Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1305 talks directly to money

Li Feng has heard that some people in the society will kid the news of the young girl through the director.

I didn't expect that he didn't encounter in Huaxia, but I came to the country but I met ...

"Sorry, I am not interested in this." Shen Jiayi refused.

Look at this middle-aged uncle's thief, it is not like a good person, then says, she has no dream of big stars, where is it hooked?

Zheng Dadoy did not dare to confidence: "Beauty, do you know what meant to become a star? Go to the upper society, catching the golden turtle, become a person ... In short, you will become more than one thousand times more than now! People! "

Li Feng smiled: "You still talk directly."

No one is not stupid this year, don't just listen to what people talk to you, dreams, but how many people can really realize?

In other words, can you realize a dream?

So still talk about the direct point of money.

"It is this." Zheng Dadoy smiled, no matter what famous or money, as long as they want, then he has the opportunity.

Flies do not seamless eggs!

"Yes, the famous name is too virtual, you will directly say how much money can you earn, millions or tens of thousands?" Li Feng asked.

"What are you talking about ... Huaxia coin?"

"This is the country, and I said is of course dollar bill."

Zheng Dadi is almost angry, what is your dinner, so easy to earn? More than 30 million people.

If you take a film, you can really make so much money. He also uses such a hard to find a female master, and the threshold of the studio will make people breath!

Although it is unhappy, Zheng Dadou is still patient explanation: "Hey ... only tens of thousands of dollars at the beginning, if the film is selling hot, you can also get a lot of commissions."

"After the fame, the money earned, and a film will have a few hundred thousand dollars, and there are many people."

"Take a few more than a month, and the income is not impossible."

"I listen to you, how do you feel that the film you said is not very serious ..."

Li Feng's smell is coming, and a movie is a month, and it is definitely not a formal movie.

"What is not too positive?" Shen Jiayi is relatively simple, and it can be said to this aspect.

"Yes, what is not too positive, I am going to go to the guest, you know how to go to other cres."

Zheng Daxie found that he said that he was leaking, and he quickly returned.

Li Feng nodded and played: "You have already touched very many Chinese girls?"

Zheng Dadoy smiled: "It is certain, I am a big director, but also a star detect, many of the country to travel, I have been in contact with Huaxia Girls."

"Don't say, the same roof is a good speech, has more than a dozen Huaxia girls become a actress of this studio."

Li Feng nodded, and then curious: "Do you need a male actor?"

Zheng Dadoyed up and down, Li Feng took a while, and said: "You have to take a mask, and the sunglasses let me see."

"Cough, I have a little cold, still don't pick it up, but I have confirmed it to be more handsome, don't believe you ask good." Li Feng looked at Shen Jiayi.

Shen Jiayi pretty face was red, nodded: "Well ... Li ..."

"Call me Li Feng."

A voice suddenly sounded in Shen Jiayi's mind, scared Shen Jiayi's hop.

Fortunately, she has seen Li Feng's magical situation, and it will not be shocked: "Li Feng is really handsome, super invincible, I can guarantee you."

Zheng Daxie was suspended to read Li Feng for a while, this said: "If you are really handsome, you can play another type of movie ..."

Li Feng suddenly had a feeling of cold: "What type?"

"Just ... cough, idol drama, absolute idol drama." Zheng Daxie nodded: "Oh, two is a couple? Jun male with a woman, play a movie together, fame and fortune, really too liked."

"It is also your life, I have encountered me, otherwise, you have to be buried in these two gold."

Shen Jiayi can't hear it, this person can also give people a paint cake, what is the fame and fortune, what is good, all have to pull out the horizon.

Of course, this is because Shen Jiayi has been financially free, so there is no feeling of the big cake drawing Zheng Dadou.

If a young woman who just arrived in the society, there is no too much savings, it is inevitable that he heard the words.

"Yes, I also feel that I am a gold, I don't say it, take us to your studio to see it, and we will sign a contract." Li Feng made a bonus expression and said.

Zheng Dadang: "???"

No ... See if he is still quite calm, how did you suddenly be so excited?

Hey, it seems that he is strong before, and finally, he can't stand the temptation of fame and fortune.

"Well, since you want to succeed, I will take you to a studio."

Zheng Dadoy smiled slightly and said.

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle: "Ah, isn't you going to go, since so that you make you difficult, then it is still, I don't like it for someone else."

On the side, Shen Jiayi almost didn't hold back and smiled. She thought that Li Feng was deliberately playing Zheng Dab.

I can only say that Li is too bad, it is too easy to play.

Zheng Dadoyed pauses: "Isn't it, it is not a difficult, it is ... Well, it is happy, right, very happy."

"You said that I am still comfortable in my heart." Li Feng smiled slightly and asked: "Is your studio from this far? Will not go, I am afraid of trouble."

Zheng Daxie's mouth smoked, and his heart greet Li Feng's 18th generation, but he said that he laughed: "That must be near, I have a car, let's drive back, 10 minutes drive. "

"10 minutes ..." Li Feng took a look at it, this is told: "Since you are so enthusiastic, then I will have a difficult to go."

Zheng Dadou: "..."

No ... How do you love to revenge this person? Isn't the Laozi just not? Do you want to treat his people in his?

"Li ... peak, immediately call us." Shen Jiayi took out the card, whisper reminded.

I didn't wait for Li Feng to talk, Zheng Daxie asked: "What is the business?"

"Just ..."

"There is no business, it is to change the dollar."

Li Feng interrupted Shen Jiayi and said.

"Oh, that's really no hurry, as long as you are in line with the standards of this studio, you can get a $ 10,000 of the $ 10,000, when you are still used here?"

Zheng Dadoy put his hand and heavily dry clouds.

"Wow, 10,000 US dollars, a lot of money! Let's wait for something, hurry!"

Li Feng can't wait to stand up, pull Shen Jiayi will go out.

Zheng Dadou looked at the back of the two, just like watching two lambs to be slaughtered, flashing in the eyes.

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