Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 466: The End of the Mansion

Hundred Book House Full Text Chapter 466

On the Kawakami Mountain, the Takeda Army stood up with countless spear points. Baishuwu all text without ads

Nobunaga alone is the direction pointed out.

Although Nobunaga is alone at this moment, no one is afraid of him and dare not step forward.

After Oda Nobuya laughed for a long time, then slowly turned around, looked at Maba Masabo, pointed at the opponent, and said, "You are the general under Li Danma Shou, and you should sign up for it?"

Baba Changfang lowered his head and said politely: "His Royal Highness, the son of Baba Mino, general of the Takeda family, Baba Changfang."

Oda Nobunaga nodded and said, "I see, my father is a samurai worthy of admiration, and you are no less inferior to him. It is reluctant to die in your hands."

Machang Changfang thought about it, knowing that it was impossible, but he still asked: "His Royal Highness, the battle is not what the two families want to see. If possible, the master of the museum is willing to talk with His Highness to seek a common way out. ."

After hearing this, Oda Nobunaga coldly snorted, and said, "Is that kid Katsurai? No, this surprise attack on Kawakamiyama should be the idea of ​​your lord Li Danma Shou. Takeda's family is behind Shingen, and there is still The existence of such a character, I am afraid that from now on, the world's big name will lead the horse in front of him in the future."

"What?" Baba Masamaki's body shook. In Oda Nobunaga's words, he did not mention Takeda Katsuyori, and instead praised Li Xiao.

The big name of the world leads the horse in front of him. This doesn't mean that Li Xiao will ascend the place of the world in the future. Damn it, doesn't he know, but Ma Shou-sama is the retainer of the Takeda family?

Where is the owner of the museum like this?

Impossible, Li Danma Shou was loyal and sincere to his family. If this battle of Changxiao hadn't cooperated with him, his family would inevitably perish.

If he had other ambitions, how could that be the case. Baishuwu (full text e-book download for free)

It must have been Nobunaga's conspiracy to instigate Li Xiao and the master of the museum. By the way, it must be the case. This man is a terrible tactic, even before his death, he wants to subvert his family.

Thinking of this, Machang Masayoshi looked at Nobunaga in his eyes, showing a cruel expression.

At this time, Nobunaga slowly took out the famous sword from his waist, Zong San left writing.

This knife was given to Takeda Shintora at the time when Miyoshi Sect three, and when Takeda Shintora married his daughter to the Imagawa family, he gave the sword to Imagawa Yoshimoto. After the battle of Stabbing Sayama, Imagawa Yoshimoto was asked for this sword. Nobunaga's hands.

"Unexpectedly, this sword is about to return to Takeda's hands now. It's really unlucky!"

At this point, Nobunaga said tragically.

And Changfang Machang shouted at this moment: "Kill!"

"Master, our army has retaken Maruyama!"

Honda Zhengxin reported to Li Xiao.

Li Xiao shook his head and said: "It's too slow, it's not worthy of happiness."

At the time of the fierce battle in Kawakami Mountain, and at this time, Li Xiao had also led the Hida Yuezhong Army to retake the Maruyama position.

Rather than saying that Li Xiao regained the Maruyama position, it would be better to explain that Zhi Mitsuhide and Hashiba Hideyoshi took the initiative to give up the Maruyama position.

At the moment the Honjin was attacked, the two of them made the decision to voluntarily abandon the Maruyama position.

Right now, Akechi Mitsuhide, Hashiba Hideyoshi, the two king-level generals of the Oda clan, resisted Li Xiao's three regular onslaughts, while alternately covering and approaching the Oda Army Central Corps.

Wise Mitsuhide used the soldiers to be upright, while Hashiba Hideyoshi was agile and changeable. With the cooperation of the two, Li Xiao also had no chance to take advantage of it, and could not find a way to defeat the opponent's battle.

