When you come out, Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao will change!

"Li, this kind of words can't say it!"

"We are all senior experts in the ancient play, how can we do this ?!"

The netizens in the live broadcast also blow up the pot because of this sentence.

"I am going, no, I have to give two experts at this time?"

"Hey, I can do it very much, and the situation is not to put the pot? Long meet."

"This is a defamation, two experts should go to the court to tell him!"

"I think that Li always said, he must have evidence."

"Li always doesn't know if this is a defamation? If you know, he should not joking his reputation."

In the Tiabao Cultural Relics Identification Center, Li Feng shook his head: "If you don't drop the package, why do you have the difference in identification before and after?"

"What?" Sun Xingbo is a bit.

"You are not the first identification institution I found, I also found an appraisal institution in the" Lanting Collection "."

"The result of the carbon 14 measuring year is around 1600, and it is completely consistent with history. How did you become a modern craft?"

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao's cold sweat is flowing quickly.

They didn't expect Li Feng, have been identified by "Lanting Collection", which is a bit trouble.

"If this is true, then Li is not embarrassing."

"Lying in the trough, can you play this? Bunker, these two experts!"

"If Li always said is true, then these two experts will not only have a high reputation, but also have a prison!"

On the occasion of the Internet, Sun Xingbo bite his teeth: "Li, you must be cheated, the identification ability of our Tianbao Cultural Relics Identification Center is international first, will not be wrong."

Chen Junmao looked at Sun Xingbo, then he greened his teeth: "Yes, our identification will not be wrong, the fault must be the one you found in Miki."

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "So two is very sure my" Lanting Collection "is a fake?"

"OK, very sure!" Two people nodded.

Li Feng suddenly laughed: "Haha, in fact, I just opened a joke with two, I didn't find the identification institution in Mi, didn't you scare you?"

Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao's mouth is tensive, and then is overjoyed: "Nothing, how will we have a confidence in the identification capacity of the center!"

The pot is blown again in the live broadcast.

"Lying in the trough, can you play this? Li Chiang Niu force!"

"Li has just swindled them? It is a businessman, this small means playing."

Li Feng didn't say more, directly enter the topic: "Well, since the two said that my" Lanting Collection "is a fake, then take the fake."

"Things are put in my office safe, Li, I will come with me."

Sun Xingbao took the road in front of the head and took Li Feng to his office.

On the way, Li Feng's live broadcast continues, the number of online people in the live broadcast is also increasing, and at this moment, it has been coming to 10 million people.

On Weibo, the heat of this identification results also rose to the first place in hot search, and countless people in the country are focusing on this incident.

"Lee, you see, your things are put in this safe."

Sun Xingbo pointed at the huge safe in the corner of the office and laughed.

"You this security measures are general."

Li Feng took the way, found this problem, the office door is a normal wooden door, the door lock is not special, and the thief with a little craft can be easily opened.

The only thing is that this safe is the safe, but for some people who are grateful, as long as I can enter the office, I will not be impossible.

"Cough, Lee, you don't misunderstand, this is to know that you will take things today, I deliberately transfer things to here."

"Usually we store valuables, security rating is much higher than this."

Sun Xingbo said with a laugh.

"You just say that because it is a fake."

Li Feng shook his head smiled and said: "Open it."

"Hey, good!" Sun Xingbo has just turned on the safe, and suddenly stopped: "Li, you see if you take the lens elsewhere?"

For a while, he wants to enter a password, how can Li Feng take it?

"Also." Li Feng nodded, turned out: "Every space heard? Sun experts said that my" Lanting Collection "is a fake, now he will take the fake."

The live broadcast is still ridiculed: "The fake is not taken outside, you have such money, is it a modern craft?"

"According to Sun experts, the price is estimated that there is no more than 100 pieces. Li Total seconds will make it back, but also to do it?"

"100 pieces? You give me 100 pieces. I can give you five pairs!"

Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "The fake is also my thing, I can't lose here?"

Just when Li Feng interacted with the live network, Sun Xingbo took the dragon's bronze statue and "Lanting Collection" from the safe.

"Mr. Li, things are here, let's take a look." Sun Xingbo put something on the table and said.

Li Feng nodded, turned the lens, aligned the box, said: "Everyone saw it, this is something that Sun is coming out of the safe, I can do it."

In this way, Sun Xingbo, Chen Junmao has an unique premonition.

But where is it, they can't think of it.

"Come, I will take the lens to everyone."

Li Feng gave the mobile phone back camera to "Lanting Collection", said: "This is a fake product that Sun experts said."

"What's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

"Do you still want to say that Sun experts have fallen?"

Netizens in the live broadcast have been questioned.

"Sun experts, this is what I gave you" Lanting Collection ", right?"

Li Feng turned the camera to Sun Xingbo and asked.

Sun Xingbo's face change several times, and finally nodded: "Yes, this is what you give me" Lanting Collection "."

"Very good, evidence collection is successful."

Li Feng hit a referring to Wei Bin, who has not been there, said: "Old Wei, I asked you, during the" Lanting Collection "identification period, Sun, Chen two experts did?"

"They imitated a" Lanting Collection ", and put the" Lanting Collection "given by the boss, now put it in this box is the palate" Lanting Collection "." Wei Bin said.

When you come out, Sun, Chen two expert faces: "Your blood is sprayed!"

"There is no evidence, you don't want to say, I will tell you!"

Li Feng's mouth hooked a brids: "Old Wei, they ask you to evidence, you can't take evidence!"

"Yes, the boss!" Wei Bin quickly laughed, took out a USB flash drive from the upper pocket.

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