Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1345, the way of others also rule

"You hear it, Xiao Li said he won't ..."

Chen Li said that he was finished, and he asked in a horror: "What do you say?"

"I said, you ask me one will not agree." Li Feng said a word.

He is very arrogant, Chen Li, what do you think he will promise these unreasonable requirements? Just because they are the relatives of Song Yujun?

If it is Song Yujun's parents, Li Feng will consider it carefully, but they are just Song Yujun's big, and he will not consider it.

The president of Osville did not say, and it is currently Su Wei. Li Feng cannot let Su Wei will retreat for Zhang Ming.

As for 10% of profits ... Oh, how much is the 10% of profit? Astronomical numbers!

How can people be greedy to this extent?

Others don't have to say, Xu Man, Murong Xue is his woman, and people who dare to play two ideas are not good at the end. Li Feng is already very restrained in the face of Song Yujun.

Song Wen's face finally appeared a smile, and it was satisfied with the eyes of Li Feng.

Chen Qian's face is complicated, and I didn't say anything, because she also felt that the big sister's request is too much.

"Why don't you agree, we are a family!"

Chen Li's face could not understand.

"Auntie, a family, I said before, I have said the whole world is also a family. Is there any Huaxia people to run to me? I have to help me to promise him?"

Li Feng asked.

"It can't be more than, we are a real family."

Chen Li said a little anxious.

"Aunt, what you mean is ... 'The Chinese is a' this sentence is fake?" Li Feng continued to ask.

"I ..." Chen Li's stories.

"Xiao Li, are you don't afford it?" Zhang Hong faces, and asked coldly.

Li Fengbei picks: "Why is your uncle ask?"

"If you love the words, it should be done for her, isn't it?" Zhang Hong smiled and said: "At the beginning, I can say that it is a pot for chasing your aunt, it will give her."

"But what about you? We just mention a little small requirement, but it is just a nine cow, but you refuse, is this lovelite?"

Chen Li nodded, attached: "Yes, if you want to prove you, you will make action, you can't just say it."

"If you just say that you don't pay actual action, you don't really love the Junjun. If so, I don't think you have to pursue your own happiness."

"Yeah, I'm still 32 years old, I can't stand it." Zhang Hong sighed, and a pair is the same as Song Dynasty.

The words of the two people heard Song Yujun were straight.


Song Wen took the table and stood up and said: "The things with Xiao Li are both of them. I didn't say anything, what did you say?"

"Song Wen, you don't have a little bit ..." Chen Qian pulled him, whispered.

"Song Wen, what are you doing, I am her big, how can we say it?" Chen Li was not happy.

"I am a big monk, I am also qualified." Zhang Hong said, dissatisfied.

"I didn't say that you can't say, I mean that you can give your opinion privately?" Song Wen received anger, he didn't want Li Feng to read jokes.

"Is this kind of thing still need to sneak? We are all good luck." Chen Li smiled.

"Just, we are the elders of , can you still harm her?" Zhang Hong also smiled.

"You ... You are simply a strong word!" Song Wen gas has a red, and the feelings can't breathe.

The scared Chen Qian is busy shooting back: "The old Song, you said less, big sister, brother, you also said two sentences, the taste of the monarch makes her decision, we still don't have "

"What is her own thing, this is our whole family." Chen Li took a long shelf, and she said: "I don't care, if Li Feng doesn't take advantage of sincerity, I will not agree with him."

"I am also." Zhang Hong took a nod and attitude was very resolute.

"I ..." Song Yujun's stasis finally had to break out.

Li Feng quickly pulled her, and the sound said: "Don't talk, let me come."

This kind of thing is that he is in line, and the words of Song Yujun are not very good, after all, the two are elders in her nominal.

"Cough, can the two can listen to me?" Li Feng coughed and attracted the attention of everyone.

"You said, we are waiting to listen to your reply." Chen Li smiled.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Two said that we are a family, right?"

"Yes, you must be a family. If you are not a family, will we still sit here?" Chen Li smiled.

"It is definitely a family, there is no second possibility." Zhang Hong nodded.

"Since it is a family, is it to be accommodated? Asked.

Zhang Hong's wife did not understand Li Feng to say this sentence, so I don't know how to answer.

"If the two can't be included, then I don't have to help you, right?" Li Feng smiled.

"The affirmation must be included."

"If you don't include it is not a family."

Zhang Hong's wife wondered and said.

"Okay, there are two this sentence is enough." Li Feng nodded and no longer talk.

"Is this what you have to say?" Chen Li stunned: "What are our requirements?"

"Disagree, one does not agree." Li Feng shrugged: "But I can arrange the right position to give you a suitable position in accordance with your capabilities, and ensure that you are better than your current treatment."

"Still disagree?" Chen Li directly gave the words behind Li Feng, saying heroic: "I am a big man, how can you do this?"

Li Feng sighed: "I also have my difficulties. If you don't support me, I don't accept me, that is, I don't take me as a family."

"If you have a trouble with Song Song, then I didn't treat them as a family, since I am not a family, why do you want to promise your requirements?"

Chen Li: "???"

Zhang Hong: "???"

Not ... Why do you feel that they are wrapping by Li Feng?

"Say it, say good!" Song Wen smiled and took the slap.

Chen Qian did not say anything, his face is very gratified.

Just as Zhang Hong couple did not know how to make a measures, Zhang Ming, who has been silent, went to Li Peak: "Li Ge, I want to talk to you privately."

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