"After Nobunaga's death, the two members of Oda's family were my strong enemies of Li Xiao. Today, I must find opportunities to get rid of them, otherwise they will be my confidant trouble in the future." No news?"

Li Xiao asked Honda Zhengxin.

Masamoto Honda said: "If Nobunaga is dead, Takenaka and Baba will definitely report the news to invigorate the army. I think Nobunaga's life is not long ago."

Li Xiao nodded, looked towards Kawakami Mountain, and said with a smile: "If Nobunaga dies, the center of Oda's family collapses, this result is better than Shibata, Mingzhi, Takigawa, and Hashiba are all given the first place. The ability of Oda Nobuya will definitely not be able to control the several ambitious commanders of the army under his command. By then, the Oda family will be just a pile of scattered sand, and it will no longer be what it is today, huh, let's dream of the world!"

Masanobu Honda was on the sidelines and said directly: "Lord, please forgive me to speak boldly. It is not only the Oda family, but the two members of Naito who died in the battle of the mountain prefecture. The vitality of the Takeda family is badly injured. Now it is our family who is taking advantage of the situation. The timing of the rise."

Li Xiao glanced at Ponto Masanobu. When he was in Noto, he once confessed to him that he had ambitions to become independent and independent of Takeda's family.

And looking at the shining light in the eyes of Bendo Masahiro, it seems that this person's ambition is not small.

Li Xiao smiled, remembering what he said at the beginning that he should use the power of his family to eradicate Uesugi Kenshin and Oda Nobunaga's two major enemies, and he might consider self-reliance.

If Nobunaga dies, his great cause is half completed, and Kenshin Uesugi, according to history, has not lived much at this time. Even if he is in good health, with Li Xiao now in the Yuezhong Hida Corps, he can still fight against it.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao looked at Pondok’s righteous faith and felt that it was not the time to put his heart to heart. He said: “True faith, I receive the great kindness of Xuan Gong, victory over two generations of Patriarch Lai Gong, and self-reliance, let’s slow down.”

Just as Bendo Zhengxin was about to continue to speak to Li Xiao, there was a loud noise from the mountains of Kawakami.

Li Xiao's body shook, staring in the direction of Kawakami Mountain with full concentration, and said in his heart: Is Nobunaga dead?

"Fifty years in the world, things in the world seem like a dream. There is life, but there is immortality!"

Suddenly such words came out in Li Xiao's mind.

"Oda Youfu asks for my horse farm Changfang!"

"Oda Youfu asks for my horse farm Changfang!"

"Oda Youfu asks for my horse farm Changfang!"

Above the Chuan Shang Mountain, a first stage was hung up high, and the horse seal of the golden-coated Tang Umbrella was also picked up and hung up.

"Nobunaga, a great generation, it's a pity." Under the mountains of Kawakami, Takenaka Shigeharu saw Machangchang Fang, who had made great achievements, but his heart was filled with infinite sighs, as if it was a pity that such a respected opponent had passed away.

"Hall!" A series of exclamations came from all around the battlefield.

"Nobunaga is dead!" Takeda's general, Nobuhiro Koyama, Nobunaga, Baba Nobunbo, Nobunori Takeda and others were overjoyed.

"Master!" Hashiba Kazuki, Ikeda Tsuneko and others wept bitterly on the spot.

Shibata Katsuya, Mitsuhide Wiseki saw this but remained silent.

"Father!" After Oda Nobutada heard this, he was shocked and almost drew his knife to cut his belly, but stopped him from side to side.

"Oh, Your Royal Highness," Tokugawa Ieyasu said after looking in the direction of Kawakamiyama, "Send the order to withdraw the troops."

"The world belongs to Takeda!" Riding on the horse, Katsuyori Takeda raised his arms and said loudly: "Counterattack, counterattack!"

On Maruyama, General Li Xiao waved his team and said: "The Oda family is over! Everyone, I want to win!"


Li Xiao's generals suddenly agreed to speak.


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