In this way, the twelve ancestors summoned Pangu Shadow, how could Lao Tzu accept this?

However, then, Lao Tzu was even more unacceptable, and even the world calmed down again.

At the moment when the Pangu Void appeared, Di Jiang roared again: “Evolve Pangu True Body!” ”

This voice is frightened in the world, summoning Pangu phantom is scary enough, what Pangu true body has evolved?

Is it impossible to resurrect the Pangu Great God?

This time, it was the first time that the twelve ancestors formed the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, and it was no wonder that the world was so shocked.

After all, in this flood and famine, anything related to the Pangu Great God can cause a sensation in the world.

When Dijiang’s words fell, under everyone’s stunned, I saw that the ancestral witch body of the twelve ancestral witches actually slowly dissipated, and finally merged with Pangu Shadow.


An even more majestic and vast blood qi surged, and the ancient desolate aura permeated the heavens and the earth, and a trace of chaotic qi permeated the void.

At this moment, Pangu Phantom, which was just illusory… It actually solidified.

“This can’t be!”

“How is that possible? Fake, must be fake! ”

This scene completely subverted the concept of the world, and they could still accept it, but what the hell was the real body.

Lao Tzu was also shocked, and his body couldn’t help but withdraw back hundreds of millions of miles, and his body was trembling.

“On… Are you kidding? Pangu real body? ”

“Impossible, this emperor will never believe that the twelve ancestors have this ability!”

Heavenly Court, Di Jun and Taiyi turned pale, and they looked at the huge Pangu True Body with a look of despair.

Can you not despair? They have always been the enemies of the twelve ancestors, and they want to eradicate the witch race and dominate the floods.

Now, seeing that the twelve ancestral witches have such means, can they fight it?

It’s a way out of their way.

“My God, what kind of means is this, is it true that it is impossible to resurrect the Pangu Great God?”

“Not to mention the resurrection, even if it really condenses Pangu’s true body, the twelve ancestors will be invincible, and the saint will not be an opponent!”

“This is absolutely impossible, Pangu Great God’s true body has been integrated into the Flood Wilderness, and there is definitely something wrong with this true body!”

All over the place, such as Fuxi, Nuwa, Zhuyi, Junti, Zhen Yuanzi and others, were all shocked again.

Only Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace still looked indifferent.

“Is this the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and the Demon Gods? Unexpectedly, it was actually improved by the Pangu Great God and passed down. ”

Hong Jun muttered, his expression solemn.

He still has a certain understanding of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, and at the beginning of the opening of the heavens, there were many demon god remnants of the souls in the Hong Wilderness, such as Yin Yang Old Ancestor, Qiankun Old Ancestor, and Chaokun Old Ancestor.

These reincarnated demon gods have a very good relationship with him, otherwise they would not have besieged Luo Xiao together.

He also learned from these reincarnated demon gods that there was such a formation in Chaos back then.

The Du Heavenly God Evil Great Array and the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, the two top powers of the Flood Desolation are actually the Chaos Era.

At that time, there were two special demon gods, both of which could transform into twelve, evolve formations, and increase their strength skyrocketing.

There is also the Zhou Tian Star Dou Demon God, this demon god is the controller of the Star Avenue, and he can evolve countless stars to form a large array.

And these two demon gods are inherently old enemies.

The Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array was also appearing in the Flood Wilderness for the first time now, so it was impossible to know except for Hongjun and the reincarnated Demon God of that year.

It’s just that even Hongjun didn’t expect that this formation could actually be played like this in the hands of the twelve ancestors.

The twelve ancestral witches were Pangu’s twelve drops of essence blood evolution, and now they were actually able to rely on the formation to reverse the origin and fuse Pangu Void.

Now, even if it is not the real Pangu true body, it can exert some of Pangu’s power.

This is terrible, even Hongjun has to be dignified.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are not mixed element saints, but the aura emanating from this Pangu true body has reached the mixed element level.

What if the twelve ancestors and witches all become mixed elements? And what about the power of this formation?

“The twelve ancestors will die!”

Hongjun said indifferently, such unstable factors he absolutely did not allow to exist.

“Axe come!”

In the primeval starry sky, the huge Pangu True Body made a thunderous sound, he raised his big hand, and the endless qi between heaven and earth surged in, condensing into a pitch-black giant axe in his hand.

“Open the sky!”

A roar that shook the heavens and the earth made countless living beings tremble, and I saw the huge Pangu True Body slowly raise the axe and slash at Lao Tzu.

At this moment, countless creatures suddenly seemed to see the appearance of Pangu Great God Axe splitting chaos back then.

Besides, Lao Tzu was already scared and stupid, forgot about defense, and just watched Pangu’s real body chop down with an axe.

“My life is resting!”

At this moment, Lao Tzu only had such a thought in his mind, and he was desperate.

“This can’t work, Lao Tzu can’t die yet!”

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun shook his head, at this time he couldn’t look any longer, and if he looked at it again, Laozi would probably be chopped to death.

So, he stepped out and left the Zixiao Palace, and when he reappeared, he had already descended on the Flood Barren Ancient Starry Sky.

And accompanied by a burst of ballads: “High lying nine clouds, futon Dao Zhen.” Outside the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth, I should be in charge of the Venerable.

A purple color stretched across the void for hundreds of millions of miles, and the entire flood was accompanied by various visions, golden lotuses bloomed on the earth, and the heavens and the earth were auspicious.


Hongjun’s figure manifested on the firmament, and at this moment, there was a supreme breath between heaven and earth, and the holy power was mighty, coercing the nine heavens and ten earths, making the sky worship.

The appearance must be forced, otherwise how to be worthy of his Dao ancestor’s identity.


“It’s Hongjun Daozu, hey, Hongjun Daozu actually appeared!”

Originally, the world thought that Lao Tzu would die this time, but he did not expect Hongjun to appear.

Hongjun blocked in front of Lao Tzu, facing the split axe, and pointed out very casually.


Vast energy fluctuations swept through the sky, the aura of the avenue was pervasive, and countless law runes flew.

However, it was like opening the sky and destroying the sky and the earth, and it was actually blocked by Hongjun’s fluttering finger.

“How is that possible?”

In Pangu’s true body, the twelve ancestors were dumbfounded, and they couldn’t believe it.

They thought that the invincible axe was actually blocked, or blocked by a finger.

“Is this the strength of Hongjun Daozu? One finger blocked Pangu’s true body with an axe! ”

“Hey, are saints so terrifying? Even Pangu’s true body is no match for a saint’s finger? ”

In heaven and earth, all the great powers were also stunned, and then gasped again.

The shock brought to them today was so great that they didn’t know how many breaths of cold air they had inhaled.

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