Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 81: 3-way kill

Shingen Takeda walked up to Li Xiao and sat down, unfolded the folding fan in his hand, shook it gently with his right hand, and said, "What you want to say, you should not want Taro and Huchang to hear it. Now you can speak bluntly."

   "Yes, Lord Lord, I would like to request the Lord's orders on behalf of His Highness Shenglai, and leave the matter of the attack on Nishi-Ueno to His Highness."

   Takeda Shingen laughed, slapped his right knee with a folding fan, and said, "That's it, but you are a step late. I have handed this to Huchang."

   "Master Fanfu?" Li Xiao's eyes flashed, but he was still very calm on the surface. When Iifumi Torama goes to attack Nishiueno, then it is obvious that Taro Yoshinobu will also participate in the attack. If this happens, Takeda Katsuyori will not have the opportunity to join Nishiueno.

   "My lord, the subordinates still stick to their original opinions." Li Xiao replied decisively.

   "Oh? Are you questioning the abilities of Lord Fanfu, or are there any other reasons?"

   "His ministers will naturally not question the abilities of Lord Fanfu, but the most suitable candidate for the attack on Nishi Ueno is beyond His Highness."

Li Xiao sorted out his thoughts slightly, and then said: "His Royal Highness Shenglai, just defeated the Ueno and Uesugi forces at Shirane Mountain with 800 men, and shocked one side. As soon as the banner of His Highness arrives, the powerful Nishiteno tribe will be shocked by His Highness. Fame, most of you will lose the courage to fight and surrender to Kaesong. My Takeda family is likely to defeat more than half of Nishi Ueno without blood."

   Takeda Shingen nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable, but I always promised Mr. Fanfu first in this matter."

   Li Xiao looked at Takeda Shingen, only to see him looking at himself with interest, as if waiting for him to give some reason to convince him.

   Li Xiao smiled secretly, he was not ready to hide, he now treats the persuasion of Takeda Shingen as the biggest challenge, betting Takeda Katsuyori and his own destiny.

   Li Xiao looked directly into Takeda Shingen’s eyes, and asked bluntly: "My lord, dare you ask what your life's ambition is?"


   Takeda Shingen answered without hesitation.

   Li Xiao nodded, and then asked: "Then dare to ask the lord, for me, Jiafei has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, why not do this Shangluo Daye now?"

   Takeda Shingen glanced at Li Xiao. It seemed that he was asking knowingly, but he still replied, “Because there is still Echigo elbow behind, I can’t spare my hand and move westward with all my strength.”

   Li Xiao smiled and said, "In that case, the first thing my Takeda family will do right now is to eradicate Kenshin Uesugi in Echigo, right?"

   Takeda Shingen nodded slowly.

   At this time, Li Xiao said: "Your lord, your ministers have a strategy. Although you can't destroy the emperor, it is enough to ensure that my Takeda family can suppress the emperor within three to five years."

  Rao is Takeda Shingen who has always been calm and free, and this moment was also shocked by Li Xiao's bold words.

   But in other words, Takeda Shingen would sneer at this sentence, even if it was Iifumi Toramasaka and the four ministers under his command, any general would be scolded by Takeda Shingen as arrogant, and of course he would go out.

But only Li Xiao said that, Shingen Takeda had to think about it at this moment. The opponent was the one who assisted Shiro to defeat Kenshin Uesugi. Even Kansuke Yamamoto believed that the opponent was ten times as capable as him. Is this Li Xiaozhen? Do you have any insights?

   "What is the strategy?" Takeda Shingen asked.

   "My lord, please give me a map of Hokuriku."

   Takeda Shingen nodded, called the little surname outside the service door, and got a topographic map of Hokuriku. Then Li Xiao took a folding fan, and now he had a taste of pointing the country, then he waved his hand, and the handle of the fan fell on the back of the map.

Li Xiaokan said eloquently: "Since Uesugi Huihu succeeded the Nagao family as the governor of the Nagao family, he has been fighting for more than ten years. The territory under its jurisdiction is narrow and long, resembling a large dragon lying on its back, with its back to the sea, its head east and tail west, and it borders Dewa, Mutsu, Ueno, Shinano, and Hida in turn.

