Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1264 beat you like a road in the morning

In the visiting dressing room, the players of the wind team are smoothed in their own position, and the atmosphere in the locker is still depressed.

At this moment, the Qiao Yi family plus Li Feng came in.

"" "" ""

Joy took the picture of the palm, causing everyone to pay loudly: "Hey, playing spirit, a failure does not explain what, and I have a responsibility of this game, I should not suggest you."

At this time, the expression of the wind team players becomes better.

"Come, I will introduce a new friend, Li Feng, and the boss of the future of the wind."

Qiao Yi pulled Li Feng to everyone, solemnly introduced.

Although these players can't decide who to do the team boss, doing the relationship with the players, it is very good for future management.

In this way, the locker room sounded a sudden sound, and then Zoro asked: "Joe, do you want to sell the team?"

"It is our performance too bad, so let you down to sell the team?"

"Oh, Joe, please give us another time, we will try to improve the team's record."

Both the fan players think that they are not good, they let Joey sell the team's ideas.

"No, you don't want to misunderstand, but I don't sell the team, but sell some shares, not much, 49%, I am still the team's shareholder." Joe was busy explained.

As soon as I heard this, the wind team players looked tones, and they went down to look down on Li Feng, and they got up and down against him.

What kind of people in this Chinese people can make Joy House sell 49% team shares?

Li Feng waved his hand and smiled: "Hello, I am Li Feng, is a super rich, I am very happy to meet everyone."

Vehicle player: "???"

Coaching members: "???"

No ... Is this straightforward, just say that you are super rich? You can be modest!

It can make old rice have a good feeling that Li Feng is really straightforward.

"You must be very curious, why do I buy 49% of the shares of the wind team, right?"

Li Feng glanced at the people and asked with a smile.

Zoro and others have nodded. The wind is currently so bad. The last level of the home is also ranked in the league, and the advertising partner is also small. If it is not a bonus of the rapid development of the league, the market value of the wind is not growing. too much.

Li Feng deeply sucking, saying loudly: "Because I want the wind to win the NBA championship in the next three years!"

Vehicle player: "..."

Coaching members: "..."

Even Joy is a question. You didn't say your purpose before you made Huaxia players played the main force in the wind, how did this change the wind team to win the championship?

"I know that you feel that I am still pulling, but I still have to tell you, under my management operation with Joe, will soon become the first strength of the NBA."

"So ... I will come to the boy, you are the best."

Li Feng's right hand is firtted, and the drum is fuel.

Responding to him is a burst of silence ...

I don't know how long it took, the team's ace Zoro Shen said: "Mr. Li, I respect you, but I think you should recognize reality."

"We all have a strong desire for victory, but the team's strength is here, if the target is too high, there will be impact on morale."

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you think it's not possible in three years?"

Two hands of Selo: "At least I can't see any possibility now, maybe you can make a big summit, go to the free market, sign a few superstars, but winning the giant stacking."

"So, in three years I hope the team can enter the Eastern final, this goal is the most realistic."

The words of Soro caused the attachment of other players, and even the members of the coach group nodded.

Whether a team can win a championship, the team's heritage, the tactical arrangement of the coach group, the chemical reaction between players, the health of the player, or even a fan atmosphere.

There are a lot of piles in history, but the exemplary, far, not to say, saying that the two giants have five giants in the first two years, and the major media in the game is good, and the general manager of the major teams is good, even each The team's players believe that the warrior will get the championship this season, and harvest a wave of three consecutive championships.

Everyone has already known that the five major main force have a injury, and finally only one main force is present, and the champion is lost.

Is the strength of the warrior or the tactical arrangement of the coach group?

Even such a team can't win, there is no wind force of any strong team to win in three years, when other teams are paper passers?

NBA Alliance has no weakness!

Li Feng is not angry: "You have this idea is also normal. After all, we are just meeting, not enough for me."

Sape: "Mr. Li, this is nothing to do with you ... Let's say this, want the wind to win in three years, just like letting me lose in a single pick, almost no possibility."

In this way, the locker room sounded a laughter.

Joey brows, the case, you will remind Zoro's respect for Li Feng, but by Li Feng raise his hand from: "Zoro, you are very metaphor, so according to what you mean, as long as I can defeat you, you can believe you Under the leadership of Joji, the wind team can win in three years? "

Zoro looked at the response of the teammates, then laughed: "Of course, but this is impossible, I am the star 20 star, and you are just a super rich."

In this way, the locker is a laughter.

"Don't try to know how it is impossible?" Li Feng hooked a smile of playing taste: "Now come with me a one-on-one single, how?"

"Lee, are you serious?" Joe was asked by Li Feng Ear.

"Of course, with my ability, defeating the process of Sape is like the road in the morning." Li Feng said blinked.

Zoro is a glimpse, then I asked: "Are you serious?"

Other players are also amazing to look at Li Feng, seemingly considering who gave Li Feng defeated Sape's confidence.

"Of course, I am willing to note, 10,000 US dollars, how?" Li Feng smiled and leaned his fist.

"Okay, I hope you will cry and look for my mother later." Sapero touched the fist with Li Feng, and then started to wear a shoe shoe.

Other players don't talk, all have to wear clothes, ready to see how Zoro learns this arrogant in the people.

Just then, LB visited, he found the strange atmosphere in the locker in the first time, couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Qiaoyou shrugged and smiled and said that Li Feng was about to tell Zoro.

LB first is curious to lose Li Feng for a while, and then said: "Can I bet?"

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