Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 98: Siege of Azuma County

Ueno Country, Stable Bridge City.

   "The lord, just received the news that the lord of Ninja City, Narita Changtai, has agreed to surrender and agreed to hand in the hostage and affidavit."

   In the castle owner's room, Naoe Mitsuna said.

   Uesugi Kenshin slowly opened his eyes. He is now wearing a flat hat, a white cloth bowl wrapped around his forehead, holding a rosary, and sitting on a stack of mats dressed in black vestments.

   "This is not enough," Kenshin Uesugi yelled and said, "I also told Narita Changtai to retreat and give him the position of house chief to the eldest son."

   After besieging Odawara last year, Uesugi Kenshin was inaugurated at Hachimangu Shrine, the inauguration ceremony of the Kanto governor. After the ceremony, Kenshin Uesugi accepted the pilgrimage of the famous daimyo on the shrine's approach. At that time, everyone knelt to the ground, but the lord of Ninja Castle, Narita Changtai, sat on the horse to greet him.

   This was considered disrespectful by Uesugi Kenshin. On the spot, he was so angry that the small universe broke out. He jumped off the horse and beat Narita Changtai off his horse. He also put the black hat on his head under his feet and stomped wildly. The scene shown by Kenshin Uesugi shocked all the Tobu generals involved.

   But in fact, Narita Changtai was wrongly beaten, and he does have the right to salute immediately. The Narita family was a celebrity from the Fujiwara clan. His ancestors belonged to one of the "Musashi Seven Parties", and they made great contributions in the "Three Years of the First Nine Years".

   Therefore, Genji’s ancestor Genyoshi’s single gave Narita the privilege to salute immediately. Therefore, starting from the Genyoshi family, the Kamakura shogunate and the Muromachi shogunate established by the Geni clan have recognized the privilege of the Narita clan to salute immediately.

   So in Narita Nagatae's view, even if Ashikaga Yoshiki is here, he can sit on the horse without a bird, let alone your Kanto leader. So after Narita Changtai was beaten, he couldn't swallow this breath, returned to Ninja City, and immediately turned to the Hojo side.

Kenshin Uesugi felt uncomfortable thinking about this incident, but he immediately focused on the present, and said to Naoe Mizuna: "After letting Saito and Irobe return to the army, they will encircle and attack Agatsuma-gun. This time I want to Sitting in Stable Bridge City, unable to take command, let Saito be responsible for the strategy of Agatsuma Prefecture. He will not let me down."

   Naoe Mizuna hesitated and said, "But the lord, didn't you send Murakami, Honjo, Yamamotoji, and Nagano family to attack Agatsuma-gun?"

   "Not enough," Kenshin Uesugi said in a deep voice, "Have you forgotten the defeat at Shirane Mountain? To completely surrender Suwa Katsura, Li Xiao and both must do their best."

   Naoe Mizuna seemed to have a worried look on his face, and he thought for a while and said: "Master, in fact, I have always been worried. I think the information sent by Takeda Yoshinobu may be a strategy of the Takeda family to lure the enemy?"

Kenshin Uesugi laughed, and said: "The battle for prosecution has always been a way of getting chaos. And Naojiang, do you think I am by Yoshinobu's side, so I didn't do it carefully? I and Yoshinobu, but each takes what we need. , He used my hand to kill Suwa Katsurai, and I used Yixin's hand to recruit Li Xiao, a fierce general."

   Naoe Mizuna was surprised and said: "It turns out that the main purpose of attacking my wife county is to subdue Li Xiao?"


   Uesugi Kenxin stood up, took the green bamboo at hand as an assistant and walked a few steps. This is when he was fourteen years old when he attacked Nagao Junjing. It was the root cause of the arrow injury. After the battle of Chuanzhongdao, he suffered from rheumatism in his left leg. Therefore, he can ride a horse in combat fashion, and he always uses green bamboo as a cane when walking.

