Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 473: Obligatory

Chapter 473 Obliged (seeking recommendation, seeking monthly pass)

The beach of Sunfu Castle. ~~

Jin Tao hit the shore, the sky was blue as washing, and the sober sea breeze was blowing, making Ashikaga Yoshiaki and others standing on the beach looking at the sea feeling refreshed.

"Gongfang Hall, the sea view of the east country is better than that of the west country?"

Accompanied by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was in trouble, was speaking from the Takeda family Shunfu Jojo, Nobumi Takeda.

Nobuyuki Takeda was the eldest son of Nobuto Takeda Uenosuke, who was born when Nobuto Takeda lived in Imagawa's family.

At present, Nobuyuki Takeda is being ordered by Nobuto Takeda to receive this nominal Genji pillar, leader of the world's samurai family, Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

After Takeda Shingen died on the road to Shangluo in the previous year, Ashikaga Yoshiaki failed in his campaign against Nobunaga in Kyoto, so he was chased by the Oda family.

However, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's determination to revive the shogunate remained unshakable. He first stayed in Kaimachi in Kinki for a while, and then went to the Máo Toshi family in China.

At this moment, the Máo Toshi family is the overlord of the ten kingdoms who dominate the mountain and Yangshan **, and it is one of the few big names in the world who can compete with the Oda family.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki prepares to make a comeback with the help of Máo Toshiya.

At this time, the superintendent of Máo Toshiya was the grandson of Máo Toshimoto, the first wise man in the Seto Inland Sea.

Máo Tori Terumoto accepted Ashikaga Yoshiaki and used Tomo Castle in Bingo Country as the official residence of Ashikaga Yoshiaki. This is the historical Tomo Shogunate.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki had high expectations for Máo Toshimoto at the beginning. Last year, Ashikaga Yoshiaki recommended Máo Toshimoto to the court as the right horse head.

Both the left and right horse head positions are official positions granted to the famous warriors of the Gen clan in Hanoi. For example, the left horse head position is generally reserved for shoguns and must be held before being promoted to shoguns.

For example, Ashikaga Yoshiki and Ashikaga Yoshiaki were first awarded the post of Zuomatou before being promoted to Lieutenant General Sakon, and then promoted all the way to Shogun.

In addition to being elected as the right horse head, and being appointed by Ashikaga Yoshiaki as a shogunate officer, Ashikaga Yoshiaki has a high regard for him. I hope that Máo Toshimoto can follow the example of the Kyushu daimyo Ouchi Yoshiko. Kuang helped Ashikaga Yoshiaki regain the position of general and helped him use Kinki to eradicate Nobunaga's power.

But Máo Tokimoto is now busy destroying the remnants of the party left by his grandfather, Niko Katsuhisa, Ouchi Teruhiro, and intervention in Kyushu. He also happily fought with Otomo Sorin, and his request for Ashikaga Yoshiaki was purely perfunctory. thing.

In addition, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's life at Máo Toshiya was also quite difficult. Although Máo Toshiya allocated several manors in Bingo country as the imperial storehouse, the Tomo shogunate was still unable to make ends meet.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki only relied on the gift money he received from the appointment and removal of the abbot of Goyama, and the support of the clan and Shimadzu.

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiaki gradually became resentful towards Máo Toshiya.

Later, after receiving a strong invitation from Takeda Nobutora, Ashikaga Yoshiaki immediately abandoned the Mao Toshi family and went to the more remote Kanto, using the mountain of Takeda family to help him realize his hope of returning to Kyoto.

After listening to Takeda Nobuyuki’s words, Ashikaga Yoshiaki hummed slightly in his heart. He naturally took the other party’s words as a satire, insinuating that his dignified general was living in no fixed place, from Kinki to Kansai, and from Guan. West came to Suruga.

However, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is a taboo outside and inside, and the castle is deep, with a smile on his face. However, no matter how good the sea view is, it can't compare with the scenery on the shore of Lake Biwa."

Nobuyuki Takeda heard Ashikaga Yoshiaki's meaning, and hurriedly said: "Please rest assured that Gongfangden, with the help of my Takeda family, eradicate Oda and return to Kinki, it is just around the corner. Please stay in Sunpu for the time being. Wait a minute."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki listened to Takeda Shinmitsu’s words and couldn’t help but a smile appeared on his face, saying: "This must be done thanks to Mr. Zuokyo’s arrangement. Please rest assured to reply to His Highness Zuokyo. I will, in the name of the shogunate, The service position guarded by Shinano is granted to His Highness Nishina, and it can be regarded as doing a little bit of effort for Mr. Zuojing."

Generally speaking, the governor of the Takeda family is the guardian of the hereditary Kai country, as the commander of Kai Gen clan, dominates the country, and governs the large and small Genji families and samurai groups.

After Takeda Shingen captured the Shinano country, he applied to the shogunate for the post of guardian of Shinano in the first year of Yongluo, and received a treatment equivalent to that of the shogunate's quasi-third governor.

Therefore, Takeda Shingen and Takeda Katsuyori are both serving as guards of Kai and Shinano, which are different from the official titles of the royal kitchen chief, the chief of the Imperial Dining Room, the hereditary Taisen Doctor.

