Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1260 Joey's Wish

The Lex team attracted the joins of the first person LB of the Alliance. It has formed three giants with the other two stars. The team's strength rose, and often achieved the winning winner. The first ranking is the first, very hopeful hopes this season. The championship.

The strength of the wind is going to be a lot, even if the strength is weak, it is just the ninth place, and the eighth place is 1.5 win.

The Lex team is the main battle. When the home super high win rate is bonded, this game can be said to be a must.

However, there is no absolute weakness in NBA, and the Lex team wants to win from the wind, and it can't fall light.

As the admission ceremony ended, the two team players were on the venue, whistling, and the Lex team got the ball.

After the defender is over half a game, the ball is handed over to LB near the three-point line.

After lb brought the ball, it was a trial step, then started at high speed, swaying a defensive player, using a strong body to hit two flying players hit the dunk.

The atmosphere in the court was ignited, and the "MVP" shouting of the "MVP" in the field.

At this time, some fans didn't even enter the market, I didn't find my position!

After the dunk, LB refers to Joe, who is sitting on the field, is both payment and provocation.

The Joei is picking up, smiling and shrugging.

LB on the court is also happy, or if it is still going on, he will come to the scene to exchange for a while.

Under normal circumstances, LB will first drive the teammates after the opening, but they are not eager to attack.

If the teammates play well, LB is happy to be a helper, send assists, grab the rebound, by the way, to make their own score, and then three pairs.

This fans joked that LB is a multi-drawn master, a three-duple machine.

However, this game LB is in a contrary. LB is like playing a chicken blood, frequently wants to have a ball, under the leadership of LB, the Lex team hit the wind and a 12-bit, and the division opened to 10 points the above.

The players on the field are also good, the fans on the scene are also, mostly can guess the reasons why LB appears.

LB has been compared to Joy since the entry of the Alliance, many fans say that he is the most promising player who exceeds Joey, and LB has always regarded Joe as a goal.

LB is not just wanting to do the first alliance of the current alliance, he still wants to be the first person in the history of the league!

Because of this, after seeing the Qiao Wei watching, LB would be so eager to express himself, he just wants to tell Joey through this performance - "I already have the ability to challenge you!"

"LB is good, very aggressive, this game is very difficult to win."

On the side of the scene, Li Feng was eating a popcorn and drunk, smiled and evaluated.

"If I can play playing, this game of the wind must win."

Joy did not take it.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, ridiculed: "If the time is 20 years ... it is possible."

20 years ago, Joy is still in the peak period. It is very possible with his ability to win the wind and win this game. Even if there are three super stars in opposite.

Qiao's father is crazy, it is really a blind to kill the Buddha to kill the Buddha, can't stop!

"Li, who is you fans?"

Joy is not satisfied with this life, even if he is old, still will not admit that he is not as good as others.

"Don't excite Joe, I just opened a joke." Li Feng smiled and didn't work online with Joe.

Joy is not only playing the burger, but the trash can also be very busy. Li Feng is afraid of the king of the mouth, and he dares me to delay his front.

Joy is a little, sighs: "In fact, I also know that I am old, no more than the years ... If possible, I want to play again."

Although Joe is retired twice, he is really true love for basketball. The most important thing to retreat, and the most important thing is to win the championship, let him have a world invincible.

Just like the sword is alone, after the defeat of the world, it will be like a vulgar, and the invincible person in a certain field will always try to get out of this area.

Just finally retired, Joy was found that there is no more boring, he is very nostalgic, and he is very much with his teammates to fight the ball, and raise the time of the championship trophy.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

The system suggests that the sound of the sound, Li Feng is weird.

I am going, this time I'm going to be related to Qiaoyu?

Let him use the toe to guess ... Is the system to let him help Joe?

I rely on, don't make a system, Joyu is 60 years old, let him re-play play, then it is to scare people!

Although the heart is spit, Li Feng is still in the system to view it.

"Task: Joy's Wish"

"Task Objective: Help Qiaoyi's exercise capacity is restored to the peak period, let him return to the game, if the task fails, deduct the host 10 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 5 million system points."

After reading the task, Li Feng can't help but sigh.

Sure enough, he guess it, the system really wants him to help the neighborhood to return to the game.

It's just how he wants to help Qiao's father revert to the game. Tong Yan is only for skin age, and it cannot give muscle age.

Let Qiao's father practiced? How long does it take? He can't always use "mutual benefit"? Then he would rather let the system deduct 1000 to play system points.

Besides, even if he really helps Joe's father returns to the peak, then, when he arrived, he did not stand the world.

How do you let Qiao's father explain with the outside world, will he be caught?

After a while, Li Feng said directly to the system: "Screening the items that can help Joy return to the peak."

In fact, Li Feng also wanted to see Qiaoyu to play playing, to make up for him to watch the regrets of Joy on the spot, and then there are rewards, let's do it.

"Hey, I think the required items are filtered."

After the system prompts the audio, the system mall interface changes, and there have been three items.

The first one is a master method - "Irrometry" is transmitted to others.

The second piece is also a master method - "Mutual Qigong Special Edition", um ... it is to use it for men, Li Feng directly passed.

The kimono is not the kind of man!

The third is a Dan medicine - return to the old Tong Dan, one can make people age 30 years old, sell the price of 100,000 system points, repeated use invalid.

After reading the introduction, Li Feng knows which one.

"Irrometry" is very easy to use, it is not suitable for Joey, after all, he is still in that step with Joe's relationship.

The second piece is not to say, Li Feng has not considered it, then only the price of 100,000 system points is still the same. Tong Dan.

It is just how to send this Dan medicine to the hands of Joy, and does not cause the skeptus of the outside world?

Li Feng caught in meditation ...

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