Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 480: High officials


~ Chapter 480

"Noto guards."

Li Xiao thought for a moment.

On this side, Li Zheng said: "Father, if you become the guardian of Noto, then our Li family can leap to the guardian of a country's family status, which is very good for calling on the rich."

Li Xiao nodded after hearing this. The predecessor, Noto, guarded Hatoyama Yoshiki, and after the Nanao Castle was breached, he took the initiative in the castle tower.

Hatoyama Yoshiki died, and Noto Hatoyama's family was destroyed.

With this name vacant, Li Xiao, as the actual ruler of Noto, is of course eligible to inherit the guardian of Noto.

However, Ashikaga Yoshiaki can also give Noto the post of guardian to Takeda's new house governor as a win over.

But right now, I passed the Takeda family superintendent and awarded Li Xiao on his own initiative. I have to say what Ashikaga Yoshiaki thought behind him.

Li Xiao thought for a while, and said: "Replied to Lord Amnesty, saying that I am temporarily inconvenient to meet, and let Honda believe it, and Takenaka Shigeharu will welcome me. And I am grateful for the hospitality of the Gongfang Temple, and offered three thousand guan money as a thank you. ."

The samurai took the order and retreated.

Three thousand pennies are not a trivial matter. Even with such a big name as Maori and Shimadzu, Ashikaga Yoshiaki has never been given such a large reward at one time.

As the saying goes, Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to get a lot from Li Xiao, and Li Xiao may not be conspiring with the other party.

Li Xiao has now faintly guessed that Ashikaga Yoshiaki was trying to win him over, but he still decided to sit still to see where Ashikaga Yoshiaki paid the bottom line.

In the main house, the messenger of Ashikaga Yoshiaki is talking slowly with Masanobu Honta and Shigeharu Takenaka.

Taking the name of Shigeharu Takenaka, he was already well-known when he captured Inaba Mountain Castle in the past. This strategy of killing Nobunaga has made his reputation as one of the best in the world, and Masanobu Honda is the number one in Li Xiao. Advisers, naturally, are not you.

During the conversation, Shigeharu Takenaka was familiar with all kinds of martial arts system, and he made the messenger feel at home.

Therefore, this messenger of Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not dare to hold his own identity.

This messenger of Ashikaga Yoshiaki was flattered. To be honest, Ashikaga Yoshiaki’s current situation is the so-called "difficult" public. You need to look at the faces of others to act. Li Xiao treats him so kindly, and he feels Li Xiao's sincerity. .

The messenger talks with the two

So he got up to leave, saying: "Gongfang Hall, I am very sorry for Li Danma's retreat. I hope that Li Danma Shou will come to Junfu City, and the Gongfang Hall will certainly treat him with enthusiasm."

Bento believes, and Takenaka Shigeji glances at each other. Takenaka Shigeji said: "Thank you for the kindness of Gongfangdian, but Li Danma is ill, and I am afraid that he can't travel far. So please forgive me for Gongfangdian."

Hearing this reply, the messenger frowned, thinking that Ashikaga Yoshiaki personally asked the other party to meet, which is already an extremely high standard. In the past, the general guardian was not flattered, and people who traveled a long way would also rush to Kyoto.

And now Li Xiao actually made a show, which made the messenger quite unhappy, but now he also understands that the current shogunate is not the previous shogunate.

Li Xiao's identity is enough for him to hold himself in front of Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Thinking of this, the messenger said calmly: "In this case, I will return to Junfu City to return to the Gongfang Hall, but I hope that Li Danma will recover soon and go to Junfu and his party as soon as possible."

"Of course."

Speaking of this, Takenaka Shigeharu and Honda Masanobu stand up together to bid farewell.

In this scene, Li Xiao, who was sitting at the shoji door behind the main room, naturally said in his ears that Ashikaga Yoshiaki really had enough sincerity, and there must be other players after that.

In fact, as Li Xiaozhi expected, a few days later, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's second envoy came to Li Xiao's residence again.

This time, it expresses the accident that Ashikaga Yoshiaki visited Li Xiao's illness, and it has another purpose.

It seems that because of the last time Ashikaga Yoshiaki received the encouragement of three thousand guan money, this time he actually repaid Li Xiaohou.

This generous gift not only made Li Xiao stunned, but also stunned Li Xiao's generals.

Takenaka Shigeharu, who is familiar with the classic system of the shogunate, looked at Ashikaga Yoshiaki’s description in the empire, and said to Li Xiao: "Master Tajima Shou, the standard of the Gongfangdian ceremony is not small! Please also Mr. Tajima Shou, be cautious. ."

Li Xiao understood the meaning of re-ruling Takenaka, nodded, and said: "In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, when the rituals were held, the emperor Jiuding, the princes seven, the doctors five, and the Yuanshi three also. The upper and lower levels have superiors and inferiority, if the doctor uses Qi Ding, the princes use Jiuding, it is Yue Ju. The Gongfang Hall is for me, Li Xiao Yue Ju, to sit on an equal footing with the master's house!"

Or the general daimyo was not overly excited by Ashikaga Yoshiaki so lavishly, but this time Takenaka Shigeharu saw Li Xiao's calm as water, and he could not help but secretly admire him, and asked: "In that case, Lord Ma Shou, Decide how to do it?"

Li Xiao sneered and said: "This generous gift is a disaster, and it must not be accepted. The Gongfangdian's move is a means of playing and forcing me to meet you. If this is the case, why should I be afraid to see it."