The guardianship is a symbol of the leader of a country's martial arts family, and it is also the cornerstone of the Takeda family governor.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was asked by Takeda Nobuto to grant Shinano the guardian to Nishina Morinobu instead of Takeo Maru. This is enough representative. The Ashikaga Shogunate supports Nishina Morinobu as the governor of the Takeda family, which undoubtedly makes Nishina Mori Shinobu. The letter to the boss added a heavy weight.

So after hearing Ashikaga Yoshiaki's promise, Nobuyuki Takeda couldn't help being overjoyed at the moment, saying: "Thank you so much, and I will reply to my grandfather."

When Nobuko Takeda was impatient to leave, leaving a long line of footprints on the beach, Ashikaga Yoshiaki smiled slightly and thought.

The replacement of Takeda’s family governor, although it was a smooth ride, also demonstrated the influence of my shogunate in Takeda’s family.

The new governor of the new house is bound to be dependent on me because of my favor, so he may be able to support the forces of the shogunate in the Takeda family, and then he can rely on the strength of the Takeda family to accomplish what I want for me.

Thinking of this, Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at the bay of Suruga and exclaimed, "I miss the view of Lake Biwa!"

"Nobuto Takeda is crazy! I actually invited the great **** Ashikaga Yoshiaki to come, stupid, old stupid!"

After Li Xiao heard Ashikaga Yoshiaki came to Sunpu, his first move was actually to grant a service position as the guardian of Nishina Mori Shinano, and couldn't help but curse.

Doesn’t Takeda Nobuya know the reason why it’s easier to ask God to send it to God? If he had stood on Ashikaga Yoshiaki before, he still called on the martial arts of the world.

But now Ashikaga Yoshiaki and the Oda family have reached the point where they are in a state of fire and water, and it is obvious that they must gather the power of the world's famous names to destroy the Oda family.

Supporting each other right now is obviously a tough attitude with the Oda family.

The same foreign situation with Hojo's family may also deteriorate.

Because the Furukawa Kōkata supported by the Hojo clan, during the Muromachi shogunate for more than two hundred years, has been fighting against the central government and instigating the Kanto warriors against the Kinki shogunate.

The two sides don't deal with each other.

The Takeda clan wanted to take the emperor to command the princes, but on the basis of sufficient power, after all, the Oda clan was better than the Takeda clan, and now it is not a good strategy to use troops.

You must know that when the power is not enough, it is the kingly way to accumulate food and slowly claim the king.

In this way, Takeda Katsuyori made a peace agreement with the Oda family before his death, and the decision to temporarily rest and rejuvenate is likely to be put on hold, and he will continue to fight with the Oda family.

Li Xiao took a breath again, calmed down, and walked into the mourning hall.

The mourning hall dedicated to Takeda Katsura is located in the Buddhist temple in the Kusazakikan.

Cut a piece of incense wood from the table, put it into the incense burner in front of the spiritual seat, and then worship Shenglai's spiritual seat Heshi.

After that, he walked out of the Buddhist temple and entered the hall on the side to meet Katsurai's widow, Takeo Maru.

Wu Wang Wan is only a nine-year-old child, two years younger than Li Xiao's nv.

Takeo Maru looks a bit like his mother. Oda's family is a handsome nv. Therefore, Takeo Maru is also very beautiful. He has all his hair and he sits on a stack of seats safely, accepting the worship of his retainers.

In fact, he was a hard-failed child. His mother had just passed away, and now he lost his father. He lost his parents at such a young age, and he inherited the important task of Takeda’s family superintendent. Now he has been given this nine by Li Xiao and the others. Year old child.

However, at his age, Takeo Maru doesn't understand distress. Now, under Takeda Nobuhiro's advice, he has come to pay homage to Takeda Katsuyori one by one, and then come to visit his Takeda family vassals.

Wuwangmaru's behavior is very decent, apparently it took a lot of effort before Xinxin.

Li Xiao walked forward slowly, but saw the back of an acquaintance, kneeling in front of Wu Wang Maru.

"Unexpectedly, the battle of Chang Xiao, my minister, turned out to be a farewell between me and the master of the museum. It would be good if I followed the lord at the beginning, and this won't let Nagasaka, the rebellious minister, succeed. Please rest assured, his Royal Highness, the minister will definitely pursue it. Any relatives in Nagasaka who are related will avenge the Lord's public."

After saying that this person kowtowed his head repeatedly, stood up again, and took a photo with Li Xiao when he turned his head.

Li Xiao smiled and said, "Sanada Anfang, it's been a long time since I saw him."

After seeing Li Xiao, Masao Sanada was slightly surprised, and then he smiled more and more, and said: "Tajima Shou-sama is still so healthy and healthy. In the first battle of Nagashino, your Excellency planned to kill Nobunaga, the name It shook the world and I admire it."

Li Xiao shook his head and said flatly: "I'm overly acclaimed. Although I killed Nobunaga, it's a pity that I couldn't save the master."

