Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1130 talks ...

"Mr. Hua, I am the old chief of the Tiger Shark platform. Guo Jie, I am very honored to be the most consumer user since the founding of the Tiger Shark platform, I would like to express your gratitude to you on behalf of the Tiger Shark Platform."

When I saw this private letter, Li Feng's mouth hook and replied: "You are welcome."

Perhaps Li Feng's high-cooled Guo Jie is somewhat not suitable. After a big bigger, Guo Jie sent second private letter: "Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua, this, because you consume more than 100 million in the Tiger Shark platform, Triggered the hidden incentive conditions of the platform. From then on, Mr. Hua, the poetry alcohol, can get 40 yuan of rebate for 100 dollars in this platform. "

Li Feng: "???"

I used Li Feng to listen to someone who said that the live platform of the Tu Yan brush, you can get the rebate of the platform, because there is no in-depth study, Li Feng also listened to this matter, did not think that this happened to him. .

However, this matter is not very good for Li Feng. He is the opportunity to brush the gift in the live broadcast. In the future, it will come to Liu Shihan.

"Okay, thank you for your good idea." Li Feng returned.

Guo Jie continued to reply: "Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua, after our platform will focus on the packed will will will will will will be able to push her into top anchor, please rest assured."

Li Feng gave Liu Shi Han's huge sum of the hundreds of millions of Huaxiandin. It is necessary to say that he has no relationship with Liu Shihan. Guo Jie is definitely not believed.

As long as the Tiger Shark platform can leave Liu Shihan, it is equivalent to establishing a relationship with Li Feng. No matter which one aspect, it is advantageous to establish a good relationship with a super rich.

As for the Liu Shihan, will not cause dissatisfaction with other anchors ...

Oh, it is difficult to listen, those anchor is the work of the Tiger Shark, and the tiger sharks hold them. They are top-level anchors, don't hold them ... they are not!

Seeing that Li Feng, Li Feng, I understand that Guo Jie is going to use the packaging Liu Shihan to give him this big contact ...

I don't pay attention to this, I will reply directly: "I thank you for the poetry and men. If you have a problem that you can't solve it, you can tell the poetry, she will tell me. Ok, I still have something to handle, I don't talk about it. Goodbye. "

After that, Li Feng will go offline.

Looking at the avatar of the poem alcohol is turned black, Guo Jie can't help but smile.

The big is not a big, talking is so simply, don't give him any opportunity to react!

But then say it back ... I can't help but let Liu Shihan will tell him? This means that he can help yourself solve trouble?

Tone is very good!

"After all, it is a big gap, and it is normal." Guo Jie shook his head and then went down the line to call the company's high-rise.

The theme of the meeting is one, how to take Liu Shihan to top the anchor ...

Again the live room of Liu Shihan.

After seeing the tips of the poetry alcohol to exit the live broadcast, the netizens in the live broadcast were not calm.

"How is the ?"

"God experts, you haven't received my younger brother yet!"

"Announcement, you are from the trick, the poetry wine year Hua Da is your boyfriend?"

"This show is too exciting, I have to send the recording screen to Weibo!"

In the live broadcast, all netizens didn't look at the lives of live, all of which were concentrated on the 1000-year-old fireworks.

Seeing, Liu Shi Han couldn't help but laugh: "It seems that everyone doesn't have a mood to see my live broadcast, then I will go offline first, and everyone's goodbye ~"

After saying that Liu Shi will quit the live broadcast.

The netizens in the live broadcast are naturally unrestricted, but the screen is black, they don't have Liu Shihan's mobile phone number, certainly can't call her back.

However, most of the netizens have not left the live broadcast, and the big brains of the poems gave them too big, they must digest these vibrations by chatting with netizens.

But no matter what, from now on, the Tiger Shark platform will have a mysterious veteram to brush one million legend ...

At this moment, I have already had a topic of mysterious mysterious nature to anger for 100 million gifts on Weibo.

At first, everyone didn't believe it. As more and more people stood out to testify, this topic was climbed in the speed of the rocket, and quickly entered the top 50 in the hot play.

Under the snowball, the netizens who saw this topic are getting more and more, the topic is getting higher and higher, and it has risen to the hot play in a short time.

Liu Shihan became famous!

"Hey, congratulations, 'Tiger shark platform first Shenhao' mission completed, task rewards are released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 10 conquer points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half-level (late)

Experience: 5.22 million 100 million

System score: 160 million

Conquer point: 2570

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

"Not bad, 2 million experience value to hand, money is not white."

For the current Li Feng, the money and system points are not so important. The experience value is that he is urgently wanting to get.

Lu Long's appearance gave Li Feng's great sense of urgency, and he worried that he would not increase soon and would be dangerous.

At this moment, the telephone ringtone rang, Li Feng took together and found that Liu Shi Han came, when he will hook, turn on the phone: "Hey, Poetry, just your husband, I am very handsome?"

"Hey, it is not a little." Liu Shihan said like: "White is wasted a lot of money, I have painted."

"I don't think about it, this wave is what I earned." Li Feng said deeply.

"Ah?" Liu Shihan is a little less understanding of Li Feng.

Li Feng also did not explain more, directly said: "Shi and Tsi Baby, when are you free, I miss you ..."

He has not seen Liu Shihan for two or three months, and he is very missing to Liu Shihan.

"Ah, I ..." Liu Shihan parked, then said: "I have a party to participate in the evening, but it should be ended soon, do you wait for me?"

I don't know why, Li Feng heard the meaning of ity from Liu Shihan: "Classmates Party?"

"Well ... Yes." Liu Shihan said.

Although Li Feng is suspicious, but it is impossible to use the philosopsis of Liu Shihan, but it can take the head: "Well, I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng spoke from the voice: "Shi Han should not go to the classmate party is so simple ... Do you want to see the situation?"

On the occasion of Li Feng hesitated, the ringtone rang again.

Li Feng took up and found that it was a little bud, and he quickly turned on the phone: "How are you talking about?"

The phone is a small laugh in the phone: "Talking ..."

Li Feng: "???"

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