Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 492: Not bad money

[Volume Two Shinano Wind and Cloud] Chapter 492, Not Short of Money


Chapter 492: Not Short of Money

Hearing that Li Xiao said that Masao Sanada would beg for his eldest son again, Mingchuan also slowly lowered his head, rubbed a trace of blush on his face, then clenched his small fist, and said, "It's the stinky boy Gengoro."

Li Xiao looked at Ming Chuan's expression and smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Sanada Anfang is now different from what it used to be. After the death of his two brothers, he officially inherited Sanada's house governor, and is now the commander-in-chief of the West Ueno Army. In terms of status and status, it can be considered a few people in the Takeda family to be worthy of the family. As for his eldest son, Gengoro, no, he has been named Sanada Nobuyuki after the original service, and he will definitely inherit the Sanada family. of."

"However," Li Xiao looked at her daughter's expression and said: "But you said, what you don't like, you won't marry, then I won't force you, so I will refuse for you. Let's go to Sanada Anfang."

When Li Xiao finished speaking, he was about to turn around, but found that his sleeve was gently pulled by his daughter.

"What's wrong?"

Ming Chuan lowered his head and said nothing, and then whispered for a while: "My father, the boy Sanada, although not very good, but it is not annoying to look at."

Listening to Ming Chuan's words, Li Xiao's heart warmed slightly. In the past few years, he also understood his daughter's thoughts through Oba Yumi. He communicated with Sanada Nobuyuki every month and sent gifts to each other.

Li Xiao sighed, patted Ming Chuan on the shoulder, and said: "I understand, let's set it down like this, the man from the Sanada family, I have been sending people to secretly understand in the past few years. It is indeed a moral integrity. A samurai you can entrust."

Mingchuan looked at Li Xiao, but he didn't expect his father to be so caring about her marriage.

Li Xiaoyan said: "As for the marriage, it will be a year later. At that time, the boy Sanada, if you dare to bully you, I will not let him go."

Mingchuan opened his eyes and said, "So soon, I don't want to leave my father so soon."

Li Xiao shook his head slightly, saying that he was about to leave Jiafei soon, but there were not too many days when the father and daughter were together.

For this family business, as well as his ambition, he undoubtedly owed a lot more than the affection between his husband and wife and children.

Fortunately, the children's homes are pretty good.

Ming Chuan's marriage is set, which is also regarded as a major event that Li Xiao put down in his heart before returning.

However, Masao Sanada let his son marry his daughter, for Li Xiao, he couldn't afford him so in vain.

Li Xiao made the condition that Masyuki Sanada's second son, also Nobuhiro Sanada, who was served by Gangyuan, came under his command as Yuli.

It seems that a deal between Li Xiao and Masayuki Sanada, on the surface, each of his subordinates has the other's children, so it serves as a guarantee for the relationship between Sanada and Li's in-laws.

As far as Sanada is concerned, the current transaction is not at a loss.

The Sanada family’s family business must have been inherited by the eldest son Nobuyuki Sanada, and as the second son Nobuhiro, he is not qualified to take too much territory from his elder brother, so his way out is to adopt the other small family and inherit his family. name,

Either as the direct vassal of the elder brother, become a group of people.

The worst is to become a monk.

However, Li Xiao gave Sanada Nobuhiro the condition that he only needed to make a military exploit under his own hands. After the age of twenty-five, he could obtain ten thousand stone territory and become the elder of Li's family tree.

The conditions offered in this way greatly exceeded Sanada's expectations, so he couldn't help but not agree.

However, if Masao Sanada knew the reputation of this son in history, Li Xiao thought that the other party would regret this decision in the future.

However, as Mingchuan’s marriage was set, Sanada Nobuhan became Li Xiaoyu Li, then Sanada and Li, the two giant retainers in Takeda’s family, maintained their relationship with each other. East and West echo each other.

In this way, the foundation is laid for Li Xiao's next layout.

But just as Li Xiao returned to the study to consider it carefully, he received separate letters from Li Zheng, Takenaka Shigeharu, and Honda Masayoshi.

In fact, when Li Xiao gave Takenaka re-governance, Ponto Zhengxin granted privileges, that is, they could directly write to Li Xiao without passing through Li Zheng. In the past, this was called the right to specialize in secret music.

Li Zheng read the letters from the three people over and over again. Apart from mentioning the ongoing battle with the Shibata family in Kaga, they all talked about the same thing, that is, the matter of Fuji Ruyasu's decision to subordinate to his family in Tamba.

For a Kinki daimyo like the Naito family, the Li family, who is a member of the family, will certainly strengthen his own power to a certain extent and open up a favorable situation for fighting in Kinki.

But that being said, under the intimidation of Shibata and Uesugi, where did Li Xiao come from to open up this front.

The Kinki Legion, but the elite Oda clan, is powerful and has a wise miracle. How can a general like Hosokawa Fujitaka sit in town, how can Li Xiao's navy army provoke.

After carefully analyzing the situation of Wakasa and Tanba, he added some prophetic skills as a transcender.

Li Xiao finally found a chance. This is Araki Murashige of Kinki Settsu.

Speaking of Araki Murashige, I have to say that this person's experience is also full of legends, and he can be called a figure like Song Yongjiu.

