Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1097 Surprise

It is said that Philip has not been able to know, because the world is called Philip's people, but Philip Gutt is different.

The people surnamed Guite in the world are not young, but the Guite people will only think of the huge family standing in the Western !

It is not necessary to say that Edward is the final point directly to Minglilip Gutt is the founder of the Gulit family.

So Li Feng Ji did the phone call to the founder of the Gulit family?

"Haha, hahaha." Michael suddenly laughed, laughing wild, ridicule Max.

His smile makes Edward's friends are a mist, is there so funny, why only feel the shock?

"What are you laughing?" Edward brow wrinkles, not Yue.

Michael stopped and laughing and said: "The Gurge family has been 200 years. If the founder of the Guri family is still alive, don't he have been living for more than two hundred? Do you think we all Is it a fool? "

At this time, Edward's friends suddenly realized.

Yes, when they just didn't think, Michael said that they reacted, how many years of the Guret family, his founder is still alive, then a two or three hundred old demon weird?

"Edwarda, did you be cheated by Li Feng? Ah ... I know, you are because I promise Alice to talk to him? My day ... Edwarda, you are really ... Hey! Let me say hello! "

Emily sighs, saying that he said in a hurry.

Kofi family, I couldn't help but laugh, they have seen Philip Gutt, can I be cheated by Li Feng?

However, they are too lazy to explain with Emily, when a person is in the mainstay, no matter what you say, you will not be able to listen to him, you can only use the facts.

Michael's eyebrows pick: "What are you laughing, is it wrong with Emili?"

Emily shakes his head, sighs: "Michael, I still go, they have been completely deceived by Li Feng, no matter what we say, they will not be believed."

Michael brows, what is this chick saying, what is going on, now it is him, he wants to stay here to see Li Feng joke!

Besides ... His ultimate goal is Alice! I can't get along before he gets!

Just thinking about how to return to Emily in Michael, a ringtone suddenly sounded from him.

Michael browned, took out the mobile phone to see an eye, found that his father came, when he is in the face, I said: "Hey, how is it ... ah, I am in Bry SD Street is here ... What, Bryced Street has a big customer to buy a star series yacht? "

Hearing here, Michael looked at the eyes Li Feng, Nima, just Li Feng said to buy Star series yachts, Dad gave him calls, will not be so clever?

Others also listened to it, the big customers in my sleep, Michael didn't, Li Feng? !

Michael shook his head and will expel the idea of ​​the idea.

No, Dad said that the big client is absolutely impossible to be Li Feng, this is a coincidence!

"Hey, the specific address is where, I will go to see." Michael is currently working in Tianma Group, and is the supervisor of the Sales Department.

Soldering a star-running yacht is 1%, this is what it is, can he miss?

"No. 118 Bryced Street is? Ok, I have passed ... I am relieved, I will definitely provide God's general service to the big customers ... What do you want to come over? ...... okay, I get it."

After saying Michael, I hanged the phone and then looked at Emiti: "I have a little urgent need to handle it, you wait for me to come back."

Emili faces gestured.

"What?" Michael brow wrinkles, very no solution.

Amy is sighed, refers to the feet again, then use the finger than to draw a string of numbers.

"118?" Michael eyebrows wrinkle: "Yes, I am going to Blyced Street No. 118, how far is it?"

Emily rubbed his eyes, then slammed a "0" by hand, but Michael will be wrong: "OK is OK, forget it, I will open the mobile phone directly."

If the voice falls, he will open a mobile map and prepare to navigate the past, but when he enters the 118th of Blyced Street to find ... The destination is where he is standing!

"Here is the 118 Bryide Street?" Michael asked.

Emily desires to cry, nod, when she heard this detailed address, is she already? !

"How is it, it must be wrong." Michael slammed the hair, and his face did not dare to confuse.

Edward's friends have strange nods: "Mr. Michael is indeed 118 Bryced Street."

Michael looked up and glanced at it, and then he said to Li Feng: "Are you a big customer?"

Two hands of Li Feng, rubbing his mouth.

"It's impossible, how can you be the big customer, you must be my father's wrong address!" Michael refused to call his father's phone with the last hope, almost roaring: "Hey, You are wrong, I am now in Blyced Street, 118! "

"What? Yes? But ... Li Feng? That big customer is really called Li Feng ?!"

Michael is a chasting, and after a few steps, I will look at Li Feng, and the whole person looks like lost the soul.

Li Feng once again stalls, : "Don't be so surprised, I am the boss of the boss behind the Tianma Group."

"Hey!" Edward's friends can't help but take a breath!

Li Feng is the boss of Philip Gulit? What is this concept? If he didn't blow it, he said that he is the most powerful person in the Western world!

After all, the Guite family is a huge thing standing in the west!

"I don't believe it, this is impossible, I don't believe, I don't believe it!" Michael slammed his hair, smashing his head crazy, then turning his head and ran away.

Emily apologized, and quickly looked out.

After a while, I heard the sound of a car launch outside, then it is the movement of the violence.

"Will you run?" Li Feng's mouth smoked, shook his head and sighed: "This is too bad in the heart!"

Alice helplessly turned a white eye. No one had such a big blow, but she had a kind of parents, Michael will definitely have to come back. If his father wants to do Tiangu Group CEO!

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