Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 90: The battle for ranking

On the other side of the Gaotocheng assessment room, across a few sliding doors, Takeda Katsurai and Li Xiao sat facing each other to discuss matters.

"I've checked the details of the new retainers through the ninja group. Two of them are spies sent by the elder brother." At this point, Takeda Katsura said with a slight smile: "But this is also true. It’s normal. It’s weird if my brother doesn’t send people into my retainers. What do you think I should do?"

   Li Xiao nodded and said: "The two people were eliminated prematurely. On the contrary, it will make His Highness Yixin uneasy and be more alert. Just send someone to monitor them now, but don't be alarmed, it may be useful in the future."

   Takeda Katsuyori nodded and agreed.

   At this moment, there was a loud thump in the assessment room of the castle lord next door.

   "What happened?" Takeda Katsuurai stood up and asked the guard outside the door.

   At this moment, the paper sliding door in front of him opened, and one of the people approached to report to Takeda Katsuyoshi: “Lord, it’s Daxiong Biqian who is guarding the trouble.”

   This person from the crowd told the story in detail. Katsura Takeda was immediately furious when he heard it, and he shouted again and again, "Asshole, hurry up, get my big sword."

   When Li Xiao heard it, he cursed in his heart. He actually grabbed a seat with me. You Xiong Chaoxiu thought it was Liang Shanbo, with 108 seats. However, Li Xiao still seemed extremely cultivated on the face, and said lightly: "Lord, let's take a look at the details. This matter is related to the running-in between the old and the new retainers and should not be handled hastily."

   Takeda Katsuyori didn't listen to Li Xiao's words too seriously, but walked towards the assessment room angrily.

   When Takeda Katsurai and Li Xiao appeared in the assessment room one after another, both the arguing and the onlookers stopped their actions and bowed and saluted together.

   "Participate in Lord Lord."

   Takeda Katsurai's expression is not good, he snorted, and bluntly bluntly squeezed his hands and scabbard on the wooden floor, and said loudly, "What happened to the noise just now?"

   A warrior who knelt down lowered his head and said loudly: "The minister, Xiong Chaoxiu, disturbed the lord, please punish the lord."

   Takeda Katsuyori's expression became a little lighter when the other party said that, and he said, "Get up, what's the matter?"

   Li Xiao looked at the big Xiong Chaoxiu lying on the ground and stood up. This man looked fierce and looked like a reckless man. He could not be combined with his characteristic of being good at internal affairs. Li Xiao turned his head and saw that Bao Ke Changyue was lying on the ground with blood in his nose. It was obvious that he had been punched by the big Xiong Chaoxiu just now.

Daxiong Chaoxiu stood up and said: "The lord, the minister is older than Li Xiao, and there is also the post of Biqian defensive official issued by the court, so in the seat of the retainer, the next is definitely Li Xiao. On top of my lord."

   Takeda Katsuyuki was very unhappy to hear Daxiong Chaoxiu say this. Li Xiao's importance among his vassals is definitely more than that of others. In addition to Daxiong Chaoxiu, Bao Ke Changyue was wounded to the ground. Takeda Katsuyori was very upset with him, and now he was reluctant to suppress his temper, saying: "The rank of the retainers in this family is my own decision. Master Li Xiao, is my teacher, and he joined me in the time of the Suwa family. It's also longer than you, so you don't need to have any objections."

  Okuma Asahide heard Takeda Katsuyoshi say this, saying: "Your lord is in an orderly manner. It is a rule set by the court. If the lord insists on his own views, then please allow your ministers to run."

   As soon as the big bear Chaoxiu said this, the presence was in an uproar.

   Takeda Katsuraiton's face sank at that moment, and it's nothing more than confrontation. Employees who dare to threaten their boss with resignation are the most annoying to the boss. After Takeda became the city lord, his temper was also seen. He only saw his face sinking, and he brushed the ground without making a sound, and he was about to take out the sword in his hand.

   Masatoshi Hakaka saw that Takeda Katsuyori was about to draw his sword, he was shocked, and regardless of his own age, he rushed forward, hugged Takeda Katsuyori's arm, and said, "Master, please calm down your anger."

