What is the rest of the value? How can I squeeze? I don't understand it all!

Scarlett saw Li Feng's doubts, when I laughed: "I will reveal it in advance, and the X girl sacrificed in" Super People's League 5 "."

"You don't tell others, or I will pay for a $ 10 million in a $ 10 million."

DSN attaches great importance to the confidentiality of the "Super Person League" series of plots, and the master creation will not spoiler in advance, because they have signed a confidential agreement with DSN, once it violates high defaults.

Li Fengbei picks: "So ... you will no longer star in the" Super League "series of movies?"

"Yes." Scarlett nodded, some sad: "I have been 30 years old, two years later," Super People League 5 ", I am 32 years old, the peak is no longer ..."

Western women have passed 30, face, and the body is easy to wait. For a female star, the face is always her most favorable weapon. Once this weapon is no longer sharp, it will be reasonable.

So the "Super League 5" will be the last series of movies she met, and the DSN will add a more young, beautiful female hero role.

Since she is there, there is not much value, DSN naturally takes more interests from her before she is not old.

Then add some of the drama plots in the X Girl, it will become the best choice.

Li Feng listened to the meaning of Scarlett, and then smiled and said: "The one hand of DSN is a good abacus! In this case, then you can't let them succeed!"

"I don't want, but it is very difficult." Scarlet sighed: "I am very demanding with DSN, the DSN's lawyer group is also very powerful. If you want to fight the law, I will be undoubtedly. "

In the country, the top lawyer has a lot of energy, not to say that you can reverse the black and white, but also not too much.

Although Scarlett has money, it is still too much like this.

"Can you tell DSN?" Li Feng browned.

"Sorrow ..." Scarlett smiled: "I also want to, but I have to pay the DSN for a $ 200 million breach of contract, I can't get so much money."

"200 million US dollars?" Li Feng first stunned, then broke out: "I rely, DSN is too embarrassed, this is not given you any retreat!"

Si Jiali smiled and signed this agreement, she has filmed "Super League 1", is the starting stage of the career, so she didn't think much on the agreement.

I didn't expect to develop into this later ...

"If the HN shadow is willing to pay the breach of contract for you, you will sign you, are you willing?" Li Feng asked.

"Ah?" Scarlett didn't expect Li Suma asking, a little bit of a bit.

"I am now the biggest shareholder of HN shadow." Li Feng shrugged: "And I am the least amount is money, I have the ability to help you tell."

"As long as you come to HN shadow, I must give you the best resources and give you a bottle of children's seams."

"Children ... Tong Yanshui ?!" Scarlett was moved.

In the past few years, Sheri has been worried about his old, and then after the birth of Tong Yan, she is ecstatic, launches all the relationships around you to buy a bottle of childish pain, but taking the failure.

I have never want to break the iron shoes, I have to come to the whole family. Li Feng actually gives it to her a bottle, although the premise is that she joins the HN shadow, but this condition is too attractive!

"How, do you want to come from?"

Li Feng is like a bad uncle that is a little girl who eats sugar in the street.

Scarlet has not stopped, and finally sighs: "DSN will not easily put me, unless I finished" X girl "with" Super League 5 "."

The propaganda work of "X Girl" has been spread all over the world. If she chooses to leave at this time, the loss caused by DSN is too big, and the DSN will not let her leave, even if Li Feng gives Li Feng for $ 200 million A breach of contract.

"Reassured, as long as you want to go, I will help you leave."

"To say, let you tell the DSN, do not mean that these two movies are not."

Li Feng said mysteriously.

"Ah?" Scarlet's mouth is tensive, then I am full of expectations: "Can you tell how to get it?"

At the same time, while Sheri consciously approached Li Feng.

Li Feng only felt that the fragrant wind, I was a little bit of horses. After half, he set the heart: "It is very simple, and then re-signed two agreements with DSN, which is equivalent to change the long contract to a single contract."

"Can DSN promise?" Skye is skeptical about it.

"Of course, as long as you do it according to what I said, it will be possible."

After finishing Li Feng, Miss Carli hook his fingers.

Scarlett is angry: "Ah?"

"At the ear, I teach you how to do it." Li Feng mysteriously laughed.

Scarlett reacted, and quickly slammed his ear against Li Feng.

"We only need this to do this ..." Li Feng is coming.

Li Feng's mouth sprayed on Scarleti ear, let Scarlette are beautiful, and the body is a bit fever, itch is itchy.

However, with the plan of Li Feng, Scarletse gradually forgot this strange feeling, and the great eyes are getting brighter and brighter ...

After 10 minutes, Emily woke up from the sofa of the living room, she first blinded his face, and then thought of what happened before he asleep.

Soon, she was sitting on the sofa, she asleep.

Wait ... So sleeping and sleeping? When did she enter sleep so easily?

On the occasion of Emily, the door tank sounded.

She quickly got up and went to the door to see the monitoring. After she saw the door of the door, she suddenly changed: "Damn, how did he find it here ?!"

Those who stand at the door is the previously hanging from the phone!

" " "

The doorbell is ringing again, and the Emily facing the color: "How is this bastard so annoying? No, killing, not open, let him press!"

This is said that Emily took the ear, and the heart said that Li Feng took the door to open the door.

Who knows her underestimated the spirit of Li Feng, the doorbell is enough for five or six minutes until Scarlett comes from the bedroom: "Amyi, who is in the doorbell?"

"Don't know, it should be a private meal, don't care about him." Amyi said relaxed.

"Really?" Scarlette whispered, took out the phone and said: "Can Li Mr. Li called me and said that he is outside?"

Emily has a slight change, she finally understand why Li Feng can find this place, must be that Sheri tells him!

Then Emili doubts: "Is it? Let me look at it again."

During the speech, she wanted to see the monitoring front mold: "It's really him, is it to open the door?"

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