Li Xiao stretched his hand to Shinano to the south of Echigo, saying: "My Takeda family has always sent troops from Kai with confidence, then Uesugi Teru will send troops from Kasugayama Castle, the city, and set up a battle against our troops on Kawanaka Island. The situation of the decisive battle between the two armies. Please forgive your subordinates for bluntly. If the battle between the two armies is a battle, you and Uesugi Teruho, the lord, both dare not say that they will win each other. In this case, making a one-time decisive battle is tantamount to a gamble. The previous two countries' national fortunes are not the best choice for my Takeda family."

   Li Xiao is telling the truth. The first Sichuan Nakajima battle is the best example. The two teams suffered both defeats.

Li Xiao glanced at Takeda Shingen, and saw that he didn’t mean to deny or displease, so he continued: “So the minister thought that if we want to sever this dragon, if we don’t plan to fight from the front, we can do it at the same time. Hida, Shinano, and Ueno simultaneously launched their raiders against Echigo, making it impossible for the dragon of Echigo to look at each other."

   Takeda Shingen's eyes lit up, as if vaguely grasped the meaning of Li Xiao's words.

   "Li Xiao, what you mean is that Kenshin Uesugi cannot be cloned on three battlefields at the same time."

Li Xiao nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Lord. You should know that although Uesugi Kenshin can be called an unparalleled military, but there is no general who can stand alone. If my Takeda family completes the battle against Nishi Ueno, Hida is here. The strategy of the two countries. At that time, the lord can personally lead the army to station on Chuanzhong Island. At this time, Uesugi Kenshin must not dare to leave the Kasuga Mountain Castle. At that time, the lord can choose two generals, from Nishino Ueno and Hida two. The ground broke into Echigo. Kenshin Uesugi couldn't look at each other from end to end."

   Hearing Li Xiao's words, the folding fan in Takeda Shingen's hand stopped shaking and looked at the opponent in a daze.

   Li Xiao also looked at Takeda Shingen, he was sure Takeda Shingen was saying from the bottom of his heart, how could this Li Xiao coincide with what I thought in my heart.

Well, this is not the same as what the hero sees, but the strength of the traverser, nothing In fact, what Li Xiao said is also the strategy taken by the Takeda family in history in the next five years. plan. From the fifth year of Yongluo to the tenth year of Yongluo, Shingen Takeda has been tirelessly carrying out a grand strategy for the dragon of Echigo.

After the capture of Nishi Ueno, the central part of the Echigo dragon was completely exposed to the military front of the Takeda family. Then Takeda Shingensaku rebelled against Honjo’s prosperous prosperity, and then sent troops to Hida country to surrender the local indigenous Jiangma family. And instigated Yuezhong's Shiina Yasunami and raised the flag of rebellion to Uesugi Kenshin.

   In fact, in history, this plan was only halfway through. The main reason was that the Takeda family turned to the Imagawa family for the future strategy, and Kenshin Kenshin sent the salt to peace at this point, so the plan was aborted.

  If Shingen Takeda is really willing to make a three-way killer move, ordering a large army to send troops from Hida, connect the army of Yixiangzong, Jiangma, Jimbo's family, and Shiina Kangyin, and attack Echigo from Etsuzhong. Another general was ordered to send troops from the Ueno West to connect the prosperous village and the military strength of the famous family of Ash. In the end, Shingen Takeda himself led the main Takeda clan from the island of Kawanaka.

   Li Xiao is really looking forward to seeing how Uesugi Kenshin’s ability will look at each other end to end to resolve Takeda Shingen’s three-way kill.

   Takeda Shingen was silent for a while, and said: "I now know why I know Yamamoto Kansuke, saying that your skills are far above him, but what you said has anything to do with Shiro's participation in the West Ueno Raiders?"

Li Xiaoyan said: "If our army only attacked West Ueno, Ifu-sama would be enough, but this place is related to the safety of the hinterland. Uesugi Huihu will certainly not ignore it, and Iifu-sama's ability will not be enough to fight the Uesugi army alone. . It’s not Li Xiao’s nonsense. At the moment, in Takeda’s house, apart from the lord, only His Royal Highness Shiro has the strength to lead an army against Uesugi Teruto in Ueno."

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