Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1208 Humping?

Jim Albert: "... What do you say?"

Li Feng took out a cigarette point, spit out a smoky ring and said: "I will take Mark to play with you, I won, don't find Sheri to trouble, I lost, give you a million dollars, dare not dare?"

When the game suddenly quiet, everyone looked at Li Feng with a surprised eye.

This situation still wants to play, he wants to deliberately send money to Jim Albert?

After half of the half, Jim Albert laughed again: "How, do you have any dad?"

"What?" Li Feng is a bit of a little, how can he have a doctor, his brain has no problem?

Jim Albert has a smile: "You don't want to give me money, in addition to having something to do, I can't think of any other possibilities."

"Jim, confident point, he wants to bribe you."

"Ten million dollars, this Huaxia is a big hand, the picture is not small."

"Jim, I think you can point to him, 20 million! You value this price!"

Jim's followers are here.

Li Feng swept them with an idiot's eyes, ridicuing: "Do you think I will deliberately lose to him? How big face, he."

"What?" Jim Albert did not understand "how big face" is a few meanings.

Li Feng turned over white: "It means that you don't want your face."

"Hair, do you dare to marry me?" Jim Albert did not believe his ears.


Jim's followed Li Peak in the middle, Moh, as long as Jim is giving them to the group, and Li Feng can't take care of him.

Li Feng faces no fear, still said: "I said that I have to fight with you, you said that I want to bribe you, there is still a doctor, don't you face?"

"So you have confidence to defeat me in this case, isn't it?" Jim Albert finally turned over and said.

"Of course, there is no such confidence, I dare to give you a million dollars? Although I am very rich, it is impossible to take 10 million people." Li Feng shrugged.

Jim Albert: "..."

other people:"……"

No ... Do you have money to praise yourself?

"Mr. Li, you must calm, don't impulsive, big, not, I will dance with him," Scarlett attached to Li Feng Ear, whispered. "

She knows the Snooker rules, knowing that now, Jim Albert is almost invincible, even if Oishali is coming, it is not necessarily a victory, and there are too many restrictions.

"I don't want to dance with you." Li Feng blinked and laughed.

Scarlette: "... Hey?"

"Haha, I am joking, seeing you is scared." Li Feng hit a haha, and quickly denied the sayings just now.

His originality is that it is uncomfortable to Jim Albert, not really dancing with Square.

Of course, Scarlet is willing to dance with him, after all, Scarleti is his dream of his goddess.

Scarlette watched him with a weird, and then showed a smile: "If you really win, I am willing to dance with you."

Scarlett's smile is very killed, and the red lip jade teeth deep wine nest, how many male spectors are obsessed with her because of her smile.

Although Li Feng said that he was resistant, it was still a little for the smile of Scarlett.

"This is what you said, don't regret." Li Feng came to the spirit.

"Well, don't repent, but if you lose ..." Skye worry.

"There is no such possibility." Li Feng said confidently, got up and went to the coupling of the ball rack, and the Jim Albert hooked his hand: "How, dare not dare to follow me bet?"

"Xiete, what is not dare, come, I see how you win!" Jim Albert smiled and sat back to the seat chair.

On the one side, the angle of the Emien's mouth is smashing: "This is more technology, not luck than luck, this time you can't come to a billiard of Li Feng?"

"What?" Mark Jonathan didn't listen to what she said and quickly asked.

"I said that Li Feng was defined this time." Emily leaned.

Mark Jonathan nodded and said gloomy: "He is sure to derive, I want to see what expression when he lost him to Jim Albert."

In front of the game, he was hit by Jim 66-0, and Mark said that he had to lose his face. If you have a striking on the ground, he has to drill in.

I have never thought that Li Feng stood up and attracted the attention of the audience. No one pays attention to him.

I can imagine that Li Feng lost the game, will definitely attract the ridicule of the audience, and his loser can take away!

Is this a good thing in the legend?

I heard the two-person dialogue, Li Feng, how to help Mark, Mark not only not grateful, but also want to see Li Feng joke, this person ...

At this moment, Li Feng took the club to go to the play, carefully observed.

"Huaxia, no need to see, this ball must be tied to don't do it, don't you do?

Jim Albert took a cigar and torn it back.

The tie is that the club is almost hit white with the countertop, making the white ball to generate a strong rotation to play an arc's hitting method.

When the white ball is almost attached to the black ball, it can only be hitted with a trough, making it bypass the black ball to hit the red ball in the distance.

If the balloon is close to the red ball, it is relatively simple, but at this moment, a red ball closest to the white ball is also above two meters.

This is a very high demand for a player, and there is a very high demand, and only the professional player has certain grasp the use of the rod to wind the black ball, hit the red ball, and not enter the two.

How can Li Feng a honesty?

"Concept?" Li Feng's mouth evoked a smile, a spatt rod: "Little Ye's dictionary has never enacted this word!"

The voice falls, Li Feng puts down the club and started to start sit-ups.

Scarlette: "???"

Jim: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... I still do it on the sleeper, what ghost?

Soon, ten sit-ups were done, and Li Feng did ten push-ups and ten urgers.

After doing these, Li Feng held a club in both hands and retired a few meters away.

"Is this a movement of the struts ?!" Jim didn't whispete after the gesture of Li Feng took the gesture.

"Hey, he will not play billiards." Amy Li smiled.

"Hey, the crowd is petted." Mark shake his head, and the color of a face.

Scarlett, can't bear it again.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly jumped, and came to the clock and reached high, clenched the club. When landing, put the club the edge of the rear side edge of the white ball.

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