Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1358 Next time I will pay attention

At this moment, Beijing in Beijing is 8 am in the morning.

Headquarters of the Dragon Soul, I came to the office to start a new day.

Just when he looked at a confidential document, a black crack suddenly appeared in the room.

"This ... this is?!"

Stand up to the end of the world, and I am afraid to watch this black crack before you.

Half of half, Donald Cerat came from the black crack.

After the four eyes, the air in the room instantly solidified ...

"! Donald Salas ?!"

"To ... direction direction?!"

After half, the two shouted at the same time.

"Why are you here?!"

The two once again unhappy.

"Hey, this is my office, you said why I am here?"

I was laughed to the end, this Donald Castle is arrogant, and the break into his office does not say, dare to ask him why he is here.

The key is that this group is still unwinding!

"What ?!" Donald Salas once again, after carefully observing the environment around the next, he said weird: "No, I am still in HSD in the previous second."

"What?" It's also stunned to the horizon. I was still in HSD in the previous second. I came to Beijing next second?

Then he was laughed: "Donald Salas, how do you stand when I am stupid, HSD is away from these two thousand miles, you special a second to cross 20,000 miles?"

"No ... I really didn't lie." Donald Salas cried, then he became a slight change: "Ah, I think it is, I am doing you!"

Pick to the end of the world: "Do you ask the sky?"

Donald Salas quickly shook his head: "Ah, not to ask the sky, it is to save the Chinese people who ask God!"

To the ends: "???"

No ... I will ask the day for a while, and I will save people who want to ask God, so who Donald Cerat is said?

"It's a very handsome young person, he is very strong, it is the strongest strongman I have ever seen ..."

The current Donald Celas will introduce things over again.

"After I was in my life, he said that I have to bring me to China, then say 'you go." I came here. "

Hearing here, the face of the world is even more weird: "So you are sent here?"

"It is definitely him, will not be wrong." Donald Salas is the color of the mountain: "Let me cross over 20,000 miles away, I didn't expect him to be strong, super It is a big unfortunate! "

I spit out of the horizon: "I know who you are saying ... I didn't expect this kid to be strong ..."

After Shen Ziyan, Li Feng is to give it to the end. Since Li Feng went to the rice country, then combined with Donald Celas, he guessed that Li Feng did not do.


Migra, HSD, Super Branch Headquarters.

"... empty ... empty space transfer?" Mo as he was shocked.

Lying in the trough, will such a hanging skill Li Feng also? Too special enchanting!

"Okay, now it is not shocking, I will take you out and save other members." Li Feng smiled slightly, and he walked out of the interrogation room.

After coming to the door, Li Feng discovered that the door stained ...

"That ... The key is like Donald Cerat."

"This room is created by a one-meter-thick alloy, even if the SSS level wants to wear it, it takes a lot of time."

"According to Donald Salas, when attacking this wall, the alarm will inverse the superior headquarters."

Mo I asked the sky.

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Why don't you say it early?"

Mo asked the sky and turned over white: "You have not given me the opportunity to talk, I will not open it."

Li Fengbei picks: "Are you blame me?"

"Nothing, how can you, you are my savior." Mo I smiled.

Although he is not afraid of death, why do you have a chance to stand? I didn't have this iron method!

"If you still have a good idea."

Li Feng nodded, then looked at the wall in front of him, touched the chin: "The rigid seam, even if you can't see where the door is, I can go out at any time, but with a tilted bottle must open the door. Row."

"That ... said that I have been tilting the oil bottle, and how about my boss before." Mo asked the day to remind him.

Li Feng reacted: "Oh ... I have a time, I said, I will pay attention to it next time."

Mo I: "..."

It is, he is understood, Li Feng is intentional!

"System, can you open this door?"

Li Feng didn't want to be discovered by the Superman now, so give up the choice of direct violence against the wall.

"10000 System Points." The system's answer is very simply.

"Yes." Li Peng nodded and buckled in addition to 10000 system points.

Next moment ...

"Drip" sounds, there is a door on the white wall to open it out.

Mo I heaven: "Is someone coming in ?!"

"No one, I am using it." Li Feng said secretly.

Mo I: "... I have no culture, but you can't lie to me so!"

What is the idea of ​​opening the door, what is the security system of the super bureau!

"Letter do not believe in you." Li Feng shrugged and took this interrogation room with Mo.

After coming out of the interrogation room, I asked that the genius found that Li Feng's face has become Donald Selas, even the hairstyle and the thick circle of arms are generally none of Donald Salas.

At this time, the patrol personnel of two super game came.

Seeing Li Feng's instant, the two immediately stopped, salute: "Mr. Church!"

"Well, you work very serious, continue to patrol." Li Feng nodded and said with Donald Cerat.

"Yes, the deputy director!"

Two patrol people are mentally shaking and continue to patrol.

Mo I secretly secretly gave the thumbs up to Li Feng.

This camouflage ability, too strong, the fidelity of the dragon soul doesn't have this level!

Li Feng turned his head and saw Mo asked the sky and smiled. "Give me the old man, don't slowly swallow!"

"Cut." Mo asked that he turned over white eyes, still a slow look.

Li Fengbei picks up, walking to the sky, after the feet, then take it directly, I will have a little.

"I am special ..." Mo I asked Tian turned to Gay Li Feng.

"Who is it? I don't accept it? You two, bring me the dragon soul!"

Li Feng suddenly pressed the two patrol people, ordered the order.

"What do you want to do, I will warn you not to mess!" Mo asked the sky.

As soon as I listen to this, the patrol personnel understand that the deputy director must use the life threat of other members of the Dragon Soul.

When the two people will lead, soon, the other 10 members of the dragon soul will be given here.

At this moment, Mo asked that the day is completely uniform!

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