Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 71: Defeat the 3rd army

The gun has been the king of a hundred soldiers since ancient times. There are many famous generals who have used guns in history, such as Zhao Zilong, Wang Jingyao, Yuchi Jingde, and Yue Wumu. Li Xiao remembers that veteran cadres often sighed during their lifetimes. Modern martial arts were abolished. Cold weapons based on guns have completely withdrawn from the trend of the times. But in the past, guns were definitely a first-class killer weapon.

   Now the sky on Mount Baigen is gloomy, and it is about to enter the night. At this moment, the clouds on the horizon are getting thicker, and it seems that it is about to rain soon.

   And Li Xiao, who was carrying the Takeda Hoshiki Chichi on his back, returned to the moment when he returned to the army of Saito Asanobu. For the foot soldiers of the Echigo Army, it was like the return of the **** of death.

   The number of people killed by Li Xiao today has at least reached more than a hundred people. If he kills more people, he will naturally have a murderous intent. Li Xiao didn't have much thoughts like the Echigo Army who was leaping at him, and just like a conditioned reflex, he scoured the opponent's gap with a shot and stabbed the opponent with a single shot.

   An Echigo samurai, riding a war horse, challenged Li Xiao. Li Xiao even owed the time to listen to the other party's self-reported name, and directly inserted a shot from the horse's neck to cross the other party and the horse into a string.

   Shocked, scared, and horrified all kinds of expressions appeared on the faces of the generals of the Echigo Army at this time.

   Li Xiao drew a shot, bringing out a rain of blood, and the samurai fell to the ground with the horse. At this moment, the Echigo Army all around lost their intent to fight and fled one after another.

   Now that the island is victorious, Yumi Obata, with more than a dozen cavalry, struggles to break through the direction of the Takeda army's main formation. The Echigo Gunzu Light Team cooperated very tacitly. Once one person picked the cavalry with a spear, another person would lie down to assassinate the horse.

The two sides fought fiercely for a while, and the Echigo Army’s spear was so light that they stabbed several Takeda’s cavalry to death. After the Takeda’s cavalry fell off their horses, they were surrounded by a group of Echigo’s spears. The spear pierced in disorder.

  Shima Katsushika was also very exhausted from the fierce battle at this moment. He could definitely break through the encirclement with his own power, but he had to cover the cavalry behind him and Ohata Yumi, who was not good at close combat, so he couldn't get away for a while.

   Although Shima Katsutake killed more than a dozen Echigo Army Ashikaru and Samurai in a row, more Echigo soldiers continued to flow in. There was no end to the battle, no end to the killing, and more and more battles.

   "My lord, you should commit suicide by yourself." Oba Yumi saw Echigo's army heavily besieged his side, and could not help but persuade Shima Katsume to escape alone.

   Seeing that Shima Katsumi killed another Echigo samurai, he said to Oba Yumi, "No need to say any more, let's think about how to get out of here."

   Koba Yumi subconsciously touched the quiver, but forgot that it was already empty. Yumi Ohata pulled the horse by the rein, dropped his head and wiped a trace of sadness in his eyes, shook his head lightly and said, "I'm afraid it is very difficult. I only hope that Lord Lord can take care of my family after he gets into the siege. "

Shima Katsumou parryed another attack from Echihachi. He has become more and more incapable of fighting until now, but as a samurai, he must not show a trace of fatigue at this time. He has to inspire the rest of the people. Break out of the siege.

   "Don't say frustrating words, of course you have to take care of your family."

   "That's right," Yumi Obata nodded, smiling again on his face, and said, "We are all samurai. We must not be discouraged if we do not fight to the last minute."

   Shima Katsumeng laughed, just as he was about to speak.

  , however, saw the Echihou army who had been blocking him, fleeing all over the place. The fearful expressions on those Echihou army’s light faces seemed to suddenly see a scourge.

   The ticking of horseshoes sounded, and Yumi Obata saw several blood-stained extraordinarily bright Takeda Hoshiki fingers at a glance.

   "It's the Lord Lord, he didn't leave us." Looking at Li Xiao, who was covered with blood, holding a big gun, and riding a horse towards them, Yumi Obata almost burst into tears at this moment.

  Isama Katsumeng also laughed loudly and shouted behind him: "The lord is here to save us, everyone kills together."

   These more than a dozen Takeda army cavalrymen were ecstatic when they saw their lives saved.

   Li Xiao stopped his horse, and saw that Shima Katsumi and Oba Yumi were safe and sound, he was happy, but he looked again, frowned and said, "Why are there so few people left?"

   Katsumi Shima said with a hard face: "My lord, besides us, there are others who are also trapped in the formation."

   "Are there anyone else? Okay, don't say more," Li Xiao waved his gun and said, "You guys are willing to kill me for a while and save others."

   Although everyone was exhausted and injured, they still replied in a sudden, "I would like to follow the adults."

   Li Xiao nodded, waved the gun, and said: "Follow me!"

   So Li Xiao once again took the lead. This time, Zu Qingyi of the Viet Hou Army saw Li Xiao bringing a dozen cavalry to kill, almost without the idea of ​​resisting, and one after another threw away his feet and retreated. Not only the low-level Zuqing, but even Echigo became a famous samurai after experiencing several battles, he was also terrified, and no one dared to step closer to Li Xiao.

   Occasionally only one or two people who didn't have long eyes or ran a little slower were picked up by Li Xiao with a gun. Wherever Li Xiao went, the Echihad army retreated.

   was originally trapped in a heavy siege, already falling into despair. Everywhere the Takeda cavalrymen, seeing their cavalrymen returning, felt like they were in desperation.

   "My lord, save me!"

   "My lord, save me!"

   "My lord, save me!"

