Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1185 What is a real power?

Dong Qiqi is slightly changed: "Fan Guard, cautious!"

Li Feng is not a general person. Since he has witnesses, he can't continue to treat him.

In this position of Li Feng, it is usually eating soft and not eating hard. Unless you have the strength you can crush Li Feng, Dong Qiyu doesn't feel that the fans have this ability, so this time anything likely to irritate Li Feng is inexpensive. .

Fan Xingyu also knew that it couldn't be too arrogant at this time, and he didn't say anything after his mouth.

"Fan Xingyu's dad? I have any questions with him!" Li Feng's mouth evacuated a scratching laugh.

He is afraid of hitting a little out of age. God!

Don't say Fan Xingyu's father came over, even if Fan Xingyu's grandfather came over? You see that you are afraid of them!

"Li, Many friends, many roads, Fan always has a bit of a bit of affected, if you can build friendship, it is good for both sides." Dong Ji said with a smile.

Fan Xingyu's father Fan Cheng has a hundred billion houses. There are 23 companies under the name of electronic product processing, finance, real estate, etc., the business in the business world is very good.

Li Feng is just a new rising rich, and the body, the heel is still a lot of gaps.

"I didn't need to take the initiative to build friendship, and I think I haven't talked to him, but ..." Li Feng talk, play, taste: "I am curious that he wants to talk to me, then wait for him "

Dong Qiyu was smirk, but he smiled and whispered his thumb: "Li Tong atmosphere!"

Fan Xingyu took the mouth and exposed a contempt on his face.

No need to establish friendship, nothing is good, and finally not promised to talk about?

Some people, it is too hypocritical, I directly admit that I am afraid?

On the one side, Liu Fang's heart is in the top eight, this script is not very the same as Li Feng, next story will go to development, if Li Feng is naturally best, then she will escape the investigation ......

After 10 minutes, the room door was opened, and a middle-aged man with a national-faced face was accompanied by a gray elderly.

The national anthogles are not laughed, and they have a majestic atmosphere, and they are a long-lived person.

As for the gray clothes, pull the eyelids, just like not awake, the back is slightly, two hands are shaking in the sleeves, wearing a pair of black shoes, walking from the road to a shake, I don't know how to come.

Fan Xingyu revealed the color of the ecstasy when I saw the gray elderly, and I just watched it, but I was stopped by the Chinese characters.

"Hello, Li, I am Fan Cheng, I am very glad to meet you."

Before the Chinese characters came to Li Peak, they extended his right hand.

Li Fengbei picks up, hold handshake with him: "I listen to my life say you want to talk to me?"

Dong Ji Yu: "???"

Fan Cheng: "???"

On the face of the gray clothes, there is a bit of a bit wrong.

Not ... Dong Jiyu is forty years old, you are a young man, a young man, is right?

Fan Cheng smiled: "Before the dog, Mr. Li has offender, I am willing to apologize to Mr. Li for him and compensate for the corresponding losses."

Li Feng likes Fan Cheng's straightforward, and then laughs: "Then you say a price, I listen."

Fan Cheng raised two fingers.

Fan Xingyu is changing: "Dad, this is too wasteful, I am worth ..."

"You give it to me!" Fan Cheng glanced at him, then rushed to Li Feng smiled: "Li, as long as you agree, I will compensate the number of Lee."

"2 billion Huaxiandin?" Li Fengbei picks, the face is the color: "This figure is very attractive."

Fan Cheng: "..."

Fan Xingyu: "..."

Liu Fang: "..."

Lying in the trough, they are all crazy, the wool is 2 billion Huaxia coin, the lion is open, he!

Fan Cheng deeply sucking, stronglyaring angry: "Li, you misunderstood, I am talking about 20 million Huaxia coins."

"The piracy is less than 24 hours, and the movie downloaded will not be able to watch. The box office for" squares "does not have too much impact, and 20 million Huaxia coins should be sufficient to compensate for the loss caused by the dog."

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and took out the mobile phone: "How much is the alarm phone?"

Fan Cheng faces micro-change: "Li, there is no signal here, can't do it."

"Then I will go out." Li Feng shrugged and worked out.

At the foot of the gray clothes, stopped the way of Li Feng.

"Do you want to stop me?" Li Feng said without an expression.

"You'd better stay." The old man lifted his eyes and said.

"If I don't, you have to kill me?" Li Feng smiled.

What is the gray elderly just say something, Fan Cheng laughed: "Li, don't be excited, if you think this number is dissatisfied, we can also talk again."

"Yeah, Li, and gaps, everyone meets, don't know each other, seek to deposit." Dong Jiyi said.

"It's a good time to save." Li Feng smiled slightly, reached out two fingers: "Give me this number, I can give up the legal responsibility of Fan Xingyu, otherwise, we will see it."

Fan Cheng's color change: "Two billions?"

Li Feng shook his head: "2 billion."

Fan Cheng: "..."

Dong Ji Yu: "..."

Sweater: "..."

Are you a special persistence of 2 billion, just said 2 billion, now 2 billion, , is it a string number in your eyes?

"Hey, do you think about money? Don't say 2 billion, even if it is 200 million, you will have 20 million people, or you have a good look!" Fan Xingyu can't stand this , Jump out.

Fan Cheng did not stop. He also felt that Li Feng too much, even if it is 2 billion to him, it is a big money. It is not a heart, it will take off the skin!

"Oh, then I haven't talked about it?" Li Feng's mouth hook, ridicule: "Then I wish you a happy in advance."

The voice falls, Li Feng lifts it.

"Young people, you are too arrogant." The gray clothes stopped Li Feng to the road and said.

"So do you need to repair me?" Li Feng's mouth smiled and asked.

"You may not know that some people in this world are can't afford, even if you are hundreds of millions of people, it is also floating in front of the real power." The old man took out the hand and said.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, coming: "I really want to know what is really strong."

"Grandpa Tang is a martial artist!" Fan Xingyu jumped out, said: "Do you know what is a martial artist? The martial arts of the martial arts can pick the leaves, causing the empty, walking, the knife is not included!"

"Before Grandpa Tang, you are a fart! If you know, you will be squatted, or I will let Tang let the grandfather kill ..."


Li Feng raised his hand on the face of the gray clothes, and the gray clothes did not come and fell.

The room is still quiet ...

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