Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1181 opens to see the mountain

"Rely, these pirates are really great! I think that our new movie, it is very unhappy by them, it is very unhappy!"

Inside the Jiangnan No. 1 villa, Murongxue found a pirated film website, watching the download link of "Fangxia", and said angry.

"Just, it's just no conscience!"

"There is no conscience is not enough to describe them shameless, should be called black heart!"

"Be sure to find a pirated version, let him pay the price!"

The women have discussed this behavior, and then looked Qi Qi to Li Feng.

Piracy is a difficult problem in Huaxia, but both women think this is not a problem for Li Feng, after all, Li Feng has an unnecessary image has went deep into their hearts.

Li Fengzheng chatted with Tiffany, and felt that the air suddenly looked up immediately: "You said it!"

Wei Yingqing's eyebrows pick: "Which little sister is chatting again?"

"I will know if he is a wretched expression."

"Hey, we are still unfailed!"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Okay, I want to let the" square world "piracy disappeared on the network."

Of course he heard the dialogue between the women, I want to tease them, I didn't expect that they didn't give themselves!

Don't hit the room for three days? Hey, he must let the girl know what to know this evening!

"Not just let the piracy disappear, I have to find out who get the pirated film!"

"The pirated quality is too clear, I suspect that it is the cinema copy."

"I think so."

Wei Shuangqing nodded: "Two possibilities, 1, Sheng Tang Entertainment has inner ghost, 2, in the courtyard, Li Feng, I suggest that you have conducted investigations within the company while requested the relevant departments to investigate the hospital."

Li Feng shook his head and smiled: "I don't have to be so troublesome, I can be alone."

The voice falls, and Li Feng will go out to go out.

Looking at Li Feng's back, Murong Xue brought the chin, and the Panshed Pacific Road: "Love Li Feng is domineering!"

Xu Man's face: "Small snow, can you hold a little."

"Xu Man sister, don't you like it too?" Murong Snow counterattacked.

Xu Man said: "That is also waiting for Li Feng to go far, you will make him more and more proud."

"That is, let's join us, can't let him go up!" Song Yujun clamped with powder fist, "evil" said.

It is going to go out of the Life of Li Feng in the living room.

Then Li Feng turned his head and smiled: "Not ... Xiaoye is arrogant in front of you? It is really not hitting the room for three days. Look, Xiaoye will let you know what is called ..."

"Hurry and go, don't talk anymore!" Su Yujia said.

"Good, this will go!"

Li Feng squatted under this sentence and ran and looked at the girls and smiled.

After coming out of the villa, Li Feng said: "The system, clear all the" squares "pirated movies on the network, how many system points needed?"

"100,000 system points."

"So many?" Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle, 100,000 system points are 100 million Huaxia coins, if there is no piracy, these points don't have to spend it!

"How many points do you need to consume when you find a pirated person?" Li Feng asked again.

"100,000 system points."

"Rely, that is, two billion!" Li Feng swears, and then self-prone: "Wool is in the sheep, let Xiaoye waste 200,000 system points, then this loss is compensated by people who have pirated"! " "

A few minutes later, the netizens who were downloading "Fangzhou" pirated resources suddenly found that the download speed became zero from a few m per second.

Look at the doubts, the surprised found that the seed file is not available!

Soon, this matter is on Weibo hot search list.

"Sheng Tang entertainment action is fast enough," squares "pirated resources are not available."

"I have encountered here, it is indeed unavailable, I can't find a few pirated websites."

"Rely, you can't think about these poor people who can't afford the theater. I must spend money to watch movies? Can people can don't be so overbearing? Since then, Shengtang Entertainment is black!"

"Oh, don't forget," squares "of the firefighters also have a credit for netizens who have not went to the theater, no propaganda," square in the world "is absolutely no current fire now!"

"How many people go to the cinema to see the talents, Sheng Tang Entertainment is done in hurting the feelings of most people!"

See these comments, the three views of the netizens are very exciting!

"Not ... Is it so relieved of the behavior of piracy?"

"It's been 9020, will there be still some people think it is pirated to support the movie industry?"

"The feelings don't let you hurt your feelings? Don't let you watch a black family? Oh, if there is such a friend around me, I must not say to him."

However, this is just the beginning, soon some netizens have found that the downloaded movie is watching it. Suddenly become a flower screen, and then go back and retreat!

The key to this situation is not a two, but hundreds of netizens, this is just posted on the Internet, not to send the situation to the Internet, I don't know how much!

This is a little horror!

Is the Tang Tang Entertainment that mastered the black technology of the sky, can you turn the downloaded resources into this?

For a time, the public said that there was a lot of attention.

At the same time, Li Feng came to see a cinema in Beijing.

"Hello, I am the boss of Shengtang Entertainment, Li Feng, I want to see you Liu Fang Liu."

Li Feng came to the front desk of the theater and opened the door to see the mountain.

"Oh, please ask you to make an appointment ... What are you?

The front desk sisters lick your mouth, and a face did not dare to confuse.

Fan Billion Li Feng has more fire on the Internet, there is no need to describe, so the front desk girl will be so surprised after seeing Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled: "Yes, are you a manager Liu?"

"In ..., you are waiting." The former girl hit an internal phone and explained the situation.

"Manager Liu, please come in, please come with me." After putting down the phone, the front desk sister rushed Li Feng smiled.

Li Feng nodded and walked in front of the front desk sister.

Soon, Li Feng met Liu Fang in the manager office.

"Li, what the wind blows you, please sit fast, Xiaoli, not give Li Zhibao tea? Forget it, or let me, you are embarrassed, unfamiliarless Isn't it a slow, Li, you go out first. "

Middle-aged woman dressed up, Liu Fang, who is got, Liu Fang, will give Li Feng tea.

Li Feng's mouth hook, ridicule: "Bubble tea, I am coming to ask Liu Ji, why do you disclose the source of" squares "?"

Liu Fangcai has changed!

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