   Seeing Li Xiao and his entourage, the Takeda army cavalry trapped in the formation called for help.

   Li Xiao heard that someone called him, so he rode his horse to kill, and swept away with a big gun.

   "My lord, I didn't leave us behind."

  Takeda cavalrymen saw their desperation come to life, almost all of them burst into tears with excitement, and they drove their horses together to kill the enemy.

   There were twos and threes of the Takeda family cavalry who joined Li Xiao's cavalry torrent, and the number of the Takeda family cavalry increased again. Later, Li Xiao went to a place where there were many Echigo soldiers to rush, and he was often able to rescue a few Takeda cavalry.

   And every time Li Xiao rushed into this situation, the Echihou Army broke up, throwing away their helmets and armor.

  Uesugi's main battlefield.

   The expressions of the generals of the Echigo Army at the moment are quite wonderful. I thought that Saito Chaoxin team had trapped the Takeda family cavalry team and besieged. This result was acceptable even though Li Xiao was gone.

But their expressions showed a 180-degree reversal at the moment when Li Xiao returned to kill. Not only did Li Xiao not escape for his life, but instead returned to rescue the Cavalry from the Takeda family. Fuji Asanobu's team rushed from left to right, and the defeat of Saito Asanobu is now a foregone conclusion.

   Is this a weird person? At this point in the war, everyone is exhausted, isn't he tireless at all? And is it that his cavalry teams are all iron-fighted one by one?

   Many Echigo generals thought so in their hearts, but no one said it at the moment. Seeing the scene of the disastrous defeat of the Saito Asashin team, Uesugi Kenshin couldn't help it at this moment. He threw the rosary in his hand to the ground, and pointed to Li Xiao at the foot of the mountain and roared: "Fuck, I am eight thousand. The army can't keep one person in check, so how can we talk about Shangluo, how can we talk about Kuang supporting the world."

   "Are I no one in Echigo?" All the generals looked ashamed under Uesugi Kenshin's stern words.

"Lord, we still have a fixed length of Yamamoto Temple, Chisaka Kei and others can be mobilized. In addition, the troops of the main formation have not yet played. These thousands of new troops are enough to completely encircle the Takeda army here." One member Echigo The general suggested.

Naoe Mizuna sighed and looked at the Echigo Army who had been killed by the Takeda Army cavalry on the battlefield. He whispered softly: "Is it useful? The morale of our army has been vented. I am afraid that the generals of the other formations and the soldiers under them. , Don’t you want to fight with the enemy at this moment."

   After Naoe Mizuna said so, the Echigo generals were silent. Today, the general of Mingguo is as brave as he was possessed by Hachiman Daimyoji. In such a state, I am afraid that the army of the Etsuhou army would not be willing to fight him.

  On the battlefield, Li Xiao led dozens of cavalry, broke out of the Saito Asanobu team, and at this time, the reinforcements of Sebe Masaru and the general Echigo arrived just in time.

  All the generals after the Echigo, saw Li Xiao riding solo and shooting out with a gun in blood, all of them were disheartened.

  Echigo star Masaru Ibebe only felt his legs tremble, looked back and forth, and said: "Everyone, this person is as brave as Zhao Zilong, and you should not underestimate the enemy."

   Seeing from Masaru Seibu, the generals under his command were all faceless, and no one dared to drive forward.

Above the main formation of the Takeda army, Katsuyori Takeda, Kansuke Yamamoto, Masatoshi Baoke, and others, led hundreds of remnants, watching Li Xiao break through the six formations of the Uesugi army and shuttle through the army. The surprise was almost a dislocated jaw.

"I used dozens of horses to fight against Uesugi Kenshin's eight thousand army. If I didn't see him in person today, I would definitely denounce others as absurd." Masao Sanada slowly shook his head and said ~ ~ Masatoshi Baoke listened to Masao Sanada's words. I couldn't help but said with emotion: "Li Xiaozhen is an enemy of ten thousand people!"

   Yamamoto Kansuke, who was saved by someone, heard the news of Li Xiao's killing, and looked up to the sky, without saying a word for a long time.

   When Takeda Katsuyori saw this, he clenched his fist and snarled, "Father, did you see it? Shiro will defeat Uesugi Kenshin in a battle today."

   "I want to go down the mountain and take the first level of Uesugi Kenshin."

   Speaking of which, Katsurai Takeda picked up his gun and mounted it. The sky was already dark, and heavy rain suddenly crackled. The freezing rain in the mountains in the early spring was enough to make people feel chilly. Ordinary people are okay, if the wounded are drenched, it is likely to be life-threatening.

   Kenshin Uesugi stared in the rain for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Blow the horn and withdraw the troops."

   "Master." All the generals of Etsuhou took a step forward and said in unison.

When the heavy rain fell, Kenshin Uesugi refused his subordinates to give him an umbrella, and solemnly said: "The morale has been vented, and it will be useless to continue the fight. I missed Uesugi Huihu for more than ten years, without fail, but today I am in Shirane. Down the mountain..."

   Having said that, Uesugi Kenshin turned his head and looked.

   I saw only below the Shirane Mountain pass, Li Xiao led dozens of Takeda cavalrymen on the mountain road.

   While amidst the heavy rain, Katsunaga Ikube, the presidency of Yamamoto-ji Temple, Kei Saka, and other generals of Echigo, led the army, hovering around, thinking that they did not dare to enter.

   None of the three armies dared to face it.

   And the remnants of the Takeda Army, inspired by this, wanted to regroup and regroup and fight again with the Echigo Army.

   Uesugi Kenshin waved his hand heavily and shouted, "No need to say any more, withdraw troops."

   Following Uesugi Kenshin's stern shout, the Honjin of the Echihou Army blew the horn of the retreat.

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