The Araki clan comes from the Hatano clan and is a branch of the Hatano family, a force in the Tamba country.

Arakimura was originally the head of the Setzu Ikeda family, Ikeda Katsumasa, and his servants, who supported Ashikaga Yoshiaki in Nobunaga for the first time in Rakuten and settled the battle of Settsu country.

At that time, Settsu had three major powers, namely Ikeda Katsumasa, Wada Kemas, and Itami Shinko. These three were collectively known as the Settsu three guardians.

Within a few years, the three guardians of the Settsu country had an accident. First, the lord of Araki Murashige, Ikeda Masaru was repudiated by Miyoshi’s family, but the incident was defeated. Chase and release.

Araki Village completed the first step of the Katsuga. Afterwards, one of the three guardians, Itami Shinko and Nobunaga, was killed by Araki Village, and Wada was used by the Miyoshi family in a muddled manner. As a result, he was taken advantage of by Araki Village's subordinate general, Hideki Nakagawa. Kill.

So far, Araki-mura was appointed by Nobunaga as the head of Settsu country and ruled Settsu country.

Originally, Araki Village should be grateful to the Oda family for this reason, but as far as Li Xiao knows, this is not the case.

The matter should start with Hongan Temple. Although the Oda Family Kinki Army Corps has stopped large-scale wars with Hongan Temple in recent years, small battles have continued.

In such a small battle, Araki Murashige's Settsu country was close to the base camp of Ishiyama Honganji, and many of his servants believed in Yixiangzong, or had some connection with Ishiyama Honganji.

Therefore, in the battle between the Kinki Army and Ishiyama Honganji, it was not the Settsu country samurai who joined the side of the Yixiangzong camp, and even the Araki family's servants sent troops to reinforcements, and the Zongshi always fought against the Oda Army.

It is said that Shigeo Araki has taken measures to contain this, but he is the new head of the country after all, and he does not have strong control over the wealthy people under his command, and things have been repeatedly banned.

Therefore, he was reprimanded several times by Mitsuhide Wise.

There was even news that Shige Araki, alone, went to Gifu City to apologize to Oda Nobuada.

Such a serious situation of Araki Village is at stake.

It was not long ago that Li Xiao followed Yokotani's ninja organization in Kinki. The secret report came from the ninja organization that Yokotani distributed in Kinki.

Judging from the situation on the map, after the long death of self-confidence, the Oda family's control in Kinki is still huge, but there are signs of insufficient control over individual areas.

Especially in the west of Kinki, Settsu, Tamba, and Harima are the three countries.

Settsu’s Araki family, Tanba’s Hatano family, Naito family, and Harima’s Bessho family, these four daimyos are all historically opposed to the Oda family. The backbone, integrated, is enough to fight the Kinki Legion.

What's more, there are Shishan Hongan Temple nearby, as well as the eyes of the Maori family, the overlord of Shanyin and Yangdao.

At that time, Li Xiao can take advantage of the chaotic situation in this one, take the opportunity to get involved in it, and grab a handful of oil and water.

And Wakasa country is even more critical. It is a pity to discard it. After all, from Kaga to Wakasa, there is only one Echigo. If you can defeat the Shibata Katsuka Corps, Li Xiao can complete the entire Hokuriku road with one legion. Strength, you can complete the move of Shangluo.

Therefore, the opening of the Ruoxan Front is not something that can be achieved by putting a lot of troops into it. Rather than being able to strengthen itself, it is better to weaken the enemy's power. Therefore, Li Xiao's main method is to adjust.

Only by putting the Kinki in a situation where there is fire on all sides, can we effectively contain the Kinki Legion of Wise Mitsuhide.

Therefore, Araki Village must raise the matter in advance and rise to the ground.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao thought of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who could let him and Honganji write a letter for himself, and let the master Hyunjoo come forward and let Araki village rebel.

And Li Xiao's treason against him can secretly provide financial assistance.

Having said that, after the past two years, although Li Zheng has not completed the development of the territory, his financial resources are much more abundant than when Li Xiao was in his position.

Among them, the most powerful financial support comes from the development of Sado Jinshan. Since the Tibetan Changan assumed the post of Sado, he has almost laughed from ear to ear every day.

Sado Kinzan is the largest gold mountain in Japan, and it is one of the few largest silver mountains.

Moreover, the trade between Noto and North Korea has also been set up. Taking advantage of the relationship between the Ming merchants, the North Korean trade has also brought a lot of profits to the Li family. Of course, it is the Ming maritime merchants who make the most.

Nothing can help these businessmen better than using interest relationships Now the Li family and Li Dan are an unbreakable community of interests.

So for Li Zheng now, the daily inflow of gold and silver is just like the tide, and there is basically no need to worry about lack of money to paint.

He built a new stock of tigers, and didn't even blink his eyes.

Unlike Li Xiao, who was trying to pool money to build a banner, he couldn't sleep because of money every day.

As for Li Xiao's unceremoniously, the life of an explosive household in Jiafei naturally has the purpose of confusing people, and the other condition is that he has no money at all.

Therefore, using money to pave the way to persuade Araki Village to rebel, there is no pressure for Li Xiao.

As far as he knows, the ruler of Settsu country has a very extravagant enjoyment in the tea ceremony.

To deal with such a person, the money invested can be said to be right.


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