a pair of muddy boots, stood in front of the Takeda army, complaining very much. All text without ads

Li Xiao stood beside him, smiled slightly, and said: "Thanks for your hard work, I know that it is not an easy task to travel all the way with a cannon in this mountain."

"It's not an easy task." When Rui Costa saw Li Xiao, he seemed to have found a savior. He poured out all the bitter water in his stomach, and also used various exaggerated rhetoric techniques, adding ten times to twenty times. .

In fact, Li Xiao led the army from Kaji Tiancheng to reinforce Chang Xiaocheng.

On the way, Rui Costa’s large barrels, twelve nine-pounders and two twelve-pounders, could not keep up because of the slow speed and the muddy soil after the heavy rain, and the large troops were left behind. .

In the middle of the night last night, after Li Xiao's main army arrived, Rui Costa's corps was still on the way.

Just when Li Xiao was almost worried that the other party would not be able to catch up with today's critical battle, Rui Costa finally arrived in the Takeda army formation close to 11 o'clock in the morning, which shocked Li Xiao's spirit.

Facing the defense of Oda Army General Nobori Sakuma’s three defensive grids, Li Xiao certainly has the means to defeat them in one fell swoop, but this action will be like the Takeda Army’s left-wing central army, which will become a fortified battle, causing too much loss of force. .

As for Kamiokabei, Snaketailbei, and Kimotobei, of course, they have direct squadrons, but they are all six-pounder calibers, and they are insufficient in number, so they can't suppress the big canisters on the Oda army's position.

Before facing the strong forces of the Oda Army, this move would seem quite unwise, so Li Xiao did not force Shima Shengmeng to attack.

As soon as the big tube arrived, Li Xiao was immediately confident.

Facing Rui Costa’s constant chatter, Li Xiaozheng said to Rui Costa: “Rui Costa, listen, you are now participating in a battle to reverse the key process of this country. Your performance It's about the future of nearly tens of millions of people here."

"Nearly ten million!" Rui Costa suddenly said in shock.

Realizing this, Rui Costa felt a sense of excitement, and said: "Master, what can you tell me?"

Li Xiao nodded, pointed his hand to the west, and said, "I order your big gear to help the Meinong people of Dao Shengmeng, take this hillside for me!"

Rui Costa’s riding boots were tied together and said: "Yes!"

After talking about Rui Costa, she looked very bright.

"Report to your lord, the lord has ordered you to step up the offensive immediately and drive the Oda Army Sakuma Nobuhiro team off Maruyama!"

Wearing a thick armor, on the island of the former superintendent fighting against Meng Meng, when he heard the order from Li Xiaoshifan, he nodded and said: "I know, go back to the lord, the minister will do everything possible. (Free download of the full text e-book) "


After Shifan retires.

Shima Katsumou's eyes condensed, and he looked at the Oda Army position.

Nobumori Sakuma’s position in Maruyama is slightly ahead of the battlefield. Behind the battlefield is the Rengo River. After Rengo River, it is the center of the Oda Army’s North Wing Defense Line. Xiu and Kazuyuki Takikawa's nearly six thousand military forces.

Then Shima Katsumou confronted Higashichoyao, the lord of Hachiman Castle, the lord of Yuri Gunjo Hachiman, the lord Endo Totoshi of Kiyoshi Castle, and Mitsuyoshi Oshima, the tycoon of Kajida, and said: "Now I am all the people, and the soldiers are divided into two groups. , The three of you led the army from the right side of Maruyama, and I led my team from the left side of the mountain to make repeated assaults on Sakuma Nobumori and drive him down Maruyama!"

After Shima Katsumo finished speaking, Higashi Changyao, Endo Totoshi, and Oshima Mitsuyoshi all took the command.

As a veteran of the Oda Army, he has enjoyed the reputation of retiring Sakuma since the battle of Inao. For the famous general Sakuma Shinmori who is as famous as Shibata Katsura, he has been living well in the past few years. Very uncomfortable.

In fact, since the trilateral war, Sakuma Nobunori's martial arts has been undergoing a sharp decline.

During the trilateral battle, the Oda army was in a mess. As the main general, Nobori Sakuma took the lead to retreat, causing the general to tie his hands and die in battle, so he was reprimanded by Nobunaga.

Later, during the battle of Ichijoya that destroyed the Asakura family, Nobunaga Thunder was furious because of his slow movements and delayed fighters. Nobunaga angered the former heavy-handed minister in front of the vassal group, and did not show any face to the other party. As a result, Sakuma Nobunori burst into tears on the spot.

And now the Oda Army is fighting for the world, and the key battle with the Takeda Army is in the battle of Nagashino.

The North Wing Defense Line's first mover, Nobumori Sakuma, has the confidence to learn from the three-party warfare here, which is a shame for the defeat of the Takeda family.

The three barriers were the pioneering work of the Oda Army in building field fortifications in the history of the Warring States period in this battle. Nobumori Sakuma believes that with this strong defense, it is sufficient to withstand attacks that are more than twice the enemy's strength.

And this solid formation is even easier for the inadequate offense and the more defensive. For the Oda Army, Sakuma Nobunori, who is known as the king of the palace army, is even easier.

In the past three hours of small fights with Shima Katsura, Sakuma Nomori confirmed this. With strong fortifications, the chief general of the Hida Etsuzhong Army was helpless in front of him.

Therefore, Nobumori Sakuma relaxed his guard, thinking that the strength of the Takeda army was nothing more than that.

