Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1373 Hallow

A group of people standing in the original place before, suddenly squatting on the ground, this scene directly shocked Al Lan Duo, and also shocked a member of Afibi.

As for the old Kevin, who was embressed, there was a stormy waves!

"This is dead, who is you ?!"

Old Kevin used the whole body and looked up and looked at Li Feng asked.

He is a s +-level powerful, Li Feng is just a wave of embarrassment, what kind of realm is it? Is the SS-level don't necessarily do it? !

"Hey, I can't move, save me."

"The death, why I feel that there is a mountain pressure on myself!"

"Oh, I can't move, I must be dreaming!"

Jack, Kevin and others are still in the first time, they are frightened, and the Toyima is thrilling.

"I am a frenzy, don't you know?" Li Feng smiled.

Aier Lanko's mouth is a push: "The wind is famous for the name ..."

Li Feng retired a game, it became a venue of the wind? Hello, say this again.

But then, the performance of Li Feng's holiday is already shocked, saying that the wind is not very dense.

"I am wrong, I shouldn't threaten you, please let us let us go, I am willing to pay any price."

Where is the old Kemin who can't hear Li Feng?

Don't take Li Feng is not a venom of the wind. If you press him, he will give him a place. He has to recognize it.

Li Feng laughed: "Any price, including death?"

Old Kemin's color is slightly changed: "I don't want to die, I am willing to give money to women, as long as I have something, you can just ask us, as long as you let go."

While talking, he keeps old Jack on the side makes it.

At this time, the more people are better, the better, can't just pay the price.

"For the right, big, I still have some money, I am willing to give you money, please let us go."

Old Jack is an old fox, knowing that you will stay in Qingshan in the truth of the firewood.

"Oh ... but I don't miss the money, nor lack of women ..."

Li Feng shook his head smiled and then said to Hunt Brey: "You take people first."

Since I promised to help Xiao La, I have to solve trouble, then he has to make things clean.

Although Hunt Brey is his slave, but other Avibi is uncontrollable. The next thing he has to do is certainly not convenient to let them see.

Hunt Bray did not hesitate, immediately took people out of the nightclub.

"Al, you will go out first."

Li Feng turned his head to Aier Lankon.

"Ah? Can I stay here?" Al Lan Duo, I want to know what Li Feng is going to do.

"Don't stay here or not stay here."

After that Li Feng, Li Feng, made a look, Wei Bin second, I came here: "Miss Ail, this is too bored, I will take you out to blow the blow."

They all said this, and Al Lan Du must not leave again, only standing with the body, and walking away with Wei Bin.

Xiao Lingyatt is like eating root ice cream like Sanda Time.

At the end of the root, Li Feng or did not trust El Lankau, from this point, she still has an advantage.

After all the people who have nothing to do, Li Feng screamed Xiao Lingya to sit by him.

Xiao Lingya is happy, and it is ashamed to sit down to Li Feng.

"How do you plan to pack them?" Li Feng held Xiao Lingya in one hand, and he asked.

Xiao La is first, then the voice said: "You do decide, I listen to you."

While talking, she is still tight to Li Peak.

Li Feng shook his head: "No, they are your enemy, naturally, you have said, it doesn't matter, you can rest assured that as long as you say, I will help you."

At this moment, Li Feng is like a good man who is a pet girlfriend. If there is any other woman here, it will be envious.

However, Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a misty water. This Xiao Lingya is not almost wearing a hat. It is exhibited by the Zong Master. How is it going to a piece with a host hook?

Heroes are sad?


Xiao Lingya has some feelings that Li Feng's intention, and some are hesitant.

Li Fengbei picks up, slightly mocked: "Xiao Lingya, you are not an indecisive person."

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, then biting his teeth: "I want them to die!"

She was worried that Li Feng was to judge her character, for people or speaking, but she was carefully, she didn't stay in Li Feng, did not leave anything, and there was nothing.

I said that I have false, and I will deepen Li Feng's impression on her green tea.

Li Fengnan nodded: "This is right, do yourself, don't act in front of me."

It is a shortcoming of the enemy, but the opposite is the disadvantage of the enemy, so he doesn't mind Xiao Lingya to let these people die.

"Xiao, we are wrong, we should not be like you, please don't let Li Mr. Kill us, I beg you."

"Xiao, don't you want to integrate our circle? From now, you are the big sister of our circle, we all listen to you!"

"Yes, we are willing to treat you as a princess, don't kill us, ok?"

"Xiao, I give you money, a lot of money, 100 million US dollars, okay?"

Jack four people come together.

"What do you know so?" Xiao Ling Yawei is a silk, mocked: "When you give me medicine, I will not hate you."

"No, it is misunderstanding, misunderstanding ... ah!"

Jack has not finished, suddenly a true gas came from before, directly penetrating his Tianling cover, bringing a plaque.

After a sharp call, Jack died.

John, Kevin, David three people directly scared!

"I will give you $ 1 billion! Don't kill us!"

Old Kevin knows that he can't resist, and even the most of his own people said.

"I said, I am not lacking." Li Feng shook his head smile, even points, Kevin, John, David directly by the head.

"The damn Huaxia scorpion, I will not let you go!"

Old Kevin directly caught in an epicenter.

"Okay, I am waiting for you to come to me."

Li Feng shook his head smile, but also a point out, old Kaiwen dead.

"Ok, let you give you the next."

Li Feng waved, Luo Tianzheng et al. Smiled, and he took me to make the remaining people.

After finishing these, Li Feng put the fire in the store, led everyone to go out of the nightclub.

"Mr. Li, is it going to work?"

Hunt Bray asked.

"Well, the fire is too big, we didn't extinguish it."

Li Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Mr. Li doesn't but, no one wants to have such a thing, try his best."

"Given the efforts of Mr. Li's effort, I will recommend Mr. Li to Mr. Li."

Hunter Brea is comfortable.

Ail Lankon: "???"

Avibiali member: "???"

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