Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1371 Murder

Lying in the trough, they didn't listen to the wrong, this brilliant people want to send them into prisons, but also shoot them?

He thought who he is, what qualifications he say?

"Wait ... you ... you?"

Old Jack suddenly felt that Li Feng had something familiar, but I couldn't you see him for a while.

"Dad, do you know him?" Jack asked.

"It's a bit more familiar ..." Old Jack stared at Li Feng for a while, and then suddenly realized the way: "I know, you are Li Feng and the wind team Li Feng!"

"Li Feng ?!"

Jack and others are directly ignorant, and then the eyes are.

To say, who is now the highest popular star in NBA, in addition to Qiaoyi, it is Li Feng, Jack and others have not only listened, but also read more than one competition.

It's just that the skin is different, so it is difficult for them to remember Li Feng's long-term phase, just like Huaxia people, unless it is really familiar, it is the same.

Especially Li Feng did not wear jerseys, the lights in the nightclub were more dim, Jack and others did not recognize Li Feng normally.

Until the old Jack reminded that they recognized Li Feng.

"Ou Dao, I just took a gun to point my idol? The death, I really want a shot to collapse myself!"

" , why didn't I recognize that he is Li Feng, if my friend knows that I used a gun, they will definitely play me!"

Several people who took a gun pointing at Li Feng began to regret.

The power of idols is very large, some people don't even have self-disabled for their own idols.

So when they found that people who took guns were their own idols, they would like to know.

Li Fengbei picks up, only feels good luck and funny.

What they did is to help the abuse, is it not what their idols can take a gun? absurd!

"Mr. Li, did not expect Jack to conflict with you, this is really very regrettable."

"But I listened to Jack's meaning, it is to hurt them in the first, this matter is half responsibility."

"I can't see this, I let Jack will apologize to you, let's have a manual speech, how?"

Old Jack is a guest, knowing that a conflict with a celebrity will have a bad impact on his positive career, so we want to resolve this matter.

"When they walked over and took a shot, I didn't have a reminder."

"Hunt, catch people."

Li Feng is too lazy to waste time, directly to Hunter Bray directly.

Hunter Barley nodded, played a tactical gesture, his team member should control Jack et al.

At this time, a fire alarm suddenly sounded in the nightclub.

Originally, the lively nightclub suddenly became the soldiers and horses, and the customers in the store rushed out of the trip.

"What is the situation, a fire?"

"No, why didn't I smell?"

"Let's run?"

The workmanship is a bit panic.

But Li Feng is still sitting firmly, and they are not good if they are not good.

El Lanka's consciousness squeezed to Li Feng, this time, she only wants to feel relieved in Li Feng.

After the body, Xiao Luya felt threats from El Lankau, but her identity was very embarrassed. At present, I only watched El Lanko crowded in Li Feng.

"Don't worry, it's not a fire, it's not, you can wait for someone to go out and then go, now it is easy to step on the accident."

Li Feng didn't look back, I knew that the situation was not so simple, and quickly reminded.

His voice is like what magical, let those fluttering films are like a needle, and they will not panic.

Opposite, Jack and others don't know what happened, I want to run and I don't dare to run, because at this time they are afraid, Avibi is more straightforward.

A few minutes later, the customers in the nightclub ran out of half, then Li Feng said: "Okay, I want to go."

At this time, the film staff will start to run away from the outside, including the director of "Mysterious Women".

Alone alone is sitting around Li Feng, there is no intention to leave.

"Why don't you go?" Li Feng turned his head and looked at Al Lan Duo and asked with a smile.

"Intuition tells me that it is the safest around you." Al Lan Du said.

Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles nodded.

When the staff worked out, only Li Feng with his professional team, Avibi, and Jack and others.

"There is less, it is more convenient to do."

Hunter Bray is a smile, you must go to the people.

Just then, a white middle-aged man wearing a black windbreaker, a middle-aged man wearing a round hat came over.

"Hey ?!"

Kevin first is a glimpse, then it is a happy.

Old Kevin nodded and walked to them to stand up, Shen Sheng: "I advise you to consider this consequence."

Hunter Brightbrembles picks: "Do you know why?"

"Of course, I saw a clear two in the surveillance room." Old Kevin took place here to patrol, heard the monitoring room after hearing the report, and watched the conflict between the two parties.

If he knows that his identity is more sensitive, I have long jumped out of the first time to help my son.

"Then what do you think I will do?" Hunt Bray asked.


The voice falls, and a breath that belongs to the S +-level power broke out in Lao Kaiwen.

The moment of this breath, let Afbibi have faced the face, they feel that they are not alone, but a prehistoric beast, which makes them feel a strong life and death crisis.

Old Jack and others know that the old Kevin is the S +-level military power, so the reaction is not so strong.

However, Old Jack is still what is not to solve the old Kevin: "Old man, what do you want to do?"

"Killing the mouth." The old Kemin Head didn't return.

"What ?!" Old Jack was shocked: "Don't use this."

Killing Evbi Ai Ke is a big sin, and the matter will be shot once it is exposed.

"They are obviously to send Jack, Kevin all in prison, now only killing a road."

"Don't worry, I have all closed, and then let them get the fire here, and then combined with the previous fire alerts, those customers who run out will testimary."

Old Kevin is HSD boss, this kind of thing is going to do, very experience.

Hearing this, old Jack nodded: "This method sounds good."

He is also very unhappy.

"Yes, just do it, let them come again!"

"Hey, you are my forever idol, I support you!"

"Haha, Huaxia, now you are very regretted with us?"

"Killing and killing, I have long wanted to kill him!"

Jack four people directly fall into the madness, excitement.

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