Kenshin Uesugi walked a few steps, propped up the window cover with wood, and looked at the river view of Tone River under the castle of Stable Bridge. Shen Sheng said to Naoe Mizuna: "Seeing the troubled times of the Warring States period, the names of all parties do not respect the generals. In the end, the retainers also have the thieves to overcome the chaos. I Huihu swears a heavy oath in front of Bishamen, not to fight injustice, not to occupy the injustice, and to end this troubled world and reshape the prestige of the shogunate. , So that the common people will not regenerate their spirits. In this way, the only way is to use the force of Pishamon to carry out justice in the world, and if there is anyone who does not follow it, we will ask for it."

   For the loyal Naoe Mizuna, even after listening to Uesugi Kenshin's remarks more than a hundred times, he has already developed a habit of weeping.

   Kenshin Uesugi used to abstain from **** and abide by justice in his life. This is almost a godlike character. This also makes many Echigo samurai worship him fanatically.

Seeing Naoe Mizuna's excitement and tears filled his eyes, Uesugi Kennobunaga sighed and said: "But I Uesugi Terutora rose up at the age of fourteen. Although I crossed over to Kanto, but the two Takeda and Hojo were late. A great enemy cannot be reconciled. Shingen Takeda banished his father and betrayed his relationship. The Hojo clan robbed himself as a descendant of the Hei clan. There is no faith at all. However, the existence of the two Takeda Hojo two families cannot be made public for the sake of justice."

Mitsuna Naoe said with a snot and tears: "I know the lord, you often mention the lack of a lieutenant. People who can take care of one side when the lord is away. For example, a good general like Takeda Nobuhira of the Takeda family. Therefore, the ministers considered Lord Jiang’s ambitions day and night, and promoted the world, but only hated that they were not enough to be the Lord’s right-hand man."

Uesugi Kenshin sighed and said: "And Naoe, I know you are a person who emphasizes justice, but you are good at planning, but you lack the decisive power to lead the army. Although Saito can take his own side, it is not enough to fight Takeda. Hojo, and even the late Kakizaki Kei’s family are more than brave and lacking in strategy. Such talents are rare. One Xinfan in the Takeda family is enough, and now there is another Li Xiao."

"I understand. In the battle of Shirane Mountain, the subordinates also saw that the Takeda family can defeat our not only above Li Xiao's bravery, but also the timing and calculation he grasped to kill Lord Kakizaki. The loopholes of our military's strategy all show that he is a good general with both wisdom and courage."

Listening to Naoe's analysis, Uesugi Kenshin nodded and said: "Yes, Li Xiao is the candidate for my lieutenant. Therefore, in this campaign, the gains and losses of Agatsuma-gun and the annihilation of Suwa Katsurai's military forces are against me. It's not enough to speak. Only to surrender Li Xiao is my purpose."

   "Oh. The subordinates understand, this is called sending someone to notify Murakami that you must capture Li Xiao alive."

Kenshin Uesugi smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about it, I have already explained it, but what I want to tell Murakami is that this time my wife county must trap Li Xiao in the Jedi, but don't hurt his life. When he was desperate, he sent someone to tell him to surrender. As long as he is willing to surrender, I Uesugi Huihu will treat each other with the courtesy of a scholar."

   Then Ken Uesugi pointed his hand down and said: "And this stable bridge city is his home city!"

   Naoe Mizuna was taken aback. Meohashi Castle is a big city in Ueno, and it is the horn of Minawa Castle. It is very convenient to get in and out of Shiano, Shinano, and Musashi, and it is the key to transportation. Therefore, every time Uesugi Kenshin goes out to Kanto, he is stationed in Stable Bridge City.

   Uesugi Kenshin treats Li Xiao like this, and he treats his big future as if he were on his side. Mitsuna Naoe couldn't help but begin to faintly jealous.

At this time, the Uesugi family's army, as early as Sugi Kenshin's order, drove to Agatsuma-gun. Their goal was to Kamahara and Hao, and cut off Takeda Katsuyoshi’s army and retreated from Agatsuma-gun to Shinjuku. The retreat of Nongxiao County.

   Under the powerful military forces of the Uesugi family, Kambara Castle fell within an hour of supporting it. Since the lord of the castle, Kamabara Kokura and the following two hundred people, all died in battle.


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