Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1148, Chicken Blood

A silence between the scenes ...

Meng Chengwen and others have a face, and the brain is.

All this happens too fast, they can't come back now.

What is the figure, what is it? !

On the chairpers, I said to the end of the world: "Do you think Li Feng is stronger than when I meet last time?"

Mo I nodded, and I said: "Li Feng used this trick to look at it, and now the control of this trick has arrived at the pure sky."

"Amounts, Li Feng's realm is definitely improved!" Ren Cangsheng shook his head.

Li Feng seems amazing, but just put Meng Chengwen and others, did not give them any injuries, but the place they stand collapsed.

This control of the power is too horrible!

Luo Taibai spit out a touch of breath: "The most terrible is the breath of his body, more than the last time, it is better!"

I nodded to the end of the earth, and then smiled: "How long does it take for three months? This is simply unimaginable."

If you don't say it is half-communular, you just want to upgrade a small stage and even ten years, while Li Feng is in half or four months ...

People have to die than people, saying that thanks to Li Feng!

"Is this end?" Li Feng arrived in half air, overlooking Meng Chengwen in the deep pit, ridicule: "More than two thousand people jointly, still hit, you really have a weak, wasting my time!"

Meng Chengwen and others only feel that there is 10,000 horses and horses!

If the feet are the double strikes of their body with the soul, the damage is psychologically affected, this sentence is the 100,000-point crit on their soul, and directly defeat their psychological line!

Made, is 20 years old? At least it is also good, good! It's too strong, it looks weak!

Just this is not scientific, according to reason, Li Feng looks like them, and it can be strong? But the fact is that Li Fengqiang arrived in a trick and gave them all the people!

"You ... what is your realm? To respect?" Meng Chengwen struggled to climb up from the pit and asked unwilling.

At this moment, he still had a few points of fantasy. Maybe it's not Li Feng, but the purple dragon that left before, but such a question cannot be directly said, I can only knock on the side.

If Li Feng's realm is not very high, you can derive it from the side!

Li Feng shook his head: "I am not honored."

"Isn't it to be respected?" Meng Chengwen brows smashed, and he did not believe in: "It is impossible, it is not so strong, my grandfather is into the strong, and there will be no vain at the back. So people who just shot not you? "

"Yes, it is very strong, but it is impossible to fight more than two thousand people."

"The top of the San is the supreme, but he said that he is not the honor. He can't always be the realm of the supreme?"

"It is impossible, the supreme look is the end of the martial arts, otherwise the supreme is not a joke?"

"Yes, the supreme is the meaning of the Wu Dao Supreme, this is the highest level in the martial arts, so people who have just shot is worthy of scrutiny ... shouldn't it be a purple dragon?"

"I rely on, can you play with this? We are all played!"

The reserve members have questioned.

Also said that after this doubt, everyone's mood is a lot. After all, no one is willing to recognize failure.

There is a sentence called poverty to imagine, in fact, this is the limit of the circle.

Ordinary people don't know how to spend hundreds of thousands of meals, and I don't know what the rich is usually eaten, just like ancient guess the emperor and eat a few steamed buns.

Meng Chengwen and others are all very superior, but the best families are just a large ancient people.

For those who have a home in a home, I don't know if the existence of the half-god-level strong is normal. Before Li Feng didn't know the same?

At this time, I stood up from the chairpend, and I said the audience: "The reason is really Li Feng, because the Supreme is not the end of the martial art, there is a half god on the supreme."

This time, the audience is big!

"Half ... half God?"

"My God ... Bring a 'God' word, is this fantasy?"

"The realm of the word 'God'" ... the day, I can't imagine. "

"If this is not the faucet, I don't believe it!"

After the embarrassment, Meng Chengwen has risen red and asked: "So the leading meaning ... He is a strong sense?"

Even if everyone has an answer, but still curiously erects ears.

"Yes, he is a half-level." He nodded to the ends and complicated the complexity.

Meng Chengwen is a shock, followed by pale shaking: "It is impossible, he looks so young, how can it be the half-level power of the Supreme?"

"It is also possible that he just looks young. It is actually seven old eighties. Do you want to make skin age?"

"It makes sense, and after the appearance of Tong Yan, it has been invalid by judge the age of a person through the appearance, and the appearance of the martial arts is more young than the actual age."

"I think about the seven old eighty people, but it seems to be twenty, I will not be cold."

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Who is seven old eight0? I am 24 years old this year, how much is more than you, who is saying that I will be seven old eighty, I will cut you!"


"24 years old?"

"No, this is too unusurized!"

"24 years old half-level strong? I must be dreaming!"

Li Feng's words once again caused Meng Chengwen and others exclaimed, not they can't hear the truth, but the truth is too amazing, it is difficult to accept.

"Hey!" I snort to the end of the world, interrupted everyone's screaming, this said: "I know that you are a genius in the respective hometown, but you have never seen it, you have never seen it. Does not exist! It is the so-called people who have a day outside! "

"But you don't be discouraged, I secretly tell you a secret, in fact, Li Feng is just a master of a master when he joined the dragon a year ago."

Original Meng Chengwen and others were still striking, and he was unbelieited when he heard this sentence!

When you join the dragon soul a year ago, it was a master of the master, and then broke through the half-level one year? Then they became the official member of the Dragon Soul, was there a chance to become a half-level power like Li Feng?

Li Feng turned over white. He knew that it was prepared to Tianya to start filling, that is, the so-called chicken blood.

Just this chicken is good, if the Meng Chengwen is slow, will it hate the end of the world? After all, Meng Chengwen does not have a system, it is destined to have a speed breakthrough like him ...

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