Li Xiao turned to look at the Misaki written by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and sneered.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki granted Li Xiao this time, six exemptions.

One is "tuyu", that is, a sedan chair painted with eye-catching colors. This specification can be used without permission for those who guard the name of the generation and above.

The second is the "Chrysanthemum-Tung Pattern", the royal coat of arms, which is an incomparable honor.

The third is the "Zhu Handle Umbrella", which is equivalent to Tu Yu, a symbol of aristocratic celebrity.

The fourth is the "House Form", which is a famous sect in the martial arts family, or a great feudal lord, to claim it. Even a general guardian daimyo cannot claim to be.

If he accepts this title, Li Xiao can call himself a "house-shaped" in the future, such as the famous assistants of Kamakura, Utsunomiya, Oda, Koyama, Satake, Chiba, Nasuma, Nasu, Yuki , These eight houses are collectively called Kanto Hachiya-gata.

When you go out to the Hosokawa family of Jingzhao, you will find the upper house-shaped clan family and the lower house-shaped Awa family.

The owner of this house-shaped number can be called the house-shaped public or house-shaped hall.

Five is the "white umbrella bag".

The sixth is "felt saddle covering".

These five or six are the configuration of the guardian daimyo of the shogunate, and the guardian generation is the Tang umbrella bag, covered with felt saddle.

These six exemptions, compared to the seven exemptions of Kenshin Uesugi under the Kanto governor, are only inferior to the lishu. The role of the lishu is to replace the general to issue orders, and its effectiveness is second only to that of the imperial script.

The six exemptions given by Ashikaga Yoshiaki to Li Xiao have exceeded the specifications of the guardian daimyo, and they are the only treatment that the shogunate's three governing leaders have.

This is absolutely unimaginable in the formerly hierarchical shogunate.

As for the Takeda family of Li Xiao, although it did not have the title of governing, the shogunate also gave the Takeda family superintendent and quasi-management treatment.

Li Xiaoruo accepted Ashikaga Yoshiaki's canonization, but his status was even higher than that of the owner.

In the eyes of ordinary samurai, this is a great honor, but in Li Xiao's eyes, Ashikaga Yoshiaki simply forced him to rebel.

"So, Gongfang Hall, please forgive Li Xiao for not accepting His Highness's kindness."

Ryukaji Temple is not far from Sunfu Castle. This Ryukaji Temple is not Mingji. It is far less famous than the surrounding Tetsushu Temple. However, Ashikaga Yoshiaki chose to stay here because Ryukaji has a view of Mount Fuji.

In a spacious monk's room, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, dressed in a white without stripes and wearing a tachibana hat, is sitting on the futon.

From the perspective of Li Xiao, this man's face is painted white powder, cicada eyebrows, black teeth, running around in the Gongfang Hall, it is difficult to see any expression of him from the other party's dress.

Right now Ashikaga Yoshiakima was holding a folding fan in one hand and resting his other hand on his right knee. He turned his head and looked at the scenery of Mount Fuji outside the house. He seemed to exclaim, "Mount Fuji is so beautiful!"

Seeing that Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not answer his own words, he turned to talk directly about the scenery of Mount Fuji. He also knew that this is a way of speech that is often used by the upper ranks.

Li Xiao smiled slightly and said, "How can the scenery of Mount Fuji compare to Lake Biwa in Kyoto, Your Highness."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki heard Li Xiao's words, his face condensed, and he closed the folding fan, and looked at Li Xiaoyan and said, "Tajima Shou, what he said is so beautiful, Mount Fuji is not as beautiful as Lake Biwa. It is a pity that the Oda family occupies Kinki. I may never see the scenery of Lake Biwa again in my life."

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Kongfangdian, why bother to say that? Now Nobunaga has designed and killed for me. The Oda family is definitely no longer the way it was in the past. His Royal Highness will return to Kinki one day."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki nodded, and said, "Tajima Shou said that killing the rebel Nobunaga is an unworldly feat. Therefore, it is reasonable to let Your Excellency be in charge. Why do you want to retreat from my appointment? Woolen cloth?"

When Li Xiao heard this, it suddenly occurred to him that when Nobunaga helped Ashikaga Yoshiaki go to Rak, Ashikaga Yoshiaki also planned to grant Nobunaga the post of commander and even deputy general, who was said to be from the Heike family, but in the end he pushed it down for Nobunaga.

Nobunaga is right. Sometimes this high-ranking official is a trap.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw the hesitation in Li Xiao's and said: "If you are worried that the specifications exceed the master’s house, then you don’t have to worry about it. Takeda Genshi is the same as my Ashikaga family. The three generations of the Takeda family governors were Zhongliang who served the shogunate with great care. This time when I came to the Takeda family, I had to use their power to eradicate the Oda family and repeat the prestige of the shogunate. So no matter who the new governor of the Takeda family is, I Both have decided to give the other party the position of management to show their reputation as a martial artist."

"And I only grant you the treatment of management and leadership, not the actual position of management and leadership, this can be assured."

Speaking of this, Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw that Li Xiao did not directly object to him, he paused and said: "What's more, you are the most powerful retainer of the Takeda family. I need to use your power to recover the shogunate. With the title in hand, isn't it possible to fight against the main house for one or two times?"

Li Xiao smiled when Ashikaga Yoshiaki said so, thinking that he finally revealed the fox tail.




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