"Asshole, I want to kill him." Takeda Katsurai glared. This scene made many new recruits dumbfounded. This lord has too much personality. The retainer has to drew his sword after a few words. NS. And the Dazang Changan, who was sitting on the side, saw that his eyes were about to fall off, thinking, isn't it? For such an impatient lord, Uesugi Kenshin was defeated in his hands.

"Master Boss, you don't have to stop the lord," Daxiong Chaoxiu was rather calm, sitting cross-legged, pulling his clothes apart, exposing his belly, and said in a deep voice, "Lord, the minister knows he has offended, and I ask the lord to punish him. But the lord Killing a minister is for being unkind, not accepting advice, for being unwise, and acting so recklessly. I really feel sorry for Lord Xinxuan, who has such a son as His Royal Highness."

   This big Xiong Chaoxiu is too venomous, and the servants started to sweat for him, but now that these words are spoken, any lord will not be able to bear it.

   Seeing Takeda Katsurai's entire face was irritated into pig liver, he was about to enter a state of rampage.

   "Daxiong Biqian Shou, I think you are the unfaithful and unrighteous person. You still dare to criticize Your Highness."

   When everyone saw this anger, it was from Li Xiao's mouth on the side.

   Big Xiong Chaoxiu saw that the other party was burly taller than others, and already guessed who the other party is, and asked, "Your Excellency, Li Xiao?"


   "What's wrong with me?" Daxiong Chaoxiu said directly.

Li Xiaozheng said in a lust: "The Confucianism says,'The ruler has a past, and the officials do not listen to them, and they will flee.' And Master Biqian Shou, who did not agree with His Highness, took out and threatened His Royal Highness. Is it the way of your courtier? It's for infidelity! And this Lord Baoke Changyue, who belongs to the samurai of the family, and your servant, is the same as your servant, you waved and beat it, it was unrighteous! Lord Bizen, I said Is wrong?"

   Da Xiong Chaoxiu's face became stiff, and Li Xiao's words were also sharp. More importantly, he had a word of reason, just like a Chinese Confucian, upholding justice has a kind of awe-inspiring spirit. Xiong Chaoxiu bit his teeth, still very samurai style, stood up, knelt down again and said to Takeda Katsuyoshi: "Lord Lord, it was the fault of the minister just now. Please forgive me, Lord Lord."

   Seeing Daxiong Chaoxiu confessing his mistake, Takeda Katsurai had gotten off the stairs, and Dazang Changan saw a raging crisis and was resolved by Li Xiao in a few words. He couldn't help but secretly wonder. It seems that this Li Xiao is not just a fierce general in the rumors. Dazang Changan secretly praised in his heart.

   Takeda Katsuyori took the sword away, but he still looked very angry and ignored the big bear assassin.

   But the big Xiong Chaoxiu's stinky mouth started firing again. He said: "But the lord, I still insist on my own views. In the seat of the retainer, Master Li Xiao must be under the minister."

  Okay, your big bear shows up as a white-eyed wolf, I will save your life, and you have come to bite me again.

   Li Xiaohan said with a smile: "The battle for seats is just a cloud, oh no, it's just a false name. But I would like to ask Master Bizen, your basis is that whoever has the highest official position awarded by the court has the highest rank, right?"

   "Not bad." Daxiong Chaoxiu nodded.

   "Bold," Li Xiao shouted, "His Royal Highness Shenglai does not yet have any official positions. According to you, isn't your rank higher than His Highness."

   Big Xiong Chaoxiu knew at this time that he had fallen into Li Xiao's language trap, but it was too late to regret at this time.

   After hearing this, Takeda Katsuyori felt funny in his heart, but his face sank, and he pressured Ouma Asahide, "Yes, Bizen-sama, should I give you a place now?"

   Big Xiong Chaoxiu's face was blue and red now, and Huo Ran said: "The minister is wrong, but I also ask Lord Lord's permission to let me, Li Xiao, after the battle is determined, then I will reserve my seat."


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