But at this time, Nobumori Sakuma saw Yamashita Takeda Army Mino general commander Masanori Shima suddenly change his position.

Masaru Shima divided the two thousand five hundred troops into two. It turned out that this posture was actually going to launch an assault on Maruyama with swift and fierce combat methods!

"Looking for a dead end!" Above Maruyama, Sakuma Nobumori let out a cold snort, and said to the envoy: "Order the big barrel, prepare the iron cannon, and beat the Takeda army!"

Sakuma Nobumori's self-confidence is justified. In this position, Nobunaga knew that Li Xiao's regiment had a big gun to help out, so he sent him six big guns as a concerted effort.

In addition, Sakuma Nobuhiro's army has five hundred iron cannons and 300 arches of long-range strike firepower, so he is convinced that it is enough to raze the current Takeda army.

"Isao wins fiercely, let the horse come here!"

Nobori Sakuma took the whip and stared coldly at the Takeda army gathered under the mountain. He was convinced that soon, this would be a corpse.

"Unexpectedly, our opponent is very imaginative."

After putting down the monocular telescope, Rui Costa commented on the position of the Oda Army.

Maruyama is no more than a small hill, the undulating **** is very small, cavalry can gallop on it.

But in the army of cold weapons, it is an unattainable mountain.

The reason lies in the temporary field fortifications built above.

The fortifications of the Oda Army are three anti-horse fences.

The first anti-horse fence has exits everywhere.

With the second anti-horse fence, the exit was significantly reduced.

The third anti-horse fence was not only completely blocked, but also modified in response to it.

The so-called third anti-horse fence position is to dig a trench, then raise the excavated soil on the back base, and then use the long wood with sharpened ends to insert it into the soil barrier and stand it up diagonally at forty-five degrees. The rows of iron cannons are light enough, and the bow feet are lightly standing behind the earth barriers and wooden fences to shoot.

This kind of defense is indeed an extremely excellent field fortification of this era. The offensive troops follow the route arranged by the opponent, not to mention the process of impacting the anti-horse fence. In the process of eliminating the anti-horse fence and filling the trench, they must be attacked by big guns, bows and arrows. Iron Cannon Triple Baptism.

Rui Costa spoke highly of the Oda Army’s fortifications, then moved the monocular telescope upwards, looked at the Oda Army’s large-tube position, and said with a smile: “However, the enemy generals’ use of the cannon is still conscious. It is weak. Where can there be such scattered use, the cannons must be concentrated in one place to be powerful!"

Speaking of this, Rui Costa said to his subordinates: "Brothers, let the six-pounder guns of the Oda Army know what a big guy is!"

As Rui Costa pressed his hand, the Takeda army was busy preparing for the battlefield.

The gunners closed one eye, compared a finger, tested the distance with the eye difference method, and instructed the gunners to use the joystick to adjust the height of the gun.

After that, the loader aimed at the gunpowder, and the projectiles were filled into the cannon from the muzzle.

It didn’t take a long time that all the big cannons had been adjusted. On the battlefield, more than one twelve-pounder guns, which were larger than a six-pound gun, were quietly placed there, like a beast choosing people to eat, and aimed at Maruyama. Direction.

Just waiting for Rui Costa's order at any time.

And below Maruyama, at a distance of two hundred, Takeda Junzui with a three-leaf cypress flag on his back, the hedgehog gathered aside, Shima Katsutake holding a large sword, staring at Maruyama directly in front of him with a grim expression.


Rui Costa gave an order.


The twelve-pounder artillery sounded several times the sound of the six-pounder artillery, which shocked the entire battlefield at the moment.

The soldiers of Oda Takeda who were fighting on the left wing of the center were stagnated.

At the Maruyama position, Nobumori Sakuma was thundered for a long time, and he was so scared that he almost sat on the ground.

At this moment, the sharp whistling sound scraped from the top of his head, causing Sakuma Nobumori's scalp to numb for a while.




One, two, third.

The earth trembled slightly. Above the Maruyama position, the generals of the Oda Army began to turn around like a headless fly, holding their heads around, crying and crying.

At this time, a shell hit the Oda Army's position, and the wooden horse guard shattered like sand.

This shell bounced up after hitting the ground, pierced through three anti-horse fences in one breath, and the destroyed sawdust hung up to the sky, and finally slammed heavily into the mound in front of him.

Nobumori Sakuma felt that the countless sand beside him leaped up and crackled on his head pocket, almost submerging himself.

Halfway up from the mud, Sakuma Nobumori said loudly at this moment: "Asshole, what are you waiting for! The team fights back! Give me a counterattack!"

Before Sakuma Nobumori's words fell, the Oda Army's large tube deployed on the mountain hurriedly adjusted the gun positions, and hurriedly fired at the Takeda Army's large tube position.

Compared with the bombardment of the Takeda Army, the Oda Army’s large barrels seemed much weaker.

The range of the nine-pounder and twelve-pounder is far above that of the six-pounder, so the large positions of the Takeda Army were specially built out of the reach of the Oda Army’s large positions.

Therefore, the Oda Army's six-pounder gun shot obviously hit the empty space, but it raised a burst of mud and sand weakly.

Following the retaliatory shelling by the Takeda Army, they headed towards the Oda Army's main position.



You can see the position of the Oda Army squadron that was blown upside down.

Sakuma Shinmori couldn't help it, and said to the sky: "My Hachiman Omyojin!"


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