Save the Goddess System

What do you think about Chapter 1183?

The death, Li Feng actually came true? Mad, this is not scientific, Laozi is not a few people here!

Fan Xingyu is constantly changing, and if you start thinking, don't let Li Feng come in.

At the same time, the three nets of the three nets beside him joked: "Li Feng? Is Osweil's boss Li Feng?"

"It's very likely that Li Feng is still with Fan Gu, it should be the Li Feng."

"Wow, I still don't know what he looks like, is handsome?"

"Handsome is useless, people have fiancee ..."

"There is a bad wife, I can ..."

"Give me a mouth!" Fan Xingyu is angry!

Made, when he talks about his discussion, I still want to have a deeper exchange with that man, it is, is you floating or I don't mention it?

Three nets were scared, and they were busy.

Fan Xingyu is a little bit, and Shen Sheng said: "Let him come in!"

" "

The door is open, the waiter will lead Li Feng.

"Everyone, here is the internal scene of the club, look at this atmosphere leather sofa, the expensive carpet, look at the art famous articles hanging on the wall, on both words - luxury!"

"This is just a living room, see that the door is, there is a door behind the door, I have the opportunity, I will take you in and see."

After Li Feng came in, he took the mobile phone slowly swept a circle and introduced the road with standard Mandarin.

Fan Xingyu: "???"

Three beautiful women's net red: "???"

No ... What is this?

Lying in trough, live broadcast? !

"You give me a mobile phone!" Fan Xingyu happily, and even the busy mobile phone will take Li Feng.

"Fan Guard, millions of netizens are watching this live broadcast, give me a face." Li Feng said with a discussion.

He used Weibo to start broadcasting, after more than 100 million fans, let him start broadcasting two or three million online viewing.

At this time, the live broadcast is already full screen 666.

Most netizens have not been here, it is easy to be shocked by the luxury here.

"I will give you a thin face!" Fan Xingyu is anger, although he is a super rich second generation, come to this place, don't say anything outside the envy, but why do he want to broadcast his daily live to others Look, is it live by Li Feng?

Is this not changed to Li Feng?

"Fan guide, when the explosion is somewhat not good?" Li Feng took a moment, escaped Fan Xingyu's robbing, taste.

Fan Xingyu is too fierce, and it is almost falling.

"Wow, soo!"

"It's more handsome than the first line!"

"The key is that temperament is super, I like him!"

The three beautiful women's nets will find that Li Feng appeared is very handsome, and it is very exciting for a while.

This makes Fan Xingyu more unhappy!

If a man's external condition is more than 10 points, in the blessing of the monarchy, Fan Xingyu can play a 7 point. If there is no money, he will take 6 points.

Confused Li Feng, the value, the body, and the temperament can be hit, even if it is more than 8.5 points, it can be played more than 9.5 points.

This is unilaterally crushing!

"Made, why he is so handsome, so there is so much money, the old days are too unfair!" Fan Xingyu is uncomfortable.

"Hey, there are three beautiful women here, can I interview what is your relationship with the fan?"

Li Feng took the camera to three women's nets, asked.

The three women's nets are famous for their lives. It is not a friend who faces Li Feng: "We are all famous friends."

"Yes, just friends ~"

The netizens in the live broadcast are scratched: "Just a friend? I am so don't believe it!"

"What do they mean to refer to a friend's letter?"

"Friends' first letters ... Brothers, you really special talents!"

Li Feng nodded: "Then you know that a few days ago, a few days ago, do you want to have a good thing? Do you think?"

The three women face each other, there is no sound.

Li Feng fell into a pit, let them jump, although they have some points, but not brain.

"It seems that you all know, then you will be very phony when you are with Fan." Li Feng said with a smile.

This sentence makes the atmosphere in the live broadcast, and countless people have made vomiting expressions.

The three women just need to nod, immediately felt the murder from Fans Xingyu, and quickly stopped the idea to nod.

"I am not eating, it is sesame sauce!" Fan Xingyu rushed to the camera and shouted.

"Who can prove?" Li Fengbei picks it, and smiles.

"I ..." Fan Xing Yu is angry, and then acknowledges that you want to think about you with your mind, if that is really Xiang, can I get to the mouth? It is still as fragrant? "

The netizens in the live broadcast have been pensive, indeed, normal people can't do this, is it really sesame sauce?

At this moment, Li Feng said deeply: "I have heard that someone will have a different food, some people like to drink gasoline, some people like to eat soil, and some people like to eat, I like to eat Xiang, you said Right, Fan Gu? "

One sentence, completely reverse the situation!

Fan Xingyu only felt that a bad breath was blocked!

God is very different, how can I like to eat, you don't want to be ignorant!

"Oh, yes, today I come here to find you, not to explore the problem of eating Xiang, but I want to ask you, why do you want someone to steal the source of" squares ", and spread pirated film in the network ? "

Li Feng got the camera to Fan Xingyu, asked in cold.

"It's impossible! You don't say!" Fan Xingyu directly denied the three consecutive, and he was amazed, why did Li Sum will know that he does it, is it a whip of the wind, or say Li Feng is fighting him?

Bomb in the live broadcast!

"Lying in the trough," squares "pirated version is Fan Xingyu? It is too instructions!"

"In order to stop the box office" of "squares", Fan Xingyu is really ignorant! "

"I am very curious now that Li has no evidence that if there is evidence, it is fun."

"There is evidence, Fan Xingyu is going to jail ..."

Li Feng's mouth hooked a little smile: "Don't you say it? What do I believe in you?"

Listening this, Fan Xingyu is relieved, seeing the situation of Li Feng has no evidence: "Li Feng, talking is to be responsible, if you say this, I have to tell you!"

Li Feng smiled: "Don't be so excited? Fan, I just talk about it, now I will come up with the witness."

"Hey, it's still a bit ..." Fan Xingyu just nodded, suddenly reacted, and immediately changed the way: "What witnesses?"

Li Feng mysterious smiled and shouted in the door: "If you have to go to the Beijing Cinema, Xiao Yi."

When you come out, Fan Xingyu has a drama!

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