Save the Goddess System

Chapter 1375 is a selfless brother

"It's over, I can feel that he has been acede to the principal."

"Mr. Dong Gui and Wolf ..."

"There is also a farmer and snake ..."

"Hey, this year is not a good person, good people are not good."

Luo Tianzheng et al. Learned a lot of information from Mo Sheng's expression, and it began to ridicule.

"The god is a farmer and snake, I am shocked!"

Mo I asked the sky, I looked at Li Feng asked: "Are you really a Jiujing Zongzong?"

"If a fake package is changed." Li Feng shrugged.

"Who is they?"

Mo I asked Tianzheng and others asked.

"Nine nine old ages of Jiuyuan."

"The big old old Luo Tianzheng, the peak of half the gods."

"Two elders Liang Yuxin, half-god peak strong."

With the introduction of Li Feng, Luo Tianzheng and others stood up and went to Hold the box.

When Li Feng introduced the last nine elders, Booklin was introduced, Mo asked that the heavenly members of the Dragon Soul have all fallen.

Nine Hanzong nine old, all are the top of the peak, what is the concept?

If you count the Li Feng, do you have a strength in the world? !

"This information is too big, you make me slowly, let me slowly."

I asked that heaven is weak, and it is even more shocked, and even the station is unstable. When you sit on the sofa, you will have your brain.

The situation of other dragon souls is almost the same, all in the clouds of this information, the station must stand unstable.

Just at this time, knocking on the door.

Li Fengbei picks up, make a gesture, then said: "Remember that I tell you that the camouflage is not shown."

The voice is falling, Li Feng came to the door to see the cat in front of the cat, and found a hotel staff outside the door.

Then Li Feng also swept it with a perspective, and then found a few sides of the door to stand a few deep-shaped big men in blue uniforms.

"Who is so late, I'm still knocking?"

Li Feng is deeply sucking, pretending dissatisfaction.

"Mr., the hotel system shows the problem of your room's fire alarm system, for your safety, please open the door, I will check it."

The staff at the door said.

Li Fengbei picks: "Is it only to check the fire alarm system? I thought you were to check the water meter."

This tear is only a member of the dragon soul, and even Luo Tianzheng is waiting for a foggy, not more hotel staff.

"Our hotel's rooms have no water meters, Mr." "Hotel staff will reply.

"Well, okay, although I don't think, but you are so conscientious, I am still very pleased."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng opens the door.

Next moment, the big man in both sides of the door rushed over, took the gun to aimed Li Feng: "Do not move, raise your hands!"

"Hey, a thief is a thief." Li Feng cooperated with the handle of half, and said: "Who are you? Why do you want to take a gun?"

"We are a super bureau, and now I doubt that you are related to criminal criminals, please ask us to help investigate."

One of the bald a big man took out a document swaying in front of Li Feng, and the cold voice said.

Li Feng suddenly risen: "Man, what did you get wrong? I just arrived today, I have been with my friends."

Originally he felt that these people were looking for the door to being blown up with the superior bureau, but the strength of these people did not even reach the A, the super bureau won't stupid these people to send death.

Is these people come to him not for this?

"You can rest assured that if you prove, you haven't done anything, we will send you back."

The bald head is collected, and the cold voice said.

"Head, those Chinese people are in this."

At this time, the other face has a tattooed big man to see Luo Tianzheng and others in the house, report.

The head of the head is nodded: "You have stood in the door, hurry!"

Luo Tianzheng is waiting to face each other.

Lying in the trough, a B-class small guy, dare to speak for them? The country is really a magical country.

"Xiete, are you a deaf? Stupid Chinese people!"

Light heads, see Luo Tianzheng and others stand, immediately anger.

"Hey, are you in racial discrimination, understand?"

Li Feng put his hand and said gloomy.

The bald big man was originally shouted to perform the task because of the middle of the night, and met the Li Feng and others who were unbelievable. It was directly to be done directly: "Jimmy, Murray, give me a little!"

With his order, the remaining super bureau members took out the handcuffs and prepared to put Li Feng and others.

Just then, Li Feng suddenly said: "I am friends with Hunt Brey, do you know Hunt Bre?"

The bald big man is first glimpse, followed by a slight change: "Hunt Bray? Some familiar ..."

Li Feng shrugged: "His father's name should be more familiar."

The light head of the big Chinese is slightly changed: "What is his father?"

Li Feng laughed, and said: "Kevin Bray"

The bald man is a shock, and it is shocked: "Kai ... Kevin Deputy Director ?!"

Other super bureau members are also shocked, and they don't dare to move in place for it.

The five giants of the super bureau, any one is not their little role can be provoked.

If Li Feng is really a friend of Kevin, then their actions are extremely stupid!

"I know that you don't believe, so I can call Huntech, let him come over."

Li Feng took out the phone.

"This ..." The big man of the bald head is a little hesitant.

"Reassured, Hunt is very big, will not be angry with you because of this kind of thing, you are also working."

Li Feng saw the worry of the bald, and his speech was comfortable.

"Okay, thank you." The head of the big man is grateful, and he is almost the end of the head.

Luo Tianzheng et al.: "???"

Mo asked Tian et al .: "???"

Nima, who had just fierce the gods to give them a person who handcuffed them, and suddenly nodded to Li Feng ... I was too much in Nima!

"Hey, Hunter, I have come to a few super bureau ... Well, come over and help me explain it."

Li Feng hangs up the phone, saying to the bald head: "Hunt took a little time, it is better to enter my room, let's drink some wine waiting for him?"

"This ... is convenient?" The big man asked in the big man.

"It's all my brothers, what is inconvenient, please come." Li Feng let the open position.

"Is it really ok?" There was some entangled in the big man.

"Is there anything wrong, I have said that we are your own brothers, come in."

Li Feng took a head of the bald and took him into the room.

Hotel staff has completely read!

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