Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1327 can not grab

"Lee, you choose us to identify, absolutely a very correct choice."

On the Four Seasons Hotels in Beijing, the presidential suite, Sun Xingbo nodded.

Opposite, Li Feng is like laughing, saying: "Is it true that I don't know correctly, but only your Tianbao Cultural Relics Identification Center is willing to give me these two treasures to identify me. I know, Mr. Sun is very high."

Sun Xing wave is slightly changed: "Mr. Li said, maybe it is the same treasure to think that these two treasures are too valuable, so I don't dare to pick this?"

"Yeah, we are also a big determination to pick this life. Please don't misunderstand this." Chen Junmao also spent a laugh.

They have exhausted the identification contract with Li Feng, and can not be able to have a moth at this time.

"Don't worry, I have no other means, I am emotion, otherwise I will not publish this in Weibo now, right?" Li Feng smiled.

Sun Xingbo's dark tones, then I would like to ask: "Mr. Li, since we have signed a contract, when will we take something going back?"

Li Fengbei picks up, laughs: "Things are in me, you can take it away at any time, but before this, I will ask you a question first."

"You please say." Sun Xingbo said.

Li Feng glanced at them and played: "Before I left the message below," Lanting Collection "is a fake ... is you two?"

Sun Xingbo is tight, hesitated: "This ... is really us, but then we only have seen photos, did not look at the real thing, so he said this."

"Yeah, if you only look at the photos, it is really difficult to distinguish true and false." Chen Junmao is also attached to the road.

"Now the physical object is in front of you, you can always decide." Li Feng pointed at the dragon's bronze statue on the tea "Lanting Collection" and asked.

"This ... looks like real, but it is not really true, then you can only know through detailed identification." Sun Xingbo smiles, but there is some contemporary.

The cultural relics must be identified to know the true and false, Li Feng does not understand it.

But this is better, it is more convenient for them.

"This hammer, then I hope that the results should not let me down." Li Feng smiled slightly, playing a sound: "Old Wei, you hold something with two experts to go to Tianbao Cultural Relics Identification Center, wait until the identification results Come back. "

"Yes, the boss!" Wei Bin should be, then carefully put two treasures.

Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao is slightly changed: "Li, you are ..."

The things they have to do will be to carry people, let Wei Bin follow ... Is that no chaos?

"Oh, these two treasures value in the city, I will let the people who have been to follow, two no comments?" Li Feng smiled.

"No opinion, of course, there is no opinion." Although Sun Xingbo is dissatisfied, but it is not darent in his mouth.

Because he knows, once he refuses Li Feng's arrangement, Li Feng may revoke the contract with them.

"There is no opinion." Li Feng smiled slightly, then said to Wei Bin: "Old Wei, you will have a lot of cooperation, don't mess, don't you mess, do you know?"

"Reassure, the boss, this is alive to me absolutely failed." Wei Bin said his chest.

Li Feng nodded, didn't say more, got up and sent them out of suites.

When Li Fengguan went to the door, a beautiful woman came out from the bedroom.

It is a long-lasting Shen Zikai.

"The surname Sun's show is a person who is unfair, you gave them to them, isn't it afraid of being furnished by them?"

Shen Ziyan went to the sofa to sit down and overlap, said.

"My thing can be given, but no one can grab."

Li Feng laughed while staring at Shen Ziyan.

Shen Ziyan wearing today is still the iconic purple high-opening speaker skirt, sitting down the skirts naturally dropped, revealing two white, slender legs.

Don't say other men, even I have been accustomed to Shen Ziyu's beauty, this moment is not open.

Shen Ziyan put his hand, pulled back Li Feng's gaze, laughed: "I haven't seen enough?"

"How can I see enough, even if I look at it, I can't see it." Li Feng went over.

"Your flowering is cheated with little girl, I will lie to me." Shen Ziyu turned a white eye, but the satisfaction on his face could not hide.

"I am telling the truth, how is it to lie to you?" Li Feng sat next to Shen Zi, grabbing her smiled.

"Cut, you went to the rice country, and hooked a little girl. I haven't been with you this matter." Shen Ziyan smashed Li Feng, cold channel.

"I thought you didn't jeally jeal ..." Li Feng touched the tip of the nose and smiled: "It is the problem that this little girl is you sent to me."

"I sent it to you, I have to collect them?" Shen Ziyu will turn into it.

"I dare not dare, I don't dare to give me a bile." Li Feng waved.

"I still have a little conscience." Shen Ziyan stared Li Feng's brain door, then stood up and said: "I am taking time to run out, hurry up."

After that, he walked to the bedroom.

Li Fengbei picks up, get up and have followed it ...


"Mr. Wei, have you followed Li Zheng for a long time?"

Out of the hotel, Sun Xingbo began to settle up with Wei Bin.

"OK, less than a year, what happened?" Wei Bin took two boxes and said.

"I haven't happened very much, I am very envious of Mr. Wei, can get the appreciation of Li, is definitely not low?"

Sun Xingbo asked.

"Hey, talk, talk, what to treat, you will come, I don't know, don't you know?"

Wei Bin said unhappy.

Sun Xingbo glared with Chen Junmao, and suddenly came to the spirit: "Listening to Mr. Wei's meaning, Li always gives you a good treatment?"

"Hey." Wei Bin squinted, did not speak.

"Mr. Wei is not angry, this kind of thing is strong." Sun Xing said sighed and gave Chen Junmao made a look.

Chen Junmao will smile: "Since Mr. Wei goes out of public, we will play with Mr. Wei."

As soon as I heard this, Wei Bin is coming: "How is it playing?"

Sun Xingbo smiled slightly: "Of course, I am eating and drinking."

"Do you understand, do you understand?" Wei Bin asked.

"Hey, you will know when you get it, let's get on the bus, wait back to the company again."

After the Sun Xingbo took the car key, please Weibin took the Mercedes-Benz S500 and opened it to the Tianbao Cultural Relics Identification Center.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, this Mercedes-Benz S500 stopped in front of a club, Wei Bin accompanied Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao, and walked into the gate of the clubhouse in the name of Miss Welcome to Miss Yingbin.

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