Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1210, bet is not attractive

"More than gun method?" Li Feng's face became weird.

To say a gun ... Li Feng really didn't play, but for him, the pistol is also a good rifle. Do you want a hundred steps to wear Yang is still the same? It is possible to use the airway trajectory of the initiative to control the bullet.

Don't have to be true, there should be a skill book related to the gun method in the system mall, buy this skill book, he will immediately become a world's top gunler.

"Yes, than gun method, do you dare?" Jim Albert said aggressive.

He has already thought about it, and Li Feng agreed. He won the game, find a return scene, Li Feng did not agree, prove that Li Feng was afraid of him, he can also retrieve the field.

From the beginning, he is standing in an invincible place!

Wait ... It seems that he thinks so before he started with Li Feng.

Rely, he doesn't think too much, Snooker is not the same as the gun method, he will win!

"If you don't dare, this bet is not enough to attract me." Li Feng shrugged and said relaxed.

"What, I didn't listen to it?"

"Ten million of gambling is not enough to attract people, how big is it?"

"Yes, I also want to say a 'how big face is". "

Jim Albert's followed by living, and also gave this sentence to Li Feng.

"Your appetite is very big." Jim Albert quickly smiled and asked: "How many bets do you say to attract you?"

"At least 10 million start, don't catch it." Li Feng shrugged.


Everyone can't help but take a breath!

Only Scarlette does not feel that Li Feng doesn't feel that Li Feng has any problems. After all, it is a man who has a roulette with a million dollars, winning $ 1.1 billion in the hands of Marcus Sapir.

Just saying that his gun method is so confident?

"Oh, do you want to use this way to scare me?" Jim Albert deeply took a deep breath and said with a pair of tone of Li Feng.

"You dare not dare." Li Feng did not respond positively, and his way to rectify him with Jim Albert.

"I ..." Jim Albert opened his mouth, I really want to agree, but he carefully, if you lose, he can't take 100 million US dollars!

His father can take it out, but he wants to talk to Dad to Dad, and Dad can randomly interrupt him two legs!

"Hey, Jim, promised him, he is in the bluff!"

"You are the people of the hundred people, will definitely win him!"

"Jim, if you refuse, he is in his circle, you must not be afraid, promise him!"

Jim's followers will come around.

"Jim, there is a saying, I think this situation can not be retired, retreat means you are afraid of Li Feng."

Mark Jonaton is a laughing next to Jim Albert.

Jim and Li Feng are his enemies. He naturally hopes that the enemy can bite the dog, no matter who loses, it is his fisherman.

Wait ... I don't seem to be? This is not a fight, it is impossible to fight a two defeat, no matter how the winner will be made.

And the winner can win at least 100 million ...

"Hey, no matter what it is, it is to watch the show!" Mark Jonathan comforted himself in his heart.

Jim Albert looked at Mark Jonathan, acknowledging: "This simple truth do you think I will know? Of course, I will not retreat, because my dictionary is not 'retreat' this word!"

Li Fengbei picks: "So you plan to gamble with me?"

"Gambling! A $ 100 million! But you have to be more than a pistol, 25 meters target, do you dare to follow?" Jim Albert bite his teeth.

The hit rate of the pistol is much worse than the rifle, because the pistol is a one-handed or both hands holding the shot of the shot, only relying hard and arm support, the support point is small.

The rifle hand holds the arms shot, with a front hand, the backhand and shoulder support, and the shooter is still posted on the gun, and the action is stable.

If the novice plays a pistol, I don't say 10 rings at the beginning. It is difficult to play the target. Because I shoot, after the power is, it will take advantage of your hand, just practice the gun to take a long time.

Owar again, the pistol is aimed at a lot of rifles, the greater the weapon aiming of the baseline short.

There is also a reason for the length of the barrel. The shorter the tube, the shorter the time to accelerate in the barrel, the tube is shorter than the long-directed distance.

On the contrary, the rifle is long, the bullet accelerates in the barrel, and the men's flying is faster and more stable.

Jim Albert is aligned with a pistol, that is, because he can use a pistol on the 25-meter target to do 10 guns 90 rounds.

If you play good, 10 guns are also possible.

Li Feng played in front of him, and he didn't win him with a bullet.

"Although hundreds of billion is less, it is also harmonious." Li Feng nodded and looked that it was not very satisfied with the bet, but there was no objection to the pistol.

"Okay, this is what you said!" Jim Albert flashed a fierce light: "Brothers, let's go shooting room!"

The voice is falling, Jim Albert led a vocabulary, and walked towards the next shot room.

"Mr. Li, have you practiced a pistol before?" Sheri asked.

Li Feng sinked two seconds: "I used to play before."

"That's good." Scarlett nodded and looked at a lot.

Li Feng nodded and nodded, no more ...

Soon, everyone moved next shot room. After seeing Jim Albrt, shooting the coach's enthusiasm.

Jim Albert is an old customer. He has already talked with tens of thousands of bullets here, and shooting the coach is naturally very enthusiastic.

After listening to Jim Albert, after he had to follow the Li Feng competition, the shooting coach immediately brought a few guns to two.

Finally, Jim Albert chose to use Glock 19, Li Feng's firearm, and use a gun has no effect on him, and he also chooses a Glock 19.

Choosing the gun, the bullet, Jim Albert first went to the shooting line, and adjusted his breathing and raised his hand to aim for a while, deduct the trigger!


Bullets come out, straight a target, 10 rings!


"Jim, you are too big!"

Jim's followed.

"Give me a sound! I need quiet, I don't understand ?!"

Jim Albert turned his head and scattered immediately.

Then Jim Albert again adjusts breathing, aims, and deducts the trigger.

"" "" ""

The bullet took one, and the bulls were played continuously!

90 points!

Only the last shot left, as long as this shot is playing in the bullish, he can stand in an invincible place!

At this moment, everyone all stood breathing, or looked tense or looking forward to Jim Albert.

"Call" "call" "call"

Jim Albert continuously adjusted several breaths, deduct the trigger!

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