Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1350 I am not for you

Early the next morning, the 21-person professional team led by Li Feng took the bus to Beijing International Airport and sat on the A380 private plane.

"I went, the private plane of the boss was too heart-driven, with the palace!"

"Hey, this interior, simply bunker, I will not be greasy in this place!"

"It's over, I love this private plane, I will go to the whole side."

Luo Tianzheng and others have been on the plane, and I will come into the Grand View of Grand View. After visiting a circle, I came to the recreational room, and I have begun to sigh.

"Looking back? You are not coming back to the head. Do you know how much money?"

Wei Bin looted.

"Hey, look down on me?" Qiu Wei's neck, a face is unhappy.

"I am not targeting you, I said that I am a poor!" Wei Bin swept Lu Tianzheng and others and continued to laugh.

Luo Tianzheng is waiting for each other, then ...

"Lying, he dares to humiliate us?"

"Lying, against him?"

"The brothers still do it, play him!"

As Luo Tianzheng's big, eight elders are ready to make Wei Bin blossomed.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly walked into the entertainment room: "I heard you in the outside. How do you want to dismantle my plane?"

"No, how it is possible."

"That is, we love it that it is too late to never remove the plane."

At the same time, Luo Tianzheng et al. Takes out the rag from the pocket, and begins to wipe it everywhere.

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "Okay, this time I have to give me a low-key point. I have a big matter to do, whoever delays the right, and you think."

"We understand us understand, we will absolutely help the boss to make things drift."

Luo Tianzheng and others took the chest to ensure the chest.

"If you need, you will follow the ring. The flight attendant on the plane will come over, but I remind you that these flight sisters are good girls, you can't do anything to them."

"Of course, if you have this, I will catch them when I have a wife, I will not be opposed."

After the words were finished, Li Feng left the entertainment room.

Li Feng said this, Luo Tianzheng, naturally dared to do what kind of flight attendant.

As for the home to go home, be a wife ... huh, they have a spicy, do they find someone to go home, isn't it guilty?

After 12 hours of sailing, the A380 landed in LSJ International Airport.

The reason why the first stop is located in LSJ, and Li Feng is also known as the "mysterious woman" is shooting in LSJ. He will lead the professional team to observe and learn.

After landing, the HN shadow of the notified will pick up Li Feng's 21-person professional team, and the unit members take other vehicles to nearby hotels.

Along the way, Luo Tianzheng et al. Looked at the scenery outside the window, sighed: "It is said that Mo is more good, how do I feel that I haven't we happened?"

"Yeah, just say that the LSJ airport, compared to the airport, it is simply a sky, this road is not flat."

"The high-rise building next to it has not been on Beijing, the gap of the pearl."

"It is no wonder that people often say that they will be more patriotic, now I am deeply proud of myself!"

Fortunately, when they spoke, the HN shadow staff on the car will definitely not taste after listening to it.

The biochemical robot of the 11 kinds of fake dressed in the professional negotiations of Shengtang Entertainment is very silent, not can't talk, and the less they are now, the chance of revealing the flaws will be lower.

After an hour, the car team came to the "Mysterious Women" shooting place.

After all the people got off, they walked into the film under the leadership.

"Lanka Duo, you have just a little bit more, and you have to have a sense of strength."

"Okay, this, take one more."

"Jack, just now, your performance is not brave enough ... Yes, that's it, very good ..."

When I entered the film, Li Feng et al. Heard the guidance of the director.

"Lying, this is the place to shoot?"

"This big green cloth is , use this as the background is too ugly?"

"Hey, the white girl here is not bad!"

"I am going, this is a good head, watching it!"

Luo Tianzheng and others once again increasingly incorporated Liu Wei to the Great Vision Garden, all of them were so interest.

Of course, the last eyes are concentrated on Al Lan Duo.

I said before, Ail Lankon's body is comparable to supermodel, then put on the mysterious woman's battle suit, the visual impact is not mentioned, let Luo Tianzheng wait for him straight.

Everyone came to the director between the speech.

The director heard the whispering language behind him, it is a bit angry, and if you go back, you will be reprimanded.

But when he saw the leader of the leader, he suddenly scared a jump, and he said to stand up: "Boss, how have you come?"

At the beginning, he felt that Al Lan Duo was not suitable for the "mysterious woman", and the result caused Li Feng's dissatisfaction. He still remembers this.

Fortunately, he did not directly export and reprimand, or it was already big.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Well, I will come and see, you continue."

"Good boss." The director did not dare to ask, and continue to invest in work.

At the same time, Al Lan Duo also saw Li Feng. Under Xinxi, I had to say hello, but she thought she was still shooting, only smiled and nodded.

There is Li Feng, Luo Tianzheng, etc., just like his home, this poke that looks, it is easy.

Just when shooting, a young caucasian man walked into the film with flowers.

After I saw Li Feng, the white man was first glance, then surprise: "Oh, guy, are you Li Feng, right?"

Li Fengbei picks: "Yes, are you?"

"I am Hunter Bray, hello." Hunter walked to Li Peak, extended his right hand.

Li Feng smiled and held his handshake, looked at the flowers in his hand asked: "Let me guess, this flowers are to give Al Lan Duo, right?"

"Yes, old brothers, you are so smart." Hunt shrugged, then he doubtful: "Are you coming to the class?"

"Calculate it." Li Feng nodded.

Heng character nodded and suddenly reacted: "Don't tell me, you are also coming to the Allan Duo!"

Li Fengbei picks up, just deny that El Lan Duo that ended the drama rushed to Li Peak, a pretended his arm: "Honey, you can come to the class, I am very happy ~! "

Li Feng: "???"

Hunt: "???"

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

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