Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 464: Surprise attack

Full text, no ads, Chapter 464 Surprise Attack

Kai, 躅躅崎館. (Free download of full text e-book)

In the middle of the night, the heavy rain came, and the smell of earth was blowing.

The rain crackled the eaves.

Among the houses of Li Xiaoyu Yuzakikan, there is a brightly lit area.

The maids walked silently in each room, all in a hurry. They only nodded when they met each other, and there was a look of worry on their faces.

Around the eaves, dozens of Li family warriors guarding this house are all dignified with their hands on the hilt of their swords and oil lamps in their hands.

On the corridor through the main house, there are a series of muddy footprints.

In the main room, a muddy samurai, clothed with feet, was kneeling in front of Yumi Ohata, Li Zheng, and Kikuhime.

This samurai is about thirty years old with a sun-moon flag on his back. The rain is dripping from the armor on the wooden floor.

Yumi Ohata calmed his emotions and asked, "You said that last night, the husband led the main force of Hida Etsuchu and rushed to Nagasasa. Did you face a decisive battle with the Oda family today?"

"Yes. The Lord Lord said that this battle is a battle that determines the luck of the Takeda Oda family. It is about life and death. He has determined to help his family win the decisive battle with all his strength, so he is here to report to his wife. Please feel at ease."

Yumi Ohata's sleeves flicked, tears flickered in her eyes, and she took a long breath, and said: "The husband is leading the army on the battlefield, and the concubine is thinking about it day and night. How can I say that I feel relieved. Although I am a woman. , But I also understand that Nobunaga’s current trend is in the midst of the sky, and it’s not easy to talk about it if you want to shake it up."

However, after a pause, Yumi Ohata calmed down and restored a calm look on his face. He said: "You immediately reply to your husband and let him fight on the front line without worrying about family affairs. I will take care of everything for him, and then Looking forward to his victory day and night."

After hearing this, the samurai was slightly surprised, thinking that he had long heard that the wife of the lord was born as a samurai Ji, and the woman did not let the beard, and when a big event came up, she was indeed more determined than other women.

"Oh!" After the samurai promised, he said again, "but the lord still ordered, if this battle is victorious, he will reunite with his wife triumphantly, but if there is a disadvantage, the Takeda family must be destroyed, and the lord also asks his wife to quickly , Moved to Yuezhong, in order to map the future."

Yumi Obata was slightly startled when she heard these words.

At this moment, Li Zheng stepped forward and asked, "My father, do you really say that?"

The warrior uttered a loud voice and said: "The lord is cautious. It is said that there is no victory in the world. Although there is sufficient assurance, it is necessary to prevent everything from happening. The lord said so because he missed the young lord and his wife. (Free download of full text e-book

Li Zheng nodded and said, "Okay, thanks for the reminder. Please work hard again and reply to my father."

The samurai cried out and then withdrew.

Li Zheng turned his head to look at Oba Yumi, and said in a deep voice: "My mother, my father is a well-known warrior in the world. In the past, in desperation, even Uesugi Kenshin could not help him. What's more, now his father's power is even more important. Hundreds of times, it will definitely help my family defeat Nobunaga!"

Seeing that his son is so sensible, Oba Yumi nodded.

Although Li Zheng is usually very playful, but he is not a man of six gods and no masters when encountering major events, which makes Yumi Ohata relieved a lot.

At this time, Ju Ji gently pulled Li Zheng's sleeve and said softly: "Husband, can I not retreat to Yuezhong? I don't want to leave my mother."

Li Zheng listened to the flick of his sleeve robe, and said unhappily: "Then you stay with your mother, don't go with me."

Ju Ji heard Li Zhengzhi's words, her eyes reddened, and two tears fell, and she cried choked up.

Yumi Ohata glanced at her son, took Juhime's hand, and said: "Jing'er's father has never let me down, and there will be no mistakes. Right now, it's just a plan in case, you are me, Li My daughter-in-law, why don't you come with me. Besides, you are already pregnant with the flesh and blood of a righteous child."

Li Zheng also knew that he had made a mistake for a while, so he walked by holding Ju Ji's hand and said: "Don't worry, if we really get to Yuezhong, we will send someone back to let your mother move to a place together."

After hearing Li Zheng and Oba Yumi's comfort, Kikuhime felt relieved.

At this time, outside the door, Li Zheng's master Huzai Zongyi came.

Huzai Zongyi listened to Li Zheng's account of what happened, thought for a while, and smiled: "Madam and Young Master, please rest assured, but Master Ma Shou has always acted cautiously and will never do anything uncertain, even then. In the defeat of Takeda, he can also retreat with his whole body. However, as long as the famous generals do not consider victory, they should consider defeat first. This kind of arrangement should be dealt with."

Hearing that the resourceful Huzai Zongyi said so, Oba Yumi and Li Zheng are both very relieved.

Then Oba Yumi went back to the room to rest, leaving only Tora Zongyi and Li Zheng.

Huzai Zongyi smiled at Li Zheng and said, "What's the matter, are you still worried?"

Li Zheng looked at Huzai Zongyi and said: "Master, it is deceptive to say that you are not worried, but you often teach me to be calm in big things, so I have to work hard to calm down."

Huzai Zongyi nodded with satisfaction, and said: "Young Master, with such a commitment, he must be a British master to inherit the family business in the future. Perhaps the day of inheriting the Patriarch will not be too far."

Li Zheng looked at Huzai Zongyi and asked, "Why does the master say that?"

