Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1177 full screen 666

"See it, this is the villa I am going to Beijing. The specific location will not be revealed. In short, this villa is in the third ring. The price bought in the third ring is 2000. Now the price of this villa is ... , You can guess. "

Fan Xingyu took a mobile phone and strolled in the front yard of the villa, and the netizens of the live broadcast introduced their residence.

Live room comment on the speed brush screen -

"No, 2000 dollars a square meter? In Beijing? How many years have you bought it ?!"

"Are you stupid, people are not a unit price, the total price, the unit is 10,000!"

"Villa in the Third Ring ... The price is now affirmed by billions."

"Broad million mansion? My day ... poverty limit imagination!"

Fan Xingyu itself is an invited anchor of the Tiger shark platform, but live broadcasts, more is to watch live broadcast.

Fan Xingyu's popularity in the Tiger Shark, after all, is a celebrity, so he opened a live broadcast, and the one who followed him came in.

Coupled with microblogging drainage, the number of online people in Fan Xingyu live more than 2 million!

This is true online, and the number of online people is still rising speed, which makes the tiger shark platform feel pressure.

"I have a kind of hunch, Fan Xingyu's live broadcast will create the highest record since the Tiger Shark platform."

A programmer said worried.

His colleague's mouth squatted: "It is already the highest record ..."

Summary, when Liu Shihan lived, he had just opened a record of the real online number of the room, and the staff of the Tiger Shark platform thought that there would be no someone in a short time.

As a result, how long this is, the highest record has been upgraded to 2 million, and the numbers are still in the rapid increase.

"Fortunately, the boss has a foresight. After the last time, I changed the server, and 10 million people should be online at the same time."

"If more than 10 million?"

"Will n't be so horrible ..."

"Li Feng makes Fan Xingyu live a lot of things all the Internet, not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of one."

"... I am going to find the boss!"


"It is 7:50, and there is still 10 minutes from Li Feng, and Fan Xinyu is still introducing his mansion ..."

"I feel that we are all played by Li Feng. Fan Xingyu said in the live broadcast. It will never live in reverse."

"If you are Li Feng's words, what method will you use to make Fan Xingyu live inverting?"

"Either threat is either lure, if the lure is difficult, after all, Fan Xingyu is not bad, then only threatens a road, but it is impossible to make the law, Li Feng can't be a spicy mers, live talents ? "

"I see everyone or I am scattered, Li Feng is from this circle powder, our IQ is still not letting him press on the ground ..."

As at 8 o'clock in the evening, the number of online people in Fan Xingyu lived through 10 million, and fortunately, the tiger shark platform expanded the server in time, otherwise the platform has already collapsed.

At the same time, the words that have been eating melon netizens have become more and more suspicious of Li Feng, and some people can't help but break the rush to Li Feng.

Fan Xingyu, who is broadcasting, looked at the time, the corner of the mouth tared: "There is still 8 o'clock in the evening, I thought Li Shan will take out some men's blood, come to me forced me to do live broadcast. The result made me very disappointed. "

"Also, Li Feng has already made a name, and he gently became super rich. How could it be the kind of violation?"

"So, everyone's netizens, after Li Feng's words, you don't want too much, just let me listen to it, don't be deceived by him."

Fan Xingyu is a master with rhythm. It is said that the netizens in the live broadcast is exciting, just like Li Feng gives Li Feng.

"Hey, I know that Li Feng is bragging, it is a waste of everyone!"

"The boss's character determines the quality of the product, you can imagine how much Osweil's product is exaggerated, and it is estimated that the box office of" squares "is also imparted by water, not credible."

"From now on, I will not buy any products of Osweiler with my family!"

"The artist of Sheng Tang Entertainment also has to resist, so many people as a monkey, don't give him some color to see it, I thought we were bullied!"

"Yes, let Li Feng know what is in the defeat!"

On the occasion of the netizens in the live broadcast, Fan Xingyu's face suddenly became sluggish, and then returned to normal.

"Friends, 8 o'clock, real performance is about to begin!"

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast of the live broadcast suddenly stunned.

,,,,, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Fan Xingyu smiled: "I just joked with everyone. In fact, Li, in fact, Li, I have to convince me, the man, the husband, the husband, dare to do, since I set up FLAG, I must have done it is, I will not make a message. man of!"

When you come out, you will boil in the live broadcast!

"Lying, Fan Gui!"

"6666! I am in the hope of Fan Jiang's water is endless!"

"10 superfoot delivery, give birth to!"

Because Fan Xingyu's decision, the number of people in the live broadcast has risen again, and they will come directly to 12 million!

The programmer in the background is to see the cold sweat. Fortunately, the server expands, otherwise it will collapse at this time, the tiger shark platform is not killed? !

Under the eye, Fan Xingyu said: "Since it is a live broadcast, it is natural to eat, now I will take everyone to see the enthusiasm that I have been prepared."

More than 12 million netizens looked at Fan Xing Yu Shi, she came to his house, and the luxurious marble table did roared a hot and beautiful exquisite porcelain plate.

This is quite refined, that is, a circle is rising, the top is pulled out a sharp corner, and the black-yellow coated is also hot.

"Lying in the trough, this is really hot!"

"Lying in the trough, I will vomit this picture!"

"This is also a talent, it is also a talent." Is it too horizontal? "

"If you can't be the shape of the manual recess, then put it in the steamer."

"... manual recess ... too much picture, no, I will see for a while."

Comment on the screen, Fan Xingyu put the phone on the ground, adjusted his angle, and then put the hot plate in front of the shot.

Fan Xing Yu is deeply sucking, and the face solemnly said: "Old iron, I am going to be coming soon, double click on 666, the plane yacht brushed!"

The netizens in the live broadcast were excited: "66666, you have to start!"

"Isn't it ... Fan guide really? 66666"

"Do you have to witness the miracle? 666666"

"Fan guide, you have to live a live broadcast, you will go to the cinema for each movie! 666666"

On the occasion of full screen 666, Fan Xingyu supported his hands, and sett it up.

The live broadcast is boiling!

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