After Li Xiao and Masayuki Sanada nodded and greeted them, they went straight to Wu Wang Maru and said: "His Royal Highness, Li Xiao is late."

With his dark eyes open, Wu Wang Maru asked Li Xiaoyan, "I heard that before his death, Mitsuken Nagasaka said that you instructed him to kill his father, didn't you?"

Although Wu Wangmaru was young, but in a questioning tone, he felt a bit sharper.

Although Li Xiao had a clear conscience, he still had to pretend to be sincere and fearful, saying: "His Royal Highness, please be clear."

But Muwangmaru turned the conversation at this moment and said: "I understand, this is the design of Mitsuken Nagasaka, but the world is ignorant, and rumors will inevitably come out, so I also ask Master Tajima not to Take it to heart. Father, he said before his life that he trusted Li Dan Ma Shou most in his life, and he entrusted me to you before he died, so can I trust you too?"

Between this short question and answer, listening to Wu Wang Maru's childish voice, Li Xiao raised his head and looked at the other person's eyes, but he was stunned.

Li Xiao turned his head to look at Takeda Nobuhira, and saw that his gaze was also full of shock. Obviously, these words were not what he had instructed Wuwang Maru to say in advance.

Wuwang Wanguo is really a person with the blood of Shingen and Katsurai on his body. There is no dark master in the Takeda family.

Li Xiao immediately said: "Please rest assured, Young Master."

Although Li Xiao's words are light, he is not called His Highness, but the Young Master. It has already indicated that Li Xiao personally expressed his support for the other party to inherit the Takeda Family Supervisor.

After that, Li Xiao strode out of the mourning hall, and Sanada Masao was already waiting for Li Xiao outside the mén.

At that time, in Huilin Temple, the two young men who calculated each other's calculations are now gradually entering the most glorious year in their lives.

Needless to say, Li Xiao, and Masyuki Sanada, as one of the two highest positions in the family after the death of his father and brother, and the general of the Nishi Ueno Army, has the status of fighting against Li Xiao.

Of course, in the eyes of Masao Sanada, he looked at Li Xiao but it was very complicated, with a little admiration, appreciation, and jealousy. At the same time, he was a cooperative ally and rival with them.

Li Xiao first said to Masayuki Sanada: "Naga Shino fights together, and I am very sorry that your two brothers died in the battle."

Masao Sanada smiled indifferently, and said: "The fate of the warrior is not the battlefield. My two elder brothers dedicated their loyalty to the family and died together with the Patriarch. It is the glory of the warrior."

Li Xiao nodded slightly.

There was a pause, Masao Sanada said: "Five days later, it will be the evaluation of the family’s family members to discuss the new owner of the family. Zuo Jingdian is supported by the Gongfangdian. At the evaluation meeting, he will forcibly pass His Highness People's Branch and replace His Highness Wu as the family superintendent. One thing."

Speaking of this, Masakura Sanada turned to jī, and said: "Tajima Shou-sama, I have been greatly favored by the owner of the museum. If it weren’t for him, Masakura Sanada could have the status of today. Now Zuojingdian wants Even if I set up a family superintendent, even if I bet on the Sanada family, I will stop this matter."

Li Xiao looked at Sanada Masao. Although his remarks were half-truths and half-truths, they were largely secretly agitated. Li Xiao, who was also inspired by Takeda Katsuyuki’s knowledge, meant to stand up for him, but he was kind to Takeda Katsuyuki’s knowledge. His feelings are true.

Although the real-field fox who is more prosperous, although he has a lot of ideas and abacus, he is not an unsympathetic person.

In history, Masuko Sanada changed his master, but he was loyal to the Takeda family and Toyotomi family to the end.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao nodded silently.

In fact, Nobutora Takeda had the support of the shogunate and already possessed a certain amount of power in the name and righteousness.

The shogunate was originally the leader of the world martial arts family. Under this order, Kai Shinano's wealthy clan would most likely change their original position and support Nishina Morinobu to succeed the Patriarch.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao couldn't help feeling that after five days, in the assessment of the retainers, it would be very difficult for Wu Wang Maru to officially succeed the household superintendent.

Masayuki Sanada Nobuhiro Takeda, Nobuhiro Takeda took care of Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Takeda Nobutora. They didn't want to make their heads, so they pushed all the responsibility on Li Xiao. Asking him to carry this beam really made Li Xiao Difficult.

Even though it doesn't feel good to be pushed to the front line.

However, at that time, as a pen retainer, he has the obligation to stand up and have a direct confrontation with Takeda Nobuto, and try to prevent this matter from being passed at the Minister's Council.

After all, Nobuto Takeda is the former home superintendent of his family. If he conflicts with him, it will be greatly detrimental to Li Xiao's reputation, and how to grasp the right balance is what makes Li Xiao embarrassed.

But for Li Xiao, to support Wuwang Maru is to complete the entrustment of Shenglai to himself, and this friendship must be repaid by himself.

ps: 50,000 recommended tickets are coming soon, please recommend.

I also asked for a monthly pass. Last month, the monthly pass was 120, which set a new high. Can you help me again this month?

I will try my best to update and thank you all.


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