Huzai Zongyi smiled and said: "Soon, you will understand what I mean. Although I and Master Taman Shou, both want the young master to practice for a while, and then inherit the family business, but I think it will be long after the war. , I’m afraid the young master is about to take on this matter."

Li Zheng's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Master, what do you mean, will my father let me inherit the house superintendent in advance?"

Huzai Zongyi smiled, but inexplicably, he said: "Young Master, you only need to know that the Lord is the one who has the ambition of the king of literature."

Li Zheng tried to figure out the words of Huzai Zongyi, and he seemed to have some understanding, and smiled: "Master, I understand."

Li Zheng and Hu Zai Zong Yi looked at each other and smiled.

Huzai Zongyi thought silently from the bottom of his heart that if the young master can take the position in advance, then the day when my ambition is realized may not be far away.

However, Li Zheng went under the eaves, watched the heavy rain, and said to himself: "Please also my father, please be sure to win this battle and help my Takeda family survive this hardship. As for the future Let the child help you smooth the world!"

Naga Shino, Saurahara!

At the moment when Changjing of Shanxian County was taken over, the balance of the battlefield situation had already tilted. The most powerful general of the Takeda army and chief retainer Changjing of Shanxian died in battle.

"Enemy commander Yamasaburo Bingbei, ask for it."

The Oda family samurai shouted excitedly, loudly and loudly, resounding on the battlefield.

Especially when his head was hung up high by the samurai under Toshiya Maeda, the Takeda army was shocked and lost their intent to fight.

Takeda is defeated!

This is the consensus of the upper and lower Oda Takeda army.

When the Takeda Army Central Corps saw the first class who came to help their mountain prefecture Changjing, they immediately boiled. Baba Shinbo, Takeda Shinren, and the original Changyin team went crazy, rushing into the Oda Army’s position, to the mountain. The first level of Changjing County was captured and returned.

However, Shibata Katsuya would use his plan to use the fanaticism of the Takeda army to lure the Central Army into the ambush circle, and then the iron cannon was loud.

Suddenly, the Takeda Army suffered numerous casualties.

After that, the Oda army swarmed from all sides.

The fall of the Takeda Army Central Corps is imminent.

And just when there were people in the audience who thought that the Takeda army was destroyed in this battle, and the Oda family won the Nagasino battle.

The crisis of the Oda Army appeared, and the three thousand Hidas from Takenaka Rejiro, Baba Masabo, Uchijima Shiri appeared quietly behind the Oda Army, unconsciously.

Indeed, on the battlefield now, everyone's ideas are focused on the Oda Army's encirclement and annihilation of the Takeda Army Central Corps, and who will take care of Nobunaga's main formation and the rear of the Oda Army.

The ambush, the surprise attack, is for Shigeharu Takenaka, who set up Nobunaga in ambush on all sides during the Battle of Ghana, and attacked Inabayama Castle with 16 people.

Naturally an expert, doing things that are too familiar to be familiar.

Takenaka Shigeharu commanded the Hida crowd, and the soldiers approached Nobunaga's main formation in Kawakami Mountain quietly.

When the striker was only three hundred meters away from Kawakami Mountain, this was discovered by Nobunaga's son Nobuo Kitahata.

This was a misfortune. The Hida group of ninjas, after they killed six Oda soldiers, and killed the last samurai, they missed for a while, which made this samurai have After enough time, the Li Xiao ninja hurriedly yelled to the Honjin to call the police, and then the Li Xiao ninja who reacted cut his throat.

Seeing that the trail was attacked, Shigeharu Takenaka categorically gave the order to give up the slow advance of hiding the trail, and all the troops rushed towards the Kawakami Mountains, with the goal of Nobunaga's head.

The Three Thousand Takeda Army appeared out of thin air, opened a large net, and rushed towards the mountains of Kawakami.

Oda Army Honjin attacked!

The Oda Army in the Kawakami Mountains blew the attacked French Conch.

After Wen Zhi's main formation was attacked, Shibata Katsura, who was encircling the Takeda Army Central Corps in front, showed an incredible look.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered his subordinates to return to Sichuan and go up the mountain.

Now Kawakami Mountain is in chaos, Oda Nobunaga is close to the samurai Hasegawa Hideichi, Hori Hidemasa and others all rushed into the house and said loudly to Oda Nobunaga: "The lord is not good, the Takeda army surprises. The team cashed in the rear of our army."

"What should I do?" Kitahata Nobuo sat on the floor with a look of horror, his crotch was actually What's the panic! "

Oda Nobunaga on the Kawakami Mountain had a calm expression on his face, calling for the panic behavior of his subordinates.

Under Nobunaga's accumulated power, the Oda troops suddenly stopped their movements.

"Lord, do you want to move to the center first and move closer to Shibata Corps." Hideichi Hasegawa analyzed and said.

Oda Nobunaga shook his head and said, "Idiot, since the Takeda army has decided to surprise the main formation, it must have made plans to get my Nobunaga's head in mind. How could this step not be in their expectations, it must have sent troops. Step forward and encircle. Stay here and still have a position to rely on. Just stick to the six main forces for a while, and you will return to the original formation. There will be nothing wrong at that time!"

After finishing talking about Oda Nobunaga, he smiled, glanced at the Takeda army under the mountain, waved his horse whip and said, "I didn’t expect Takeda Katsurai, Li Xiao would have this trick. Very good, very good. It really made me big. To be pleasantly surprised, just waiting here to kill me Nobunaga